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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Effects Of Outsourcing On Organizational Performance A Case Study Of Fafi Limited Company Mombasa, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ..............................................................

The Imp Act Of Industrial Conflicts On The Performance Of An Organization A Case Study Of Kenya Power And Lighting Company In Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate on the impact of industrial conflict on performance of organizations. It aimed at achieving the following objectives, to establish the relationship between proper handling of industrial disputes and organization performance. to examine the causes and effects of industrial disputes in KPLC organization. to determine the ways of handling industrial disputes. The study was carried out to establish the relationship between proper handling of ind...

Competitive Strategies And Performance Of Selected Commercial Banks In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The current business environment is relatively dynamic and competitive. This has necessitated financial institutions to design strategies that ensure they maintain their competitive position in a sustainable manner. These demands mainly come from their customers, who in a rapidly advancing technological age have access to information that has changed the dynamics and transactions in the banking industry. The response to these demands determines the strategies used in achieving the d...

The Role Of Human Right In Protecting Abused And Neglected Children, A Case Of Ilemela District Mwanza Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Research was based on the role of human rights in protecting abused and neglected children in ilernela district mwanza region in Tanzania. The number of children who die each year as a result of abused comes primarily from death registries or mortality data.young children are at greatest risk, with rates for the 0—4 years old age group more then double those of 5—14 year of age. However, despite the role of human rights in protecting abused and neglected children , the numbers of...

The Relationship Between Supplier Evaluation And The Quality Of Goods And Services Supplied: A Case Of The Judiciary Head Office, Kamp Ala, Uganda

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to establish the relationship between suppliers' evaluation and quality of goods and services supplied within the judiciary of Uganda. It was prompted by rampant reports of poor quality goods and services offered by contractors attributed to poor evaluation procedures married y conuption, selfishness, greed for money and lack of value for money audit. The major objective was to examine if suppliers' evaluation was related to the quality of goods and service...

Loan Delinquency And The Performance Of Microfinance Institutions. Case Study: Capital Microfinance

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the relationship between loan delinquency and performance of micro finance institutions basing on the following objectives; to identify the causes of delinquency, examine the indicators of loan delinquency and examine the impact of loan delinquency to Capital microfinance. Both qualitative and quantitative research designs were used. The sample size was selected using a purposive method and sample size of 30 respondents was consideredand they were emp...

The Impact Of Supplier Development On Product Quality A Case Study Of Sugar Corporation Of Uganda Limited (Scoul)

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... .ii DEDICATION .............................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................

Donor Funding And Financial Sustain Ability Of Community Service Projects Of Anglican Church Of Uganda. Case Study Bumadu Archdeaconry Church Bundibugyo

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................... iii ACUNOWLEDGEMENTS ..........................

Partnership Sourcing And Organisational Productivity. Case Study: Gm Tumpeco, Naka Wa Kampala

ABSTRACT he study sought to establish the relationship between partnership sourcmg and organization roductivity in GM TVMPECO with objectives such as; investigation of the contribution of artnership sourcing towards organization productivity, identification of ways of developing rorld-class partnerships and identification of the barriers of partnership sourcing. 'he purpose of the study was to assess the impact of partnership sourcing on organization roductivity since organizations had not a...

The Challenges Of Managing A Of Voluntary Mv Counselling And Testing Center In Our Society Today. A Case Study Of Mombasa Youth Counselling Centre-Mombasa, Kenya.

Abstract This Research Study Is A Managerial Based Study Of A Voluntary Counselling And Testing Centre For Hiv Known As Vct. Its Main Objective Was To Show How The Introduction Of The Vct Centres Has Affected The Society Especially The Youth At The Mombasa Region. It Shows How The Vct Centre Should Be Managed And The Impact It Should Have On The Community (Youth). The Research Involved A Randomly Selected A Sample Of Two Vct Counsellors, Five Members Of The Public And Twenty Clients Of The V...

Corporation Tax Administration And Revenue Performance A Case Study: Uganda Revenue Authority Kampala City Council Authority Makindye Division From 2001-2005

ABSTRACT The study set to examined the relationship between the relationship between corporation tax administration and revenue performance. The study used a crosssectional suJYey design. This design was adopted so as to exhaustively study the variables "ithin the stipulated time lor the Degree research. The research instruments \ere sclJ~administered questionnaires. Stratified Simple random sampling method was used to select respondents fi"om the sample size of 354 and the response rate was ...

The Role Of Micro-Financial Institutions In Fighting Against Poverty In Mbale District. A Case Study Of Finca Uganda Limited And Finance Trust, Mbale.

ABSTRACT This report examines the roles of MFis fighting against poverty in Mbale district and it looks at FINCA Uganda Ltd and Finance Trust as one of the MFis. It defines poverty as the state in which income is insufficient to provide such basic necessities as food, shelter, medical care and clothing; that in the essence, the poor people get less of everything we consider important and necessary for a decent life. The report also following the Uganda Micro Finance Dictionary 2009/10 defines...

The Challenges Of Implementing Universal Primary Education By Local Governments In Uganda: A Case Study Of Rakai District.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges of implementing universal primary education in Rakai District. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the problems of primary education in Rakai District, determine whether UPE is sustainable in the face of increasing costs of education and to get procedures that can help solve the challenges of primary education. The study :-cvealed that the implementation of UPE is hindered by Class size and Shortage of t...

Loan Recovery And Credit Policy In Microfinance Institutions. A Case Study: Finca, Buganda Road Branch, Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT The research was carried out to assess loan recovery and credit policy of clients of Micro Finance Institutions, with Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA) as a case study. The researcher decided to carry out this study because of reported decline in loan recovery ofFINCA's clients as a result of high interest rates charged on the loans. This study is therefore to investigate the credit policy of MFI' s. A survey research design was used in an effort to describe ...

The Effects Of Communication On Employee Performance Case Study: Kajiado County Council District: Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was basically to establish the relationship between communication and employee perfonnance in Kajiado County Council. The key objectives were to establish the effects of communication on employee perfonnance and to establish the forms of communication used in Kajiado County Council. Simple random sampling was used to select the sample. 40 respondents were randomly ,elected, data collection was done by the researcher herself, questionnaires were given to resp...

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