Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Production Method For Some Insect based Food For Local Consumption In Ondo State Nigeria

Based on the fact that insects are highly nutritional exciting materials with no doubt as future prospects of being included in consumer’s common diet in various countries in the world, they are vital resource proven with varied nutritional aspects and rich in dietary symbolism for daily nutritional healthiness. Due to high cost and shortage in food availability, it was considered to design a local production method for the available in our local community to provide for unmarketable produc...

Physic chemistry And Littoral Macro invertebrate Of Umoni River In Delta State Nigeria

Water use for various human activities is a very high prevalent and demanding pursuit in the world. Many rustic Nigerians fetch and consume waters without proper scrutiny. The study was directed at estimating the physic-chemistry of water and macro benthic invertebrate diversity of Umoni River. Macro benthic invertebrates were obtained using kick sampling techniques while water samples were detailed using standard methods of analysis. Results disclose that Annelida, Ephemeroptera and Coleopte...

Investigating Manure Potentials On Zooplankton Performances And Water Quality In Concrete Pond Culture

An inquiry on the blatant effectiveness of manure on zooplanktons and water quality in a concrete pond culture was reviewed within durations of twelve weeks. Zooplanktons were obtained using scooping net and water sample analysisdetermined using standard techniques. Result revealed a higher culture of zooplanktons using poultry manure than those from cow dungs: 10 zooplankton species belonging to Rotifera, Cladocera and Crustacea was recorded with Brachionuscalyciflorusand Brachionusleydigi, ...

Disease Diagnostic Techniques Of Contemporary Times In Nigeria

Diagnosis of parasitic diseases are globally important requisite to realization of wholesome treatment of ailment and reduction in resultant morbidities and mortalities. Parasitic diseases are however hyper- and hypo-prevalent in Nigerian populace often due to socioeconomics factors and ranges of little or no sequels. Low mortality from parasitic infection is due to alternative medication other than successful diagnosis as observed. Subsidizing cost of affording diagnosis, erection of governm...

Study On The Performance Of Clarias Gariepinus Fed With Local Integrated Fish Feed

A study on the performance of Clarias gariepinus (fingerlings) fed with integrated fish meal as diet with two various level of formulations was carried out. The feed trial was for 77 days to compare the length-weight gain of fish reared with commercial diets and those reared with 50% and 100% integrated fish meal respectively, the control group were fish fed with commercially procured feed with no integration. The fishes were fed twice on day-to-day basis at 5% body weight for the experimenta...

Review on Application of Enzymes in fruit juice processing

Enzymes are organic catalyst that alters the rate of biological reactions. The application of enzymes to industries has been one of the emerging prospects in the science world in other to optimize production. This paper aims to give an overview of the possible application of different enzymes to fruit juice production to enhance yield and minimize cost.  

Review on the Application of Biotechnology in Garri production in Nigeria

Biotechnology presents a promising potential for food biosecurity, healthcare, and bioremediation. Gari is a widely consumed staple diet in Nigeria and it is imperative to study how its quantity and nutritional value can be enhanced using biotechnologies. This paper provides a short but concise overview of the possible applications of biotechnological techniques to enhance the productivity of Nigerian most consumed staple diet- Gari for the sustenance of her economy.


Considering the topic “Awareness against rape, child trafficking and domestic violence” the modern technology would played a huge role of creating a great awareness to safe guard our loved ones from this monstrous disease that is afflicting almost every family in the world. This project work is mainly to create awareness against rape, child trafficking and domestic violence and also to give an overview of how these is affecting everyday life of the people and the negative and psychologica...


Abstracts Evaluation of anthropogenically enhanced naturally occurring radionuclides 238U, 232Th and 40K present in Lagos beach sediment (Eleko and Elegushi) were analyzed with gamma ray spectrometer using a highly shielded NaI (TI) detector with the objective of evaluating the environmental radiological hazard. Mineralogical analysis and characterization was also carried out using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. Heavy metals such as Pb, C...

Public perception of the magnitude, causes, effects, solution to smoke pollution in Nassarawa Kano metropolis, Nigeria

Publc perception of the magnitude,  causes, effects, and solution to smoke pollution in Nassarawa Kano metropolis. 


  ABSTRACT Aeromagnetic data over some part of the Chad Basin, Nigeria was analyzed. The aeromagnetic anomaly map, its qualitative and quantitative interpretation helped in identifying the nature and depth of the magnetic sources in the study region. The regional-residual separation was performed with a first order polynomial using oasis montaj software. The residual data obtained was contoured into 3-D maps and this revealed two prominent magnetic anomaly source intensities; the low freque...


Abstract: A solar cell or photovoltaic is a device  which directly converts photon or solar light or sunlight into electricity. Radiation (Light shining) on the solar cell produces both a current and a voltage which create  electric power in most solar panel. This process requires a Material Medium in which the absorption of photon raises an electron to a higher energy state, and the motion of this excited energy electron from the solar cell into an external circuit. The electron then dissi...


ABSTRACT   Roadside soil samples were obtained from Eka Street, Oron Road, Ikot Ekpene Road and Nwaniba Road within Uyo metropolis, Akwa Ibom State. Roadside soils were also obtained from Uwana Lane and used as Control. These samples and Control were analysed for the concentration of Cadmium (Cd), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn) and Iron using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) unicam 939 model. Results obtained indicated the following mean concentration (mg/kg) for metals in roadsi...

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