Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Characterization of extended-spectrum-β lactamases (esbls) and other resistant genes encoding bacteria from a rural community settlement

Abstract: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is regarded as a global health threat, characterized by rising resistant bacteria and rapid development of resistance genes to existing antibiotics used in clinical and veterinary settings. AMR has negative impacts and affects human, animal, and the environment. In Botswana, Africa, AMR is not well understood, particularly in rural settings with poor sanitation. The misuse and overuse of commonly used antibiotics like ß-lactam antibiotics, combi...

Diversity, distribution, tissue culture and value addition of Strychnos species in Central and North-East Districts of Botswana

Abstract: Strychnos is a widely varied genus from the Loganiaceae family with over 200 species identified worldwide. Most of these species are drought tolerant and used for many things such as food, medicine, tools, and ornaments. In Botswana, 7 Strychnos species have been reported, two of them (S. cocculoides and S. spinosa) have been declared as endangered. In this study, five Strychnos species were identified morphologically and through molecular genetics. Their distribution and abun...

Characteristics of shear deformation along the eastern and southern terrane boundaries of the Motloutse complex, eastern Botswana

Abstract: The Motloutse Complex to the southwestern margin of Zimbabwe Craton is a medium-grade terrane in northeastern Botswana. Some studies consider it as part of the Limpopo Complex high-grade terrane between the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons, while others argue it as an allochthonous terrane separate to the Limpopo Complex. A number of shear zones are postulated to delineate the extents of Motloutse Complex. Except the northern margin (the Shashe shear zone), the rest of the terran...

Memetic Optimization with Cryptographic Encryption for Secure Medical Data Transmission in IoT-Based Distributed Systems

Abstract: In the healthcare system, the Internet of Things (IoT) based distributed systems play a vital role in transferring the medical-related documents and infor mation among the organizations to reduce the replication in medical tests. This datum is sensitive, and hence security is a must in transforming the sensational contents. In this paper, an Evolutionary Algorithm, namely the Memetic Algo rithm is used for encrypting the text messages. The encrypted information is then inserted int...

Epvmp: Enhanced Probabilistic Based Vehicular Multi-Hop Strategies Protocol For Crisis In Vanets Broadcasting

Abstract: Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) transmission is utilized for most security-related programs targeting Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) to disseminate safety-related knowledge to nearby cars. However, the traditional broadcasting networks have broadcast winds, contributing to intolerable pauses in transmission and loss of packets. This paper proposes an important transmission scheme for distributing protection signals throughout the sensitive region called the Enhanced Probabilistic-b...

Robust estimation and inference in single-index varying coefficient regression models with responses missing at random

Abstract: Nowadays, when collecting data, it has become almost unavoidable to end up with missing data due to various reasons. Very often, these reasons are out of the control of the investigator. For regression settings, data can be missing in the response space, covariate space, or in both the response and covariate spaces. Such missingness can be related to different missing data mechanisms. The most commonly encountered missingness mechanisms in the literature include missing completely ...

Bioecology of large Branchiopods in Central District, Botswana

Abstract: The bioecology of large branchiopods in Central District, Botswana, was analysed to determine if genetic relatedness or environment of origin determined the thermal physiology of large branchiopods. Two temporary wetland types (Rock-pools and Pans) were identified and their thermal conditions characterised. Temperatures experienced in each wetlands type were measured for synchronised periods spanning both dry phases and hydroperiods of the temporary wetlands. Anostraca and Spinicau...

A context-aware lemmatization model for setswana language using machine learning

Abstract: Lemmatization is an important task which is concerned with making computers understand the relationship that exists amongst words written in natural language. It is a prior condition needed for the development of natural language processing (NLP) systems such as machine translation and information retrieval. In particular, Lemmatization is intended to reduce the variability in word forms by collapsing related words to a standard lemma. There is a limited research on lemmatization o...

Loop space homology of elliptic spaces

Abstract: In this thesis, we use the theory of minimal Sullivan models in rational homotopy theory to study the partial computation of the Lie bracket structure of the string homology on a formal elliptic space. In the process, we show the total space of the unit sphere tangent bundleS2m−1 → Ep→ Gk,n(C) over complex Grassmannian manifolds Gk,n(C) for 2 ≤ k ≤ n/2, where m = k(n − k) is not formal. This is done by exhibiting a non trivial Massey triple product. On the other hand, l...

On some exponentiated generalized families and compound class of distributions with applications

Abstract: We introduce the exponentiated odd Nadarajah-Haghighi-G (EO-NH-G) family of distributions and the exponentiated odd exponential Topp-Leone-G (EOE-TL-G) family of distributions as well as the exponentiated odd exponential Topp-Leone-G power series class of distributions. We obtain the series expansions of the probability density functions, hazard rate functions, quantile functions, moments, conditional moments, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, Renyi entropy and distribution of order st...

Exponential convergence to a quasi-stationary distribution with applications to birth and death processes

Abstract: In this project we study the exponential convergence of Markov processes to quasi-stationary distributions (QSDs) with applications. Quasi-stationary distributions are useful when it comes to understanding the behavior of stochastic processes which appear to be persistent over a long time period before reaching extinction. A review of the concept of stationarity and ergodicity is given. Next quasi-stationarity is defined. A simple example that illustrates quasi-stationarity is cons...

On the generation of new generalized families of distributions with applications

Abstract: In this thesis, new generalized families of distributions namely, Weibull Odd Burr III-G (WOBIII-G), Ristic-Balakhrishnan Odd Burr III-G (RBOBIII-G), Risti ´ c-´ Balakhrishnan Marshall-Olkin-G (RBMO-G), Exponentiated Half-Logistc Odd Burr III-G (EHL-OBIII-G) and Half-Logistic Odd Power Generalized Weibull-G (HLOPGW G) families of distributions are developed and studied in detail. Furthermore, the mathematical and statistical properties of these new families of distributions such ...

Temperature dependent electrical and gas sensing properties of ce/cuo nanostructures

Abstract: Research on semiconducting metal oxide (MO) nanostructures is a fascinating field that has received massive interest due to their significant physical and chemical properties which can be useful in the development of highly efficient nanodevices. Incorporating impurities such as metal elements into the MO matrix offers tailored properties for various applications. Doped MO nanostructures exhibit modified structural, optical, electrical and morphological properties rendering th...

Green synthesis of multilayer graphene/zno nanocomposite for photocatalytic application

Abstract: Green nanotechnology is an innovative research field with emphasis on the development of methods that minimize the use of health hazardous substances for environmental remediation. This study reports on the biosynthesis of nanostructured multilayer graphene (MLG) and zinc oxide (ZnO) from natural extracts for environmental applications. ZnO nanoparticles are fabricated for the first-time using Ageratum Houstonianum leaf extract as an effective chelating agent. Besides this, a ...

Phytochemical investigation of the aerial parts of Kleinia longiflora

Abstract: Kleinia longiflora belongs to the family Asteraceae and genus Kleinia (synonym Senecio) which comprises of about 40 species. Preliminary phytochemical investigation done on this plant showed the presence of terpenoids, tannins, alkaloids and flavonoids. The phytochemical investigation on the non-volatile compounds from the plant led to the isolation of a triterpenoid lupeol 1 (0.403 g), a flavonoid named isorhamnetin-5-O-α-rhamnopyranosyl (1'''-6'')-β-glucopyranose 11 (0.658 ...

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