Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

One Health approach to vector biology and epidemiology of arboviruses, Rickettsia,and protozoain smallholder livestock systems in western Kenya

Abstract: Background:Vector-borne pathogens (VBP) present a seriousthreat to both animal and humanhealth globally due to their zoonotic potential.‘One Health’ epidemio-surveillance systems that integrate human, animal, and arthropod vector facetsof VBP transmission enhance detection and can give rise to informed effective multi-sectoral vector-borne disease control options. The most important vectors are ticks and mosquitoes, which have a cosmopolitan distribution due to their ecological...

Biological control of soil-dwelling insect pests in cocoa agroforests using CO2-emitting capsules coformulated with entomopathogenic fungi

Abstract: Termites have recently gained importance as major pests in cocoa agroforests (AF) because of a loss in overall biodiversity at the transition from shaded agroforestry system to intensively managed unshaded monocultures (full sun) systems. Termite control relied almost exclusively on persistent organochlorine insecticides which are currently under restrictive use due to increasing concern over damage to human health and the environment. Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) are considered as...


Bush meat (Grass cutter) is one of the best natural meats with lots of nutritional advantages. The increase in consumption of bush meat serves as alternative which bridges the gap of the inadequacy of animal protein and other nutrition. The grass cutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) meat samples used in this research were collected from Emure Owo market, in Owo local government of Ondo state, Nigeria. The hairy skin of the fresh lifeless grass cutter was removed using hot water. The grass cutter ...


Bush meat (Grass cutter) is one of the best natural meats with lots of nutritional advantages. The increase in consumption of bush meat serves as alternative which bridges the gap of the inadequacy of animal protein and other nutrition. The grass cutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) meat samples used in this research were collected from Emure Owo market, in Owo local government of Ondo state, Nigeria. The hairy skin of the fresh lifeless grass cutter was removed using hot water. The grass cutter ...

Orchestrating “Irreducible simplicity” in science and science communication: Positioning “irreducible simplicity” as a vital guiding principle for effective and bona fide science

This paper, which is perhaps our umpteenth and umptieth on scientific method and scientific methodology, proposes, discusses and lays bare the canon of what we propose to call “irreducible simplicity”. We believe and hypothesize that this approach would encompass, and play a natural, pivotal and a vital role in all aspects and facets of scientific activity from the cradle to the grave such as grounds-up hypothesis conceptualization, hypothesis building, detailed hypothesis specification, ...

Variation of Silicon in Soils and Maize Plants along Altitudinal Gradients and its Relationship with Distribution of Lepidoptera Stem Borers

Abstract: Maize is the main staple crop of most communities of the East African mountains but the yield is affected by both biotic and abiotic factors. While soil nutrients increase the maize yields, infestation of maize fields by Lepidopteran pests such as, Chilo partellus (Crambidae) and Busseola fusca (Noctuidae) generally reduces the yields. In addition to enhancing maize yields, some soil elements such as silicon (Si) aid plants in overcoming abiotic and biotic stresses. Hence, any fact...

Molecular Phylogenetics and Phylogeography of sand lizards, Pedioplanis (Sauria: Lacertidae) in southern Africa

Abstract: The present study aims to determine the phylogenetic relationships among the sand lizards, Pedioplanis. In addition, a single mitochondrial gene is used to investigate the geographic genetic structure of the widey distributed P. burchelli. With 11 species, Pedioplanis is the most speciose genus among the southern African genera of the family Lacertidae. All the species are restricted to the subcontinent with the exception of three (P. namaquensis, P. undata and P. benguellensis), w...

Studies on the Bio-Ecology and Taxonomy of Glossina with Particular Reference to Glossina Fuscipes Fuscipes (Newstead)

Abstract: This thesis reports studies on three aspects of Glossina biology:- a) Studies on the peridomestic behaviour of Glossina fuscipes fuscipes in the sleeping sickness epidemic focus of Busoga, Uganda. b) Application of analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons in the chemotaxonomy of Glossina and c) Studies on the ovulation and late mating of virgin Glossina. A search near homesteads, made over a period of 20 months, revealed tsetse puparia and puparial shells under Coffea canephora (coffee),...

"Diurnal and Seasonal Activity of Unfed Adults of Rhipicephalus Appendiculatus, Neumann 1901 in Relation to some Factors in the Micro-Environment"

Abstract: A study was conducted on the activity response of unfed adults of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus to some o the environmental changes during the three main seasons here in East Africa. Ticks of two different ages were subjected to various treatments in the laboratory to vary their physiological (hydration) states and thereafter exposed in the field. Observations there made on the activity responses in relation to changes in temperature and relative humidity within the micro-habitat at...

Adsorption of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions Using Mangroves from Kenyan Coast

Abstract: In this study, adsorption of heavy metals (copper, lead, zinc and cadmium) from aqueous solutions was investigated using mangrove biomass from the Kenyan Coast. The efficacy of mangrove biomass on the removal of divalent metal ions from aqueous solutions was investigated in single state in batch mode. Batch experiments involved the study of the effects of initial pH, temperature, initial concentration of the metal ion, adsorbent dosage and contact time on metal ions adsorption. The...

Repellency Efficacy of Essential Oils of Selected Plants Growing in Western Kenya and their Eag-active Constituent Blends against Anopheles Gambiae

Abstract: Control of disease vectors by use of synthetic chemical pesticides has been associated with a series of problems, including resistance development, environmental pollution, and safety risks for humans and domestic animals. Plant-based products have been used for generations in traditional practices to control different arthropods. These have been used in space or personal protection either to repel the arthropods from distance or to deter them from blood-feeding on contact. In the ...

Chemical Composition of Ocimum Kilimandscharicum and Ocimum Americanum and their Bioactivities against Sitophilus Zeamais

Abstract: The maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais (Motchulsky), the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius), and the Angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella (Oliver), are serious pests of stored grain in Kenya. The control of these insect pests relies heavily on the use of synthetic insecticides by better off farmers; but there is an increasing cost of application and erratic supply in developing countries. In addition, small-scale farmers cannot afford these commercial products...

Identification and characterization of Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) Genes with diagnostic potential for Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense

Abstract: Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) is present in 36 sub-Saharan African countries. The disease is easier to treat in early stage than late stage when treatment with melarsoprol is responsible for significant fatality. Therefore there is need to develop a diagnostic test for early detection before progression of the disease into the late stage. Currently available tests have poor sensitivity. Thus highly sensitive methods are needed for the detection of the parasite in human blood....

Heavy Metals in Sugarcane Juice and Soils: a Comparative Study of Part of Nairobi River Basin and Nyahururu Farms

Abstract: The contamination of food is increasingly becoming a concern in developing countries due to the mounting amounts of heavy metals in urban environments. Juices are common beverages in the usual diet and contribute significantly to the nutritional intake of essential and harmful trace elements. Currently, there is inadequate information regarding the amounts of heavy metals in juice from sugarcane produced along rivers in Nairobi city. In the present study, the levels of heavy metals...

The Prevalence of Trypanosoma Congolense Savannah in Shimba Hills, Kenya and Development of a Genotyping Protocol

Abstract: Eleven species/subspecies belonging to the genus Trypanosoma, cause African Animal Trypanosomiasis (AAT) with Trypanosoma vivax and Trypanosoma congolense being the predominant pathogens. Annually, AAT leads to losses worth 4.5 billion dollars to livestock dependent economies in Sub-Saharan Africa. In order to manage the disease, trypanocidal drugs have been in use. However, parasites resistant to these trypanocides have emerged making the treatment of AAT difficult. Parasite resis...

1306 - 1320 Of 8880 Results