Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Agronomic Characterization of Soybean and Bambara Groundnut Genotypes Grown on Different Soils of Lake Victoria Basin

Abstract/Overview Neglect and under-utilization of legumes such as soybeans and bambaragroundnuts are the reason for increased food insufficiency in the Lake Vic toria basin. Diversification of legumes into the cropping systems of LakeVictoria basin ensures protein rich diets and improved soil fertility. Thisstudy was carried out to evaluate agronomic characters of two soybean vari eties and two bambara groundnut landraces cultivated on different soils ofLake Victoria basin. Seeds of two ...

Recent Advances on Mercury Speciation in Aquatic Ecosystems, Health Effects and Analytical Techniques

Abstract/Overview Elemental mercury is not as poisonous as its congeners such as methyl mercury and dimethyl mercury, especially at trace levels. However, understanding the speciation mechanisms of mercury in aquatic ecosystems offers an opportunity to appreciate the dangers emanating from elemental mercury in the environment. Notably, elemental mercury is occasionally used in dental filling therapy which presents it as a non-poisonous element. Recent advances on mechanisms of elemental m...

Nonlinear H∞ Guidance Design for Missile against Maneuvering Target

Abstract/Overview A new guidance law is derived for missile against maneuvering target by adopting nonlinear H∞ control theory. The guidance law is based on three dimension (3D) nonlinear kinematics described by modified polar coordinate (MPC). In MPC, only three differential equations are used to describe the 3D relative motion between missile and target. The new guidance law is designed by solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) equation by simultaneous policy update algorithm (SPUA)...

Binomial Mixtures Based on Beta I Distribution and Its Generalizations with Application to a Two Stage Group Screening Design

Abstract/Overview When mixed, two distributions can form another distribution. Binomial distribution and beta distributions combine to form a binomial mixture with the latter being a prior distribution which is a continuous distribution. Skellam pioneered this study when he mixed binomial distribution with its parameter p taking beta distribution. The paper focused on construction of binomial mixtures, their properties, special cases and the application of the mixtures in a two stage grou...

Application of Three Parameter Generalized Beta I Distribution in Binomial Mixture

Abstract/Overview Two or more individual distributions can be mixed together to form a new distribution. According to Feller, this can be done using weights that sum up to unit. Also by considering a parameter which is a random variable taking another distribution then a new distribution ca be formed. The nature of the mixing distribution has effect on the new distribution formed. If the mixing distribution is continuous random variable, then the new mixture formed is also continuous. Ske...

Variation in Temperature and Nutrient Source Influence the Growth of Exserohilum Turcicum Mycelia Isolated from Sorghum

Abstract/Overview Turcicum leaf blight (TLB) caused by the fungus Exserohilum turcicum is a serious threat toproduction of maize and sorghum, since it damages photosynthetic leaves. Growth and development of E.turcicum pathogen is influenced by factors such as light, temperature, dew period, plant age and inoculumsconcentration. Tharaka Nithi County in Eastern Kenya where sorghum is actively grown has heterogenous climatic and edaphic conditions. It is currently unclear if variations in t...

An Application of Survival Analysis of Broilers in La Nyevu Poultry Farm in Kaloleni Sub- County

Abstract/Overview This research is about an application of survival analysis on broilers in laNyevu poultry farm in Kaloleni sub-county. Chapter one gives an insight into the introduction of the paper, chapter two discusses the methodology used, chapter three gives the results, chapter four discusses the findings briefly and chapter five gives the conclusions arrived at and some recommendations.

Optimal Allocation in Small Area Mean Estimation Using Stratified Sampling in the Presence of Non-Response

Abstract/Overview Sample survey provides reliable current statistics for large areas or sub-population (domains) with large sample sizes. There is a growing demand for reliable small area statistics, however, the sample sizes are too small to provide direct (or area specific) estimators with acceptable and reliable accuracy. This study gives theoretical description of the estimation of small area mean by use of stratified sampling with a linear cost function in the presence of non-respons...

Assets Valuation Using a Contingent Claim

Abstract/Overview In this paper we consider the price dynamics of a portfolio consisting of risk-free and risky assets. The paper discusses the pricing process of a contingent claim, the pricing equation and the risk-neutral valuation under the Martingale representation property. A partial differential equation with an unknown price function is formulated. The solution of this PDE gives a unique pricing formula

Land Use Changes and Impacts on Livelihoods of the Communities Adjacent to Mt Elgon Forest Ecosystem

Abstract/Overview Forests play a critical role in providing essential goods and services to forest adjacent communities. There is, however, insufficient information on how land uses affect the availability and use of forest products and services by forest adjacent communities. This study analysed the impacts of land use changes on the livelihoods of Mt Elgon forests adjacent communities. Land use changes were assessed for the period 1977-2019 segmented into four time periods corresponding...

Inventory, reward value and diversity of Apis mellifera nectariferous and polleniferous forage in Eastern Mau forest, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study was conducted in Eastern Mau is one of the East Mau forest is an important watershed within the Mau Forest Complex, feeding major rivers and streams that make up the hydrological systems of Lake Victoria and inland Lakes of Nakuru, Baringo and Natron to document the bee flora and their respecetive reward value to compliment the participatory forest conservation approaches incorporating the Ogieks who are predominant forest dwellers, and known for bee keeping sk...

Dietary Preference of the Rothschild’s Giraffes (Giraffa Camelopardalis Rothschildii) Translocated to Ruma National Park, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Without monitoring of animal behavior and the productivity of their environment, the success of a translocation cannot be properly ascertained, nor can important lessons be learned. This study investigated habitat utilization of the translocated Rothschild’s giraffes in Ruma National Park. Feeding giraffes were observed with an 8x40 pair of binoculars and plants eaten were collected, tagged, pressed and identified. For each plant species, “food- records” were summe...

2-Hydroxy-4-Methoxybenzaldehyde: larvicidal structure-activity studies

Abstract/Overview 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde (1), a compound isolated from Mondia whytei (Hook) Skeels (Asclepiaceae) roots exhibited larvicidal activity (LD5022 mg/mL). A total of 18 other derivatives and closely related congeners revealed varying levels of larvicidal activity. Several closely related congeners, like 2-benzyloxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde (2), 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde (12), 2-benzyloxybenzaldehyde (3) and benzylphenyl ether (4), showed marked improvement in activity (LD5010...

Conditions for Positivity of Operators in Non-unital C*-algebras

Abstract/Overview In this paper, we present results on the necessary and sufficient condi-tions for positivity of operators in non-unital C*- algebras

Preparation, characterization, and optimization of primaquine-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles

Abstract/Overview Primaquine (PQ) is one of the most widely used antimalarial drugs and is the only available drug that combats the relapsing form of malaria. PQ use in higher doses is limited by severe tissue toxicity including hematological- and gastrointestinal-related side effects. Nanoformulation of drugs in an appropriate drug carrier system has been extensively studied and shown to have the potential to improve bioavailability, thereby enhancing activity, reducing dose frequency, a...

106 - 120 Of 8851 Results