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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Effect Of Product Innovation On New Product Adoption A Case Study Of Britannia Industries

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between innovation and product adoption at Britannia Industries. The study was guided by three specific objectives and these included; to establish the various product innovation strategies used by Britannia Industries, to establish the factors affecting new product adoption at Britannia industries and to establish the relationship between product innovation and new product adoption. The study applied both qualitative and qu...

Packaging And Sales Turn Over A Case Study Of Jesa Farm Uganda.

ABSTRACT This research was carried out in Jesa Diary farm Uganda Ltd with a purpose of finding out the packaging and Sales Turn over of milk products from this company. Packaging is one of the exercises established to assist in protection and attraction purposes of the company. A number of organizations today have adopted packaging exercise with reasons well known to them and that is why the researcher came out with the statement of the problem being "to find out if packaging directly af...

Leadership Styles And Job Satisfaction; A Case Study Of Kichwa Tembo Tented Camp, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research is about "Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction, taking Kichwa Tembo Tented Camp in Trans Mara District, Kenya as the study institution. It has been shown that it is evident that there are several problems of leadership towards employees' job satisfaction due to a series of employees predictor of deviant work related behaviors such as absenteeism, late coming, labour turn over and leadership style. But leadership style has of late been observed and has taken the fore fr...

Effects Of Clan Conflicts On The Delivery Of Social Services In Karamoja Region: A Case Study Ofbokora County, Napak District

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at assessing effects of clan conflicts on the delivery of social services in Karamoja region: A case study of Bokora County, Napak District. The main objective of the study was to assess the effects of conflicts on the delivery of social services in Napak district, Northern Eastern Uganda which has been associated with problems of conflicts and violence that has become pandemic. Various clans Karamonja sub region include; Bokora, Mathenilco, Upe Pokot,Tepeth, Jie,...

Inventory Management On The Profitability Levels In Uganda Cooperative Sa Vin Gs And Credit Unions In Kampala, Uganda;

ABSTRACT The study investigated the research study titled "The impact of inventory management on the profitability levels of Uganda cooperative saving and credit unions in Uganda, with a case study of Uganda cooperative saving and credit union in Kampala district. The study was carried out at Uganda cooperative saving and credit union which has a total population of 170 people from which a sample size of 119 respondents was randomly selected. The study had three specific objectives and resear...

Management Style And Employee Turnover In Kisoro Town Council

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................

Impact Of Occupational Health And Safety To The Performance Of Employees In The Constructional Industry Acase Study Of Kampala City Council Authority (Kcca)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ...................................................................................................... . APPROVAL ............................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ......................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ iv TABLE OF CO...

The Effects Of Rapid Results Initiatives On Service Delivery In The Civil Service Of The Republic Of Kenya (A Case Of Ministry Of Interior And Coordination Of National Government, Mombasa Cou

The study sought to find out the effects of Rapid Results Initiatives (RRI) on service delivery in the civil service of the republic of Kenya. The research covered Mombasa County which comprises of four Sub Counties namely; Likoni, Changamwe, Kisauni and Mombasa and basically focused on the employees of the departments of Coordination of National Government, the National Police Service and Registration of Persons which fall under the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Gove...

The Contribution Of Social Security Schemes To The Socioeconomic Development And Maintenance Of Pensioners Case Study Of Parastatal Pensions Fund

ABSTRACT It is generally agreed that the pensioners form a class of poor people. There is also a feeling that the social security institutions which serve them are neither effective nor efficient enough to mobilize resources towards poverty alleviation for this category of the population. This feeling has called for the need of investigation into the issue. The main pmpose of this research repmi is therefore to present an evaluation of the contribution of the social security schemes to the s...

The Effectiveness Of Kenya Police Reforms On Service Delivery In Nairobi County, Kenya

Performance in the Police Service in Kenya has been deteriorating over the years. For this reason, the National Police Service has recently developed an ambitious plan for police reforms, aimed at transforming the Police Service into an institution that will be modern, efficient and effective and responsive to the needs and expectations of the public. However, there seems to be a problem in the police reform program. Accordingly, the present study sought to ascertain the effectiveness of...

The Effects Of Budgetary Controls In An Organization's Performance A Case Study Of Action Aid Uganda In Kumi Branch

ABSTRACT This is a research report on the effect of budgetary controls in a ''not for profit" organization called AAU. It is a study on budgetary control as a financial tool in guiding the making of optimal financial decisions to attain high level performance. It was carried out to investigate on budgetary practices [budgetary control] in AAU, to evaluate the performance of the organization and whether there was a relationship between these controls and the organization performance of AA...

The Impact Of Trade Unions On Employees Welfare A Case Study Of Crown Beverages Pepsicola

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to find the impact of trade unions on employees welfare. Objectives to be achieved included the following; To examine whether trade unions have power on employees in decisionmaking. To access the impact of trade unions on employees welfare. To examine whether trade unions influence the wage bargaining. To achieve the above objectives the researcher used questionnaire and interviews which were administered to both the employees and the trade union members. D...

The Effects Of Internal Control System Of Personnel Records On The Organization's Performance A Case Study Of Kenya Ports Authoritymombasa, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was done at Kenya Ports Authority Headquarters located m Mombasa- Coastal region of Kenya. Due to the massive reduction on the performance of Kenya Ports Authority in the financial year 2008/2009, the researcher sought to investigate on the effects of managing personnel records on the performance. The objectives of managing personnel records included the following; to ensure that a complete and comprehensive employment history of each employee is readily available fo...

Training And Performance Of The Employees In Organisa Tion:A Case Study Of Nsamby A Hospital

ABSTRACT The resenrch study was on training and performance of employees in an organization and the problem ;vas inadequate training of employees in Nsambya Hospital. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between training and performance of employees and the objectives where to examine the types of training used in Nsambya hospital to boost employee performance. to find the role of training on the performance of employees in the organization and to find out the ways of...

An Assessment Of The Imp Act Of Fiscal Policies On The Growth Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Tanzania A Case Study Of Sme's In Mazombe Division-Iringa Region Tanzania

ABSTRACT In many developing countries, there is growing recognition that SME's have a very vital role to play in economic development. SME's create employment, help achieve equitable income distribution, alleviate poverty, build up local technological base, promote participation of vulnerable groups patiicularly women in the development process, provide training ground for entrepreneurial and managerial skills and opportunities for use of own capital resources as well as act as ancillaries t...

SSA Research 63 PAGES (10428 WORDS) Accounting Thesis

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