Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

A novel molecularly imprinted polymer for the selective removal of interfering hemoglobin prior to whole blood analysis

Abstract: A novel, selective, sensitive, cheap and robust hemoglobin imprinted polymer (Hb-MIP) in the form of a powder, was synthesised through bulk, free-radical polymerization employing molecular imprinting technology (MIT), for the selective removal of interfering hemoglobin from whole blood samples prior to instrumental analysis in molecular diagnostics and toxicological assays. Following solid phase extraction clean-up through batch rebinding experiments, the Hb-MIP powder effectively ...

Investigation of Lotsane earth fill dam for internal defects using time-lapse electrical resistivity imaging and frequency domain electromagnetic methods

Abstract: Internal erosion and development of seepage pathways is an ever present concern in earth fill dams, and are a major reason for many dam failures. Internal erosional progresses that are responsible for many dam failures are usually difficult to detect at their onset using the currently in-built monitoring systems that are installed during dam construction. Importantly, increased seepage in dams can only be observed after manifesting at the surface, at which time the integrity of the...

Diversity and distribution of Lepidopteran Stemborers and their natural enemies in Botswana

Abstract: Botswana is a country which depends mainly on cereal agriculture, done mostly by rural farmers as their major income stream. However, lepidopteran stemborers are a major constraint in the rural farmers’ cultivation of cereal crops. Species diversity and distribution of these insects of economic concern is currently unknown in Botswana. Through a survey, I catalogued the diversity of stemborers, host plant interactions and their associated parasitoids across Botswana. A total of 1...

The exponentiated generalized power series: family of distributions: theory, properties and applications

Abstract: We propose a new generalized family of distributions called the exponentiated generalized power series (EGPS) family of distributions and study its sub-model, the exponentiated generalized logarithmic (EGL) class of distributions, in detail. The structural properties of the new model (EGPS) and its sub-model (EGL) distribution including moments, order statistics, Rényi entropy, and maximum likelihood estimates are derived. We used the method of maximum likelihood to estimate the p...

The complete mitogenome of an undescribed clam shrimp of the genus Gondwanalimnadia(Branchiopoda: Spinicaudata), from a temporary wetland in Central District, Botswana

Abstract: Clam shrimps (Spinicaudata) are a widespread and diverse crustacean group that frequent temporary aquatic habitats, but few complete mitochondrial genomes have been published for this group. Here,we report the mitogenome of an undescribed Gondwanalimnadia species from Botswana. Raw sequences were assembled into a single circular genome with a total length of 15,663bp. Thirteen protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, and 2 rRNAs were identified using the MITOS pipeline. The mitogenome’s G...

Convergence theorems for a fixed point of η-demimetric mappings in banach spaces

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to propose and investigate an algorithm for solving a fixed point of η-demimetric mappings. We establish the strong convergence of the proposed algorithm under some mild conditions in Banach spaces. We apply these results to obtain new strong convergence theorems which are connected with the η-demimetric fixed point problems in Hilber/Banach spaces.

Probing quantum gravity through astrophysical observations

Abstract: This work is primarily focused on probing quantum gravity through astrophysical observations based on the theoretical framework of the Nexus Paradigm of quantum gravity. The Nexus Paradigm is a theoretical framework that is still in development and offers a different approach to the problem of quantum theory of gravity. In this framework gravity, Dark Energy (DE) and Dark Matter (DM) are seen as different manifestations of the quantum gravity. Astrophysical observations offer a...

Quaternary megapaleolake system in Northwest Botswana: evidence of Lacustrine deposition and geographical extent using multiple geochemical proxies

Abstract: Reconstruction of climate dynamics in southern Africa has been immensely constrained by the absence of continuous proxies records. Sediments provide potential sources of studying past environments because their makeup is a direct response to variabilities in the environment and climate. In this study a multiple geochemical proxy approach was used to investigate two 30 m deep sediments cores from northern Botswana to construe their various geological processes and environments ...

Delineation of potential gold mineralization zones in Phitshane Molopo area Southeast Botswana using induced polarization and resistivity measurements

Abstract: An integrated geophysical approach (using induced polarization together with resistivity) geophysical techniques was applied in the research area (Phitshane Molopo area, Botswana) in search for potential gold mineralization from the interpreted data to delineate potential sites for mineralization. Reports on historic exploration suggest that gold mineralization is associated with quartz ± carbonate veins that cut across the banded iron formations. The 2D IP/ERI measurements w...

Estimation of uncertainty on pH measurement results: a direct pathway to quality assurance

Abstract: A technique for estimation of measurement uncertainty of routine pH measurement using pH meters; Thermo scientific Orion Star and Basic 20 is presented. There are issues associated with pH measurements, what we actually measure is not usually what we would expect or even intend, and it is common practice that analysts just take the immediate reading without doing repetitions. The pH measurements made from one chemical laboratory are not consistent with those made in a differen...

On dynamics of heart rate variability

Abstract: Heart rate variability refers to the variations in time interval between successive heart beats. An understanding of its dynamics can have clinical importance since it can help distinguish persons with healthy heart beats from those without. Our aim in this thesis was to characterise the dynamics of the human heart rate variabilty from three different groups: normal, heart failure and atrial fibrillation subjects. In particular, we wanted to establish if the dynamics of heart rat...

Quantitative assessment of static versus dynamic environmental pollution risk from lead pollution at shooting ranges

Abstract: Lead pollution of soil arising from use of leaded ammunition in shooting ranges has received considerable attention from researchers, scientists, policy makers and legislatures. This is due to the adverse health effects associated with exposure to Pb. Eight military shooting ranges found in Botswana were used in this research project. All the eight shooting range soils were polluted with Pb with total Pb concentrations in the range 13-38 386 mg/kg. TAB shooting range soils acc...

Investigating the ecology and diversity of antibiotic resistance plasmids belonging to different incompatibility groups using a bioinformatics approach

Abstract: Plasmids are extra-chromosomal mobile DNA elements found in bacteria, and often serve as vectors for accumulation and transfer of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) within bacterial populations in different environments. Plasmid mediated transfer of ARGs has accounted for the spread of antibiotic resistance within clinically relevant pathogenic bacteria; this has escalated into a global health problem. Plasmids can be classified into several groups based on their genetic incompatib...

Constraints on the genesis of gold in the Tati Greenstone Belt of Northeastern Botswana: insights from integrative geochronology and Pb isotope compositions

Abstract: The NW trending Archean Tati Greenstone Belt is located in the southwestern part of the Zimbabwe Craton, in northeastern Botswana and consists of mafic to felsic volcanic rocks and metasediments. All rocks in the TGB have undergone greenschist facies metamorphism at 2630 ± 70 – 2570 ± 70 Ma and intrusion of granitoids that comprises of granodiorite, tonalites, quartz diorite and monzonite occurred at 2.65- 2.73 Ga. The TGB is host to numerous Au deposits including from NW to...

A multi sensor approach to Botswana sign language dataset with view of addressing occlusion

Abstract: Automatic Sign Language Recognition (ASLR) helps with converting hand gestures to spoken language, therefore, enabling communication between those able to hear and those unable to hear. There is abundant research work on ASLR of British Sign Language and American Sign Language. However, Botswana Sign Language has received less attention at least in terms of computational representation leading to automatic sign language recognition which can be attributed to lack of a Botswana ...

931 - 945 Of 8880 Results