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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Effect Of Employees Satisfaction On Customer Satisfaction: Case Study Of The University Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT The study was put in place in order to accomplish four objectives. The objectives were; to understand the drivers of employee job satisfaction under the study area, to investigate if motivated employees become satisfied with their jobs, to investigate if satisfied employees become good performers and to assess the level of customer satisfaction with services rendered by employees. The study was conducted using explanatory case study design and was based at UDOM as the platform. Data...

Factors Influencing Teacher Turnover In Public Secondary Schools In Monduli District

ABSTRACT The study focused on factors influencing teacher turnover in public secondary schools in Monduli district. The study particularly sought to investigate factors influencing teacher turnover, impact of teacher turnover and strategies to retain. This study therefore investigated the factors responsible for this revolving door also called teacher turnover in public secondary schools in Monduli District. A sample size of 66 respondents was employed so as to get relevant and reliable info...

The Contribution Of Heads Of School In Curbing Teachers’ Misconduct In Tanzanian Public Secondary Schools, A Case Of Moshi Municipalty Counci

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to examine the Contribution of heads of school in curbing teacher‟s misconduct in Tanzanian public secondary schools. It involves views and/or experience from different groups of stakeholders in education systems in Kilimanjaro Region, more specifically in Moshi Municipal Council. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches which were informed by a case study design. Data relevant to this study were collected through intervi...

Challenges Facing Financing Of Small–Scale Entrepreneurs In Kigoma-Ujiji Municipality: A Case Of Palm Oil And Soap Making Producers

ABSTRACT This study investigated the challenges facing financing of small-scale entrepreneurs in Kigoma-Ujiji Municipality, based on a case of oil palm and soap making producer. To achieve the desired results, the study used various techniques for data collection, like questionnaires, interviews, field observations and sampling techniques. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for data analysis. The study involved two categories of respondent namely small-scale entrepre...

Examining Challenges Faced By Smes In Accessing Loan From Financial Institution The Case Of Iringa Municipality

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine challenges faced by SMEs in accessing financial loans required to sustain and expand their operations, from financial institutions. A sample of ninety (90) SMEs was randomly selected from across a wide spectrum of industries was selected. Questionnaires containing both open-ended and close-ended questions, as well as interviews with the entities‟ managers, were used to collect data. It was found that very few SMEs succeeded in accessing funding from fin...

Contribution Of Small Scale Coffee Farmers’ Groups For Coffee Production, Processing And Marketing In Mbozi District, Mbeya Region

ABSTRACT This research aimed to study the contribution of small scale coffee farmers‟ groups in Mbozi district, Mbeya region. The specific objectives included, identifying the factors that influenced the coffee farmers‟ groups formation, delineating the roles of the coffee farmers‟ groups in the coffee production, processing and marketing, assessing the performance of the coffee farmers‟ groups in facilitating the group members in coffee production, processing and marketing and ident...

The Contribution Of Faith Based Institutions To Provision Of Social Services: A Study Of Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality

ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining the contribution of faith based institutions to provision of social services in Kigoma/Ujiji Municipality. The study sought to provide an understanding on role of faith based institutions and the perception of Kigoma/Ujiji community on the services received from these institutions. The study employed various data collection methods. These methods comprises of survey whereby questionnaire as a tool were employed and interview. Random sampling technique a...

Challenges Of Private Sectors In Providing Public Service In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Health Services In Kinondoni Municipality

ABSTRACT Challenges of private sector in providing public service in Tanzania as a case study of health service in Kinondoni Municipality are a goal of this investigation. In fact, the government of Tanzania has engaged various actors in public services delivery. The situation is divisive and in fact raises a need to study the extent to which public receive better services after engagement of the sector. As its methodology the study employed cross sectional as research design and sample size...

Utility Of Climate Change And Variability Information For Rice Farming In Babati District-Manyara Region

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess the utility of climate change and variability information for rice farming in Babati district of Manyara region.The subjects in this study were 122, comprising of 97 rice farmers, 07 key informants and 18 members of FGDs. Primary data were collected through questionnaire and checklist. Multiple responses analysis, chi-square test, linear and logistic regression were used to analyze the collected data. The result showed that 95.1% of the respondent...

The Influence Of Innovations Intervention On Beekeepers’ Livelihoods In Sikonge District Of Tabora Region In Central Tanzania

ABSTRACT The overall objective of this study was to examine the influence of innovations on beekeepers‟ livelihoods in Sikonge District in Tabora region. The specific objectives of the study were: (1) to characterize beekeeping innovations typologies in the district, (2) to examine beekeeping innovations processes and their associated adoption rates, and (3) to analyze the possible influence of innovations on beekeepers‟ livelihoods. A cross-sectional research survey, coupled with mixed ...

Determinants Of Nhif Services Provision Among Accredited Drugs Dispensing Outlets In Kilombero District

ABSTRACT Health insurance scheme is important in improving health finance in Tanzania. However, health insurance faces numerous difficulties including inadequate health services availability. This study attempted to assess the determinants of health insurance services provision among Accredited Drugs Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in Kilombero district. The objective of the study is to assess the social-economic factors affecting the response of private sector Accredited Drugs dispending Outlets...

Investigating Reasons For Failing To Implement Strategic Plans In The Ministry Of Regional And Local Government, Housing And Rural Development

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the ineffective implementation of strategic plans in the MRLGHRD and identify possible remedies to improve the situation. The study was guided by four objectives and data were collected to answer the research questions. An administered questionnaire were used, both descriptive (qualitative) and quantitative data were collected and analysed in order to answer the questions of the study. The study also used a com...

An Investigation On The Effectivenesss Of Cutting Employee Related Costs As A Perfomance Measure. A Case Of Damofalls Investments (Pvt) Ltd

ABSTRACT The research was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of cutting down on employee related costs on the viability and performance of the organization as exercised by Damofalls Investments. This was lined with the background that the company was experiencing increasing costs and on the other hand declining profits. So this arose the need for the company to try and cut costs to maintain a standing ground in the construction industry. The research sought to evaluate the current empl...

Examining Solid Waste Management By Local Authorities In High Density Suburbs The Case Of Gweru City Council In Mkoba 14

Abstract Solid waste management in Zimbabwe has posed a lot of problems and challenges in many urban residential areas. The most important issue discussed in this research is the effectiveness of solid waste management in Mkoba 14 high density suburb, Gweru. Twenty five respondents from the thirty house households chosen were selected. The use interviews and structured questionnaires as data collection tools. The researcher also used purposive sampling as a sampling technique as there is no u...

An Analysis Of The Factors Affecting The Participation Of Youth In Public Policy Formulation In Zimbabwe: The Case Of Mutare Urban From 2010-2016.

ABSTRACT This study is designed to analyse the factors causing the youth not to participate in public policy formulation in Zimbabwe using the case study being Mutare Urban from the year 2010-2016. Policy formulation is a vital stage in the public policy realm and the way the policy is made determines the levels of its success. Therefore the lack of youth participation in the formulation stage of the public policy results in the failure to effectively implement of the policy as well. A review...

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