Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Stress Management And Employees Effective5 In Uganda; A Case Study Of Kampala International University

ABSTRACT The objectives of this study was to examine the stress and employee performance between non teaching staff and teaching staff in Kampala international university. The objective of the study is to establish a good relationship in the organization. to examine how stress is to be reduced. The researcher adopted both descriptive and analytical research design based on questionnaires to understand the effect and the cause of stress and how to reduce stress in the organization. A sample si...

Impacts Of Non-Governmental Organizations' Services On Poverty Eradication In Nakapiripirit Town Council Nakapiripirit District

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the impacts of Non-governmental organizations services in poverty Eradication in Nakapiripirit Town Council in Nakapiripirit District. The main purpose of this was to establish extent to which people ofNakapiripirit Town council have benefitted from NGO services. The research therefore intended to examine the following objectives: • To establish whether NGO services have improved on the education in Nakapiripirit Local government • To determine whe...

The Significance Of Employees Participation In Decision Making Process A Case Study Of Tanroads-Hq,Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT This study focused on finding out of employees' involvement in decision making. Research was conduc·ted through different research methods so as to collect the needed data which was conducted/ca.'Tied out at TANROADS. The study revealed that the employees at TANROADS are involved in matters affecting their daily activities as far as the whole Agency with their representatives through their Trade Union. From the study it showed the significance of involving employees in decision mak...

Competitive Pricing And Performance Of Financial Institutions Case Study Of Centenary Rural Development Bank

ABSTRACT Research under the topic "Competitive pricing and Performance of Financial Institutions" is to be carried out in two branches of Centenary Rural Development Bank. The objective of the study • To identify the pricing techniques used by CERUDB • To investigate the influence of competitive pricing on the banking sector. • To find out competitors that have dominant edge m the financial sector of Uganda. Means of competitive pricing When a company sets its prices chiefly on the b...

The Imp Act Of Procurement Planning On The Service Delivery Case Study: The Inspectorate Of Government Kampala

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish relevance of procurement planning and service delivery in Inspectorate of government. Basing on the following objectives; to establish the relevance of procurement planning in the government institutions, to find out the dimensions of services delivery and to establish the relationship between procurement planning and services delivery. The study design ·was cross sectional and both qualitative and quantitative data were employed to ga...

Strategic And Marketing Planning For Managers Competitive Advantages In Selected Cement Manufacturing Companies In Kenya

ABSTRACT Cement production and consumption in Africa is on the upward trend. In Kenya, it increased from estimated at about 1.2 million metric tonnes in 2003 to about 3.2 million metric tones in 2008. This has attracted new entrants form across the globe. The three cement manufacturers in Kenya have indicated intentions to expand production capacities to meet the growing demand in the East African region. Challenges like power/electricity, environmental and conservancy issues, limited resear...

The Effects Of Enterprenuership Skills On The Performance Of Women Owned Small-Scale Enterprises Kasese District.

ABLE OF CONTENTS Page )eclaration ....................................................................................................................... I pproval ......................................................................................................................... II )edication ...................................................................................................................... III .cknowledgements ............................................................

The Impact Of Price Fluctuation On The Demand Of Omo Washing Powder Ilf The Kenyan .Market Case Study Unilever Kenya Ltd

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ........................................................ . .. . . . . ........ . ........ ... . Approval .................. .. .. .. ... . ........ .. ......... .... ......................... .. ..... .... ii Dedication ............... .. .......... . ........ ............ . ................... .. .. ............. iii CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction .................................................. ....... . ........ .. .. . ............. I 1.1 Background of the ca...

The Impact Of Procured Inputs On Internal Customer Satisfaction: Case Study: National Water And Sewerage Corporation.

ABSTRACT This research study was carried out to assess the factors affecting internal customer satisfaction in respect to procured inputs in national water and sewerage corporation (NWSC).for some years NWSC internal customers/users of procured inputs had been complaining about non-availability of the inputs and considered it a major constraint to improve performance in water and sewerage service delivery in towns where NWSC operates. The main objective of the study was to assess factors aff...

Community Perceptions Towards Compositing Of Municipal Solid Waste In Pecekoro Village, Kajok Parish, Latek Subcounty In Gulu District

ABSTRACT Rapid growth of businesses and population in and around Gulu town has led to increased production of solid waste consequently giving rise to increased volume of waste dumped in recipient communities. The most attractive and environmentally friendly option to get rid of this huge pileup of garbage and subsequent ones is through composting. The perceptions of recipient communities are crucial to understanding how municipal solid waste management problems might be resolved. Since Gulu m...

Training And Employee Performance In Organisations: A Case Study Of Dahabshiil Money Transfer Company, Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study was to establish the effects of training on employee performance at Dahabshiil Money Transfers. It was an investigation based on three research objectives that included establishing how training needs are determined at Dahabshiil Money Transfers Company, effects of training on employee performance and finally the establishing organizational issues which constrain train training in the organization. The study adopted an analytical research design were 60 respondents who wer...

Factors Influencing Women’s Decision To Adopt Family Planning Method Alebtong District. The Case Of Amugo Sub-County

ABSTRACT The study was done on factors influencing women’s decision to adopt family planning method in Amugu sub county, Alebtong district. The purpose of the study was to find out the factors that influence women’s decision making on adoption of family planning method. The specific objectives were; to examine how public policy affect family planning program in Alebtong district, to assess the extent to which logistics affect decision making in adopting family planning program in Alebtong...

The Impact Of Labour Turnover And Organization Performance In The Directorate Of Investment And Resource Mobilization (Dirm) Tanzania

ABSTRACT Employee turnover can hurt the overall productivity of an organization and is often a symptom of other difficulties .. Loosing key human capital in work organization operations upsets routines, makes employee/employer uncomfortable, and affects the productivity and performance of the· organization. Through there is no standard account for why people choose to leave because it is typically the occasion where people choose to.leave voluntary or involuntary. The study concentrated only...

Employee Training And Job Performance In Organisations, A Case Study Tanap Ana Tional Parks: Mwanza Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was about the relationship between employee Training and job performance in organizations, a case study of Tanzania National Parks. The problem was that there was no consultation of staff members on particular areas of need. where training was required before it 11as implemented. The objectives oi' this stud) imolved close investigation of forms of training offered to the staff of Tanzania National Parks, analyzing the effects of training both positive and negative at Tanz...

The Horror And The Future Of Women In The Face Of The Practice Of Female Genital Mutilation In Nothern Tanzania A Case Study: Longido District Arusiia Region

ABSTRACT The major purpose ,)f the study was to examine the horror and the future of women in the face of the practice of female genital mutilation in Northern Tanzania., a District called Longido in Arusha was selected as a case study becausv many reports of female genital mutilation have been reported. One hundred respondents were selected to participate in the study and among these, 40 were female and other 40 were males. Ten opinion leaders who included local leaders and Health .vorkers w...

5581 - 5595 Of 19445 Results