Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Role Of The Environment Management Agency (Ema) In Promoting Sustainable Environment Management In Harare South

ABSTRACT The study focused on the role of EMA in promoting sustainable environment management in Harare South. In most developing countries, the increase in urbanization has exceeded the development of urban infrastructure and this has led to the multiplying of informal settlements, illegal dumping sites and uncontrolled vending in cities like Harare. The environment has currently become a topical issue globally with climate change, environment degradation and biodiversity loss among the majo...

Investigating the deindustrialisation process in Zimbabwe since 1980

Abstract The study investigated deindustrialisation in Zimbabwe from 1980 which has become a major concern for the economy. The study mainly focused on the manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe. The researcher establishes through other researchers that deindustrialization in developed countries come as a result of economic development whilst developing countries is a result of an economy which is failing. The study identified the causes of deindustrialization in Zimbabwe such as sanctions, lack of...

An Assessment Of Funding Operations Of Parastatals. A Case Of National Museums And Monuments Of Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This study sough to investigate the assessment of parastatals funding, specified to the case study of National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe .The statement of the problem is that the company is facing financial problems as evidenced by recurring losses. This is as a result of continuous decline in government support in form of grants and poor performance of domestic revenue inflows against the background of rising recurrent expenditures which has been forecast to continue to cons...

An Investigation On The Nature Of Violence Against Women On Social And Online Media In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The research is an investigation on the nature of violence against women on social and online media in Zimbabwe. A review of the causes and factors that causes violence against women on social and online media was discussed, the reason why women should not be abused and also the legal structural policies protecting women in their homes. Theories were the support bases of the thesis. Only qualitative research method was used to gather information with the use of secondary and primary ...

Employee Empowerment And Firms’ Competitiveness: A Case Study Of Delta Sorghum Beer Products

Abstract The research study was concerned with employee empowerment and firm’s competitiveness. The researcher sought to find out if there is an association between employee empowerment and firm’s competitiveness. Moreover, the researcher sought to find out if employees at Delta Chibuku were involved in decision making regarding development of products and ways in which they are involved .In addition the researcher wanted to establish the extent to which Delta had put in place empowerment...

An Investigation Of The Funding Operations Of Zimbabwe Geological Survey Department

ABSTRACT The research sought to investigate the funding operations of the Geological Survey Department, under Ministry of Mines and Mining Development. The study was motivated by the fact that the department has been experiencing an increasing operational funding deficit. There has been a trend of perpetual rise in costs while revenue has been decreasing between 2010 and 2013. The Geological Survey department is gradually losing capacity to generate new information. There has not been any fie...

Effects Of Poor Business Enabling Environments On The Organic Value Chain In Zimbabwe. The Case Of Hwedza Organic Farmers Association

ABSTRACT Agriculture forms the backbone of most African economies and as such it is subject to experimentation in a bid to improve it and gain more from it. The agricultural trajectory has an element of universalism despite its settings and this normally proves consequential to the developing countries as some of the elements that make up its trajectory are not supported by other underlying reasons. It is the element of agricultural universalism that had most African countries adopt the Green...

The Effectiveness Of Budget Benchmarks On The Financial Performance Of Local Authorities, A Case Study Of The Rural And Urban Local Authorities In Zimbabwe

Abstract This study investigated the effectiveness of budget benchmarks on the financial performance of local authorities, a case study of the Rural and Urban Local authorities in Zimbabwe. A hypothesis was developed to look at the relationship between budget benchmarking and financial performance. A descriptive research design was used in this research. The population of the study was 97 consisting of Directorate and senior officials from the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and Na...

Impediments To Agricultural Development In Small Scale Farms: A Case Of Nyazvidzi Small Scale Farming Area In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The study serves to provide an assessment of impediments to agricultural development in Nyazvidzi small scale farming area with special attention being placed upon the relationships between the farmers and all agricultural stakeholders whom they interact with, rural livelihoods systems, infrastructure, the natural environment, agricultural production and marketing. The information was gathered and analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The target sample f...

A Comparison Of Conception Rates In Naturally Serviced And Artificially Inseminated Tuli And Afrikaner Females As A Reproductive Performance Indicator.

Abstract A study was conducted to compare conception rate between groups of 71 Tuli and 86 Afrikaner heifers and cows bred using artificial insemination technology and natural service method at Matopos Research Institute. Data on female ID number (ear tag), last calving date, parity, the breed of animal, breeding method (inseminated vs. natural mating) and pregnancy status were recorded. Binary logistic regression and cross tabulations were used for statistical analysis. Breeding method, bree...

Audit Risk: An Investigation Into Workload Compression And Materiality Towards Audit

ABSTRACT This research investigates the effects of applying materiality under workload compression demands, on the quality of audited financial statements. Carrying out interviews and distributing questionnaires to the audit staff, research found that application of materiality under workload compression conditions is literal and audits are of lower quality when compared to audits performed under non-workload compression conditions. Evidence was also found indicating that workload compression...

Relevance Of Forensic Auditing In Detecting Fraud In Related Party Transactions (A Case Study Of The Duration Gold Mining Group

BSTRACT Apart from their declared motives, related parties transactions (RPTs) can mask stakes related to the enrichment of one party at the expense of other parties that are not involved in the transaction. They may, thus, lead to the expropriation of minority shareholders, to the benefit of controlling shareholders, directors or administrators. These groups can make profits by selling to the firm (or buying from it), assets, goods or services, at prices higher (lower) than the market price....

An Assessment Of The Girlchild Participation In Science Subjects At Advanced Level With The Introduction Of The Stem Initiative: A Case Study Of Glen View Suburb Schools.

ABSTRACT The development discourse has proved beyond doubt that there is no development that we can talk about if it is still discriminating or marginalizing some groups of the society especially women and the girl child. Because of this, this document seeks to assess and analyze the extent to which the girl child is participating in science subjects at advanced level in Zimbabwe concentrating on the period starting 2016 when the STEM Initiative was introduced as a measure to promote a scienc...


ABSTRACT The general objective of this study was to establish the importance of Risk Based Internal Audit on the growth and sustainability of microfinance institutions. Literature from different authors was reviewed concerning objectives of the research project. Descriptive research design was used in this research, together with case study design and FMC Finance, Harare was used as a case study. The researcher used judgemental sampling to determine the population and sample size. The researc...

An Investigation Of Strategy Implementation In A Local Authority. Case Study: Local Authority Council

TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ II LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................................VII LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... VIII ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................

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