Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics


Abstract— Raw Azdirachta indica seed oil is gradually adopted by local farmers as a protector of stored grains and legumes against the common insects, but with some reservations on its safety. The study investigated the safety A. indica on mammalian objects using haematological and antioxidant indices. A. indica seed was obtained from the trees in the same location in Utu Ikot Ukpong, Essien Udim Local Government Area, Nigeria. The Albino rats were  obtained from the Animal House of Bioch...

Evaluation of safety of Azdirachta indica seed oil on Albino rat through haematological and some antioxidants by the rotatable central composite design (RCCD) of the response surface methodo

Abstract— Raw Azdirachta indica seed oil is gradually adopted by local farmers as a protector of stored grains and legumes against the common insects, but with some reservations on its safety. The study investigated the safety A. indica on mammalian objects using haematological and antioxidant indices. A. indica seed was obtained from the trees in the same location in Utu Ikot Ukpong, Essien Udim Local Government Area, Nigeria. The Albino rats were  obtained from the Animal House of Bioch...

Rheological Properties of Gums Extracted from Detarium microcarpum and Colocasia esculenta in Comparism with a Standard: Gum Arabic

AbstractGums were extracted and purified from Colocasia esculenta and Detarium microcarpum.Rheological properties ofthese gums in comparism with a standard,Gum Arabic were determined.Result showed that gums from D.microcarpum(0.0113cps) and C.esculenta (0.0110cps) exhibited Newtonian characteristics and had higher apparent viscosity than GumArabic (0.0109cps).These gums exhibited shear thickening characteristics when apparent viscosity was plotted against shearrate.Density values for extracte...

Nutritional Quality of Wheat Biscuits Fortified with Soybean and Bambara Groundnut Flours.

AbstractNutritional quality and hematological indices of rats fed biscuits made from wheat flour fortified with casein,soybean and Bambara groundnut flours were investigated. Wheat flour (WF) was blended in each case with cooked,blanched and cooked/blanched soybean (SF) and Bambara groundnut (BGF) flours in the ratios of 70:30 (WF:SF) and 70:30(WF:BGF), respectively and used for the production of short soft dough biscuits. The resulting biscuit flours were used forthe formulation of test diet...

Methods of processing of some under-utilized yam and cocoyam tuber varieties: Effect on carotenoid content

Identification and quantification of carotenoids from yam and cocoyam were evaluated after different processing methods. Seven carotenoids were identified by HPLC-DAD both in the raw and processed tubers. The mean carotenoids in yam, D. cayenensis was α-carotene (0.78 µg/g), 9-cis-β-carotene (0.71 µg/g), all-trans-β-carotene (1.28 µ g/g); in D. bulbifera was lutein (1.53 µg/g), 9-cis-β-carotene (0.39 µg/g), all-trans-β-carotene (0.19 µg/g). Cocoyam, X. maffa (Scoth) had lutein (0.9...

In vitro Inhibition of Fusarium by Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB): Implication of Yam Disease Control for Economic Growth in Nigeria

Yam is an important crop in Nigeria, where it is produced both as food and cash crop. Fusariumrots of yam are among the most important postharvest pathogens of yam worldwide, causing a lotof postharvest losses in stored yam tubers. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) lower the pH and create anenvironment that is unfavorable to pathogens and spoilage organisms. In vitro inhibition offusarium spp by LAB was investigated; mono-culture and multi-culture were used. The inhibitiontests were carried out with...

Changes in β-carotene Content of Thermally Processed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivar

ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to evaluate the changes in β-carotene (the major pro-vitamin A) associated with processing of sweet potatoes, Total β-carotene of a sweet potato cultivar (Ex-Igbariam) was quantified using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The level of retention (%R) of β-carotene was calculated. The all-trans and cis isomers of β-carotene were also quantified. Processing methods used were boiling, roasting, deep fat-frying and oven drying. β-carotene rete...

