ABSTRACTThe transport sector is a vital aspect of any growing economy like Uganda. Many privateindividuals and companies are involved into the transp01t business venture and KK Coacheswas not left behind. KK Coaches Limited was established in 2008 and is headquaitered inKampala with branches in, Arua, Koboko, Paidha, Nebbi, Packwach, among other towns inUganda. Performance of KK couches limited and other businesses hugely rely on a wellmanaged customer relationship. KK couches limited slatted...
ABSTRACTThe study aimed at examining the influence budgeting on performance of Education sector. Theobjectives of the study were; to identify the role of budgeting towards performance of Educationsector, to establish challenges facing budgeting towards performance of Education sector and toexamine the ways to address challenges facing budgeting towards performance of EducationsectorThe study applied a cross-sectional research design to reflect aspects of perception. feelings.experiences. fact...
ABSTRACTInventory management in the performance of stores department atNice house of plastics Kampala district Uganda.The problem statement of the study is that inventory management in the performance of today'smanagement, performance of stores department on stock is very difficult.The purpose of the study is to fid out the problems facing inventory management 111 theperformance of stores department in Nice house of plastics.The objectives of the study are, to find out the relationship betwee...
ABSTRACTThe main objective of this study was is establish the effectiveness of internal controls oninventory in Uchumi supermarket. The study was conducted by personal interview withthe manager of the company. The research was undertaken to answer the followingquestions.• What internal controls over inventory are in place?• How efficient are these controls?• How can management improve the general control environment as well asincrease operating efficiency?The research also intended to e...
ABSTRACTThe topic of the study was training and employee performance in New Vision Uganda; theproblem was inaccurate reporting of information, which has led to complaints against theorganization. The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between training andemployee performance in New Vision. The objectives of the study were to establish the effectsof training approaches, types of training facilities and frequency of training on the performanceof staff in the New Vision.The ...
ABSTRACTThe study was to establish the influence of media on democracy in Kampala. Uganda. Theobjectives included to determine the influence of print media on democrac . establish the efl~’ctof broad cast media on democracy and to establish the effect of social media on democracy inKampala. Uganda. The study used both qualitative and quantitati\’e research approaches. Theclam was collected from 149 respondents who responded or returned the questionnaires hack. Thestudy results on first ob...
ABSTRACTThis study was set to investigate the role of forensic auditing on fraud detection m privateuniversities in Uganda particularly Kampala International University.This study involved the use of 96 respondents who were engaged through the use of thequestionnaires which were majorly closed ended. A descriptive study design was used whichincluded both qualitative and quantitative research designs.The main objectives of the study were to find out the manner in which forensic auditing affect...
ABSTRACTThis study assessed the effects of training on employee performance, a case of KenyaGenerating Company (KenGen). The research was based on Douglas McGregors theoryof human behavior, Theory X and Theory Y.The general objective of the research was to investigate the effects of training onemployee performance. The specific objectives were; to determine the importance ofemployee training, to establish the factors determining employee performance, toestablish ways to improve employee perfo...
AbstractThe research study was undertaken on the relationship between internal control anddebtors' management.The main objective of the study was: to ascertain the internal control on debtors, todetermine the credit collection by Star Fm and examine the relationship of internalcontrol and debtors' management.The techniques used in the collection were questionnaire and interviews. The datacollected was coded, edited and tabulated with the help of tables and percentages thatwere essential techn...
ABSTRACT1 ile research was mainly to examine appraisal system and institutional productivity inS:.anbic Bank Limited ( Wandegeya Branch)1 ne objectives were to identify the methods of Appraisal, Hurdles in the appraisal systemand appraisal factors in the Stanbic Bank (Wandegeya Branch.)F om the study findings it was revealed that call satisfaction survey, multi-rater methoda1 ~ appraisal methods in Stanbic Bank.It was also revealed from the findings that inappropriate final judgment, delay in...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iiiACK.NOWLEDGMENT ..........................................
ABSTRACTThe study intended to assess the causes of labour turnover at the CRDB Banlc PLC. The studywas carried out at the CRDB Banlc PLC Head Office in Dar es Salaam. Therefore, the studyaimed at assessing the causes of labour turnover at the Bank; examining the extent of theturnover and the measures does the Bank undertake to reduce the labour turnover. The literaturereview revealed that there are various causes of labour turnover, measurements methods tomeasure the extent oflabour turnover ...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to evaluate taxation and performance of small scale businessenterprises in Kampala Central Division. The study was guided by three research objectivesestablish the relationship between taxation and growth of the small scale business enterprises inKampala Central Division, to examine the performance of Small Scale Businesses (SSBE's) inKampala Central Division and the relationship between taxation and performance of small scalebusinesses in Kampala Central...
ABSTRACTThe overall aim of study was to examine the role of internal audit on organizational perf01manceof public enterp1ises in Uganda a case study of UBC. The study was guided by the threeobjectives; to find out the role of internal audit on financial perfonnance of public enterprise inUganda at UBC, to examine the role of internal on non-financial performance of publicenterp1ises in Uganda at UBC and to assess the role of internal Audit on managerial perfonnanceof public enterprises in Uga...
ABSTRACTThe researcher investigated ‘Accounting Information characteristics and performance ofFinancial institutions”. The study was guided by three research objectives which were; toidentify effect of reliability of accounting information on the performance of Financialinstitutions in Makindye division, to find out the effect of relevance of accountinginformation on the performance of Financial institutions in Makindye division and lastly, todetermine the effect of understandability of a...