Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Automotive crash detection and airbag deployment using MEMS accelerometer1

This paper aims to have a brief study on the operation of an airbag deployment system using different sensors. Automobile airbag has gained acceptance over the years as an effective measure to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with motor vehicle accidents, as such more vehicles have become equipped with them.As noble as the idea sounds new problems have been encountered with the deployment system and its relative sensors which have led to the following injuries retinal damage caus...

Effect of Phosphorus fertilizer on growth and yield of cowpea-Copy-Copy

TABLE OF CONTENT:       i.      Acknowledgement --------------------------------------------------------------- 3     ii.      Abstract ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4         iii.      Objective---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4     iv.      Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5         v.     ...

Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Properties of Lavandula angustifolia

Abstract: This present study deals with the quantitative and qualitative phytochemical  screening, the antimicrobial properties and thin layer chromatography of Lavandula angustifolia leaves extracts. These were achieved using the cold maceration method of  extraction involving hexane, water (aqueous) and ethanol, to ensure that a wide polarity  range of components are extracted. Alkaloid, phenol, flavonoids, tannins, terpenes,  glycosides and steroids were observed present in the leaves ...

Quantum chemical calculations on SiF4 and it's protonated analogues

Abstract: For every heteronuclear molecule, protonation can occur at more than one site  thus giving rise to more than one proton affinity. Experimentally, only one proton affinity  (PA) value is reported for a molecule and the experiment does not specify the site for the  protonation. In the present work, quantum chemical calculations are carried out on SiF4 and  its possible protonated analogues (HF4Si+ and HSiF4 + ) by employing several computational  chemistry methods including the M...


1.0 INTRODUCTION Library Committees play a critical role in the development of academic libraries. It is, therefore, a standard practice for every academic library to have a Library Committee. These Committees are expected to be functional and vibrant thus performing advisory, regulatory, selection and de-selection, policy-formulating, and other decision-making roles. The Committees should have the powers to take far-reaching decisions regarding the development of the Academic Libraries. In ...

The Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH): building for the future

SEGH has been a welcoming society for early career researchers (ECRs) over the years, providing a supportive and encouraging atmosphere at conferences. However, a formal structure was required to continue to engage and support ECRs as they become established in their careers. In addition, retention and recognition of experienced scientists and practitioners were required for past and ongoing contributions to the long-standing success of SEGH since the initial formation in the early 1...

Comparative Study on the Influence of Grilling Height on the Concentration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) and Some Toxic Metals in Grilled Foods

Abstract: A comparative study was carried out on the effect of grilling height on the extent of accumulation of the 16 US EPA priority PAHs and some volatile (As and Hg) and non-volatile (Mn, Cu, Pb, Cr, Cd and Ni) heavy metals in two kinds of roasted foods; yam (Dioscorea Rotundata ) and plantain (Musa Paradisiaca) commonly consumed in Nigeria. Yam and two variants of plantain (unripe and ripe) were considered for this study. Two grilling heights (10 cm and 20 cm) were employed on each of th...

Impact of Cooking Methods on the Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Chicken Meat

Abstract: This study investigated the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the different cooking methods of chicken. The levels of 16 PAHs compound were determined in raw and cooked chicken meats. The chicken was cooked with different methods, i.e. boiling, frying, barbequing and roasting. The uncooked sample served as the reference. With the aid of the 16 PAHs reference standards, the levels of the PAHs were determined using gas chromatography - flame ionization detector (...

Assessment of Surface Water Contamination and Effect of Textile Effluents on Ibeshe River, Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT An increased concern in recent times has been the effect of industrial effluent discharge into the water bodies. Surface water samples of Ibeshe River were studied to find out the pollution load of wastewater generated from the textile industry and its impact on the quality of the receiving river. Water samples were collected at four (4) different points for each of the three (3) steam divisions (the upstream, the midstream and the downstream) bimonthly within one year; 3 months rep...

Impact of Textile Wastewater on Whole Plants of Corchorous olitorius, Telfairia occidentalis, Celosia argentea and Amaranthus hybridus Cultivated within Farmlands in Ibeshe, Ikorodu, Lagos St

Abstract Soil contamination with heavy metal due to discharge of untreated or incompletely treated industrial effluent is a threat to the ecosystem and human well-being. The effect of textile waste effluent on four vegetable plants (Corchorous olitorius, Telfairia occidentalis, Celosia argentea and Amaranthus hybridus) cultivated within farmlands located along the Abuja River in Ibeshe town near Ikorodu, Lagos State was investigated. Their heavy metal levels were determined using atomic abso...


combining RSA and Vigenère Cryptographic Algorithms to Encrypt and Decrypt Data


Abstract This paper attempts to evaluate the application of randomized complete block design (RCBD) model in improving crop production. Data for the study was sourced from an experiment that lasted for three weeks. The data were analyzed using SPSS package. After exploring the concept of the RCBD technique, the response of the soil nutrient to the treatment of the various manure types revealed that, there was a significant difference on crop yield with respect to the type of manure tre...


Abstract The current fertility rate(FR) reporting in developing and under developed countries of the globe has drawn the attention of national and demographic planners in seeking for solution to reduce the population growth and its attendant global consequences. It is in this light that this study seeks to determine some significant demographic characterization responsible for influencing fertility behavior and differentials. Using a random sample of 570 mothers both from a rural and urban e...

A Study on Application of Acceptance Sampling Plan in Processing Control and Monitoring

Abstract This study examined the use of acceptance sampling technique as an efficient tool for quality assurance in deciding whether a given lot of product is to be accepted or rejected in the market. This study designed two single sampling plans with a sample size of 125 from a lot of size 1350 bread loaves and an allowable number of defectives as 4 and 6 (i.e. c=4 and 6). The result indicated that the probability of rejecting the manufacturers’ product of good quality by the consumers is...


                                                                              ABSTRACT Mushroom has been an important food to man for millennia. Several species of Pleurotus has been cultivated successfully on different substrates including Palm bunch, Saw dust and Corn cob. Pleurotus pulmonarius has also been cultivated but there is a gap in knowledge as to the effect of different substrates on the phenotypic, nutritional, phytochemical and antioxidant ...

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