TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ....................•.................•......................................................................... iAPPROVAL ...................................................•..........••.............•........................................ iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................••.............................•......•......•.. iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................•..............................
ABSTRACTThis dissertation presents findings from the study conducted in NtugamoSub-country, Ntungamo district. The study aimed at finding out the impact ofFAL programme on the socio-economic development of rural communities inwestern Uganda. A research was conducted in Ntungamo sub county in sevenparishes which included Kuhunga, Nyarubare Kikoni, Butare, Nyaburiza,Ruhooko and Kizaara. The selection of the study objectives was mainly basedon the functional adult literacy training manual for th...
ABSTRACTThe study sought to find out the socio-cultural factors and the use of contraceptives amongwomen in Lotome sub county, Napak district, Uganda, it was guided by the followingobjectives, to determine the effect of education on the usage of contraceptives amongKaramojong women of reproductive age, to examine the effect of religion on the usage ofcontraceptives among Karamojong women of reproductive age and to examine the effect ofcultural norms on the usage of contraceptives among Karamo...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study to examine the relationship between adve11ising and sales volume incentury bottling company. The study was guided by research objectives of examining theeffects of advertising on sales volume, finding the best way of advertising to be used andfinding out other factors affecting sales volume. This was accomplished by using secondary andprimary data sought from sources such as journals, newspapers, report publications from thecompany, periodicals which are found...
ABSTRACTThe research was conducted in juba county microfinance institutionwhich is located in Juba county southern Sudan. The research topic was"the role of microfinance institutions to the poor. The research took aperiod of three months the respondents consisted of (20) juba countyclients, MFI (5) managers, (5) Bankers, and (20) community members.The research was guided by the objectives and the research questions ofthe study. The research questions were; what is the role microfinanceinstitu...
ABSTRACTThe study was to assess the effect of cash flow management and organizational perfàrmance inTororo cement of companies. It was based on the research objectives that included assessing theeffect of accounts receivable management on organizational performance, analyze the role ofaccounts payables management on organizational performance and examine the effect of creditmanagement on organizational performance. The study adopted a surveys and case study designwith the sample population o...
ABSTRACTThis study was carried out so as to analyze the repayment trend of members ofSACCOS taking Dodoma Municipality as a case study. Specifically, the studyfocused on examining the factors influencing the repayinent of loans, the economicactivities undertaken by loanees and the measures taken to improve the repayment ofloans.This study employed both cross sectional as well as a case study to get data about theproblem. The sample mainly consisted of 104 respondents who were obtained byrando...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................ .iiAPPROVAL ................................................................................................. .iiiDEDICATION ............................................................................................... .ivACKNOWLDGEMENT ..................................................................................... vTABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................
ABSTRACTThis study sought to establish the effect of internal control system on performance ofMultinational Corporations. The study was driven by three objectives. These were; to examinethe effectiveness of the internal audit to determine the different types of internal audit practicesused and to establish the relationship between internal audit and performance. To achieve theseobjectives, the researcher sampled forty (40) respondents, 57% were male and 43% were females.The research was guide...
ABSTRACTThis study was carried out to assess the impact of consumers' attitude on internet bankingadoption in Uganda: A case of pride micro finance, Kabalagala branch Kampala. The stu'tlyobjectively sought; to examine the relationship between consumer attitude and internet banking,to examine why there is low internet banking adoption and to find out the different servicesoffered through internet banking. The study used a cross-sectional research design. Data wascollected using questionnaires....
ABSTRACT·1 his study is a result of an academic research entitled ·'internal control systems and fina ncialperformance in commercial banks case study equity bank." , the objectives of the studywere to find out the effect of Segmentation of duties on financial performance ofcommercial equity bank, to establish the effect of authorization on financial performance ofcommercial bank and to find out the effect of budgeting on financ ial performance ofcommercial bank descriptive date collection t...
ABSTRACTMobile banking has often been advertised as an essential economic tool broadlyapplicable for mobilizing savmgs, poverty alleviation and sustainabledevelopment claiming this and dealing with the most vulnerable part of society.Mobile banking should not only pursue financial viability since it has strongsocial commitment and further need to guarantee resource mobilization inorder to sustain the life basis of people it aims to empower.The research study was carried on the impact of Mobil...
ABSTRACTThe study on the effect of non-financial reward on employee performance was carried out inKiryandongo District Local Government. The objectives of the study were to: to determine theeffect of involvement on staff performance in Kiryandongo District local Government, toexamine the extent to which recognition affects employee performance in Kiryandongo Districtlocal Government and to establish how feedback affects employee performance in KiryandongoDistrict Local Government. This resear...
ABSTRACTThe study aimed at examining the budgetary controls and organizational performance of publicparastatals in uganda, a case study on UNRA Mbarara. It was guided by three specific objectivesnamely; to examine the effect of budget planning on organizational performance, to determinethe effect of budget implementation on organizational performance and thirdly to find out theeffect of budget monitoring on organizational performance of public parastatals in Uganda, acase of UNRA, Mbarara. Th...
ABSTRACTThe research study was on social infrastructural facilities and service delivery in Uganda, Casestudy of Entebbe municipality, Wakiso district. The objectivities of the study were to establishthe state of social infrastructural facilities in public in Uganda, to examine the state of Servicedelivery in public institutions in central Uganda and to establish the influence of socialinfrastructural facilities on the performance of public institutions in central Uganda. This was acase study...