Post-Harvest Storage and Processing Changes in Carotenoids, Chlorophylls, and Micronutrients in Pterocarpus Mildbraedii

 The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ambient temperature storage (29±2°C) and domestic processing on the carotenoids, chlorophylls, vitamins and minerals in Pterocarpus mildbraedii leaves. Total β–carotene was determined spectrophotometrically while HPLC was used for detailed analysis of carotenoids. The results indicated that P. mildbraedii was rich in lutein (261.96µg/gdwt) and Total –β – carotene (83.53µg/gdwt). Cooking and storage significantly (P>0.05) in...

Production of Pasta from Two Varieties of Cassava Flour Enriched with African Yam Bean

Abstract The functional, chemical and sensory properties of pasta produced from two varieties of cassava NR8082 flours and TMS 419 enriched with African yam bean was studied. The soybean flour was mixed with cassava flour for pasta production in the following ratio for the two varieties: 20:80, 40:60, 50:50 and 0:100.Variety TMS 419 gave a higher water absorption capacity. The emulsion capacity, foam capacity, pH, absorption capacity, swelling index,  wettability, percentage carbohydrate, fa...

Proximate Composition and Antihtperglycaemic Effects of Selected Plant Products

Abstract The proximate, dietary fibre, mineral and antinutrient compositions of Gongronema latifolium (leaves), Gymnema sylvestre (leaves), Corchorus olitorius (leaves) and Bulchozia coriceae (seeds) were evaluated. Diabetes was induced in selected albino rats while the control groups were normal. Both groups were fed diets containing different levels of each plant product (0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0% respectively) for twenty-eight days. Effects of plant products on blood glucose, sodium, pot...


ABSTRACT Electronic supported assessment or  E-assessment is a field of growing importance. preparing manual  test is a difficult  task to handle and a time consuming process for teachers, in which they have to prepare both fair and consistent exam for each class. Besides, even is the teacher can prepare a sufficient exam, it is difficult to prevent students from cheating and if teachers cannot prevent them from doing this injustice, it will occur again and again. With this new system,...

Microbiological Evaluation of Bacteria Species Isolated from Zobo and Kunnu Sold in Olabisi Onabanjo University

ABSTRACT Zobo and Kunu drinks are non-alcoholic beverage that is widely produced and consumed in Nigeria.The beverage may possess health risk when contaminated due to method of preparation. Zobo and Kunu drinks were purchased from different sellers in Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye Ogun State. Physical and chemical analysis of the drinks were carried out, involving pour plate were also employed to isolate bacteria from these drinks. The microbial qualities were determined using pour p...


Research Thesis on Formulation of HAMILTONIAN MECHANICS reconciliation of Classical Mechanics (Langrangian) with Quantum Mechanics (Hamiltonian), smaller infinitesimal particles Einstein's Mechanics. Addendum, Canonical Transformation, Principle of Virtual Work, Harmonic Oscillator and Lemma on Mathematical Method ascertained by PROF. J.C AMAZIGO DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA NSUKKA.

Assessment of Phytoremediation Potential of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L Walp) on used Motor Oil Contaminated Soil

Abstract: Phytoremediation has been identified as an effective option for the clean-up of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil. The aim of this study is to assess the potential of Vigna unguiculata L. Walp (cowpea) in the remediation of used motor oil contaminated soil. The germination and growth of cowpea on soil contaminated with 5% (w/w) of used motor oil was monitored for 28 days. One of the treatments received 15% (w/w) poultry manure seven days after pollution. Result of the phys...


ABSTRACT   For schools to be effective, computer literacy should be demonstrated through computer availability as well as student’s awareness and usage of library related website. The research design is a descriptive survey which comprises a sample of 383 students randomly selected from a population of YABATECH students. The research instrument is a well-designed questionnaire for students. The statistical tools employed in to analyze the data are frequency and percentage distribution; t...

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