Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Broken Lives, Broken Relationships: The Experiences Of Women In A Ghanaian Prison.

ABSTRACT The prison has emerged as an object of attention and criticism in the works of sociologists and criminologists. However, among this diverse body of works, little research has been undertaken which interrogates the very different experience of men and women prisoners. In particular, there is a paucity of research that adequately explores how women experience their family relationships while in prison. Considering the fact that a significant number of female prisoners in Ghana come fro...

SSA Research 144 PAGES (34435 WORDS) Sociology Thesis
Demand For Treasury Bills In Ghana, Looking Beyond Risk

ABSTRACT Investment is a very important activity in the life of every income earner. It basically entails setting aside part of one’s income into an investment vehicle to yield returns in a form of reserving and or increasing the value of the initial amount invested. Treasury bills are one of the avenues for investing by income earners since it yields guaranteed returns over various time periods/durations. This study investigates whether there are behavioral factors influencing the demand f...

SSA Research 75 PAGES (14294 WORDS) Finance Thesis
The Effect Of Trade Liberalization On The Environment: A Case Study Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT This study seeks to contribute to the emerging economic literature on trade liberalization and the environment in developing countries. Using time series data from 1970 to 2010 obtained from the World Development Indicators (WDI) online database, the study applies least squares multiple regression technique to estimate the effect of trade openness on the environment in Ghana. We estimate the composition, scale and technique effect of trade liberalization on Ghana’s environment usin...

SSA Research 107 PAGES (24646 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Assessing Financial Literacy Of Pensioners In Ghana

ABSTRACT Knowledge and literacy on the concept of finance and other related financial issues have been very topical around the globe. Being financially literate means having knowledge and understanding of financial concepts. Also, basic knowledge in risk, and the drive to apply these knowledge in making decision that affects the individual financial wellbeing and the society at large also forms part of financial literacy. Several studies in financial literacy have been conducted around the wo...

Neuropsychological Functioning Among Paediatric Hiv Patients Receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy

ABSTRACT HIV/Aids as a retroviral infection exposes patients to both medical complications and psychosocial difficulties. The aim of this study was to determine the pattern of neuropsychological and psychosocial problems experienced by paediatric HIV outpatients on highly active antiretroviral therapy at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra-Ghana. Forty-two participants comprising twenty HIV infected children on HAART and twenty-two healthy controls from a school based population matched on ...

CDR Coalition 121 PAGES (24303 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
Community Policing And Crime Prevention In Edge Cities: Insights From Awutu Senya East Municipality

ABSTRACT The study looks at the concept of community policing (CP) in crime prevention in an edge city such as the Awutu Senya East Municipality (ASEMA). Specifically the research investigated the evolution and institutional arrangements governing CP practices within the municipality, assessed the impact of CP on community safety, crime reduction, fear of crime and risk of victimisation. The study further evaluated the mechanisms employed by the community police in engaging the community in c...

A Comparative Study of Athenian and Ghanaian Institutions of Accountability

ABSTRACT The ability of citizens to scrutinise officials is a long-standing power, and central to the strength o f democracy. Consequently, it is o f critical importance to the well being of any society, and the individuals who are a part of it, that their government, and the people who manage it, are held highly accountable for their actions or, in some cases, their failure to act, since this helps to minimise human deprivation and corruption. For ancient Athenians, making officials accounta...

Effectiveness Of Youth Employment Programmes In Ghana: A Case Study Of Youth Employment Agency (Yea)

ABSTRACT This study sought to examine the role of Youth Employment Agency in combating unemployment in Ghana by examining the effectiveness of the programmes introduced and the challenges of the agency in carrying out its mandate. A qualitative design and a case study approach were employed to undertake the study. A semi-structured interview technique was used to collect data. The sample size for the study was eighteen (18) comprising three (3) Directors and fifteen (15) beneficiaries of the ...

Employee Perception Of Rightsizing On Survivors’ Attitude And Commitment In Corporate Organizations In Ghana

ABSTRACT A lot of companies and firms from all sectors have undergone rightsizing over the years. These organizations do so in order to reduce their workforce for multiple reasons, including efforts to gain a more competitive advantage, to manage or reduce cost expenditures, and to streamline the way in which work is conducted. Management more often carried out these exercises with little attention to adequately and effectively address the ―people factor‖ throughout the process. This is e...

An Investigation Into Board Structures, Intellectual Capital And Performance Of Banks In Africa

ABSTRACT This study examines the relationships between board structures, intellectual capital and the performance of banks in Africa. Specifically, the study draws insights from the resource-based view and signalling theories to hypothesize that the relation of board structures to performance of banks is contingent on intellectual capital; that relationship between intellectual capital and performance of banks is non-linear; and that the disclosure of intellectual capital in corporate annual ...

SSA Research 294 PAGES (77079 WORDS) Accounting Thesis
Determinants Of Savings Among Households. A Study Of Ga Central Municipality

ABSTRACT Savings play an important role in the economic development of any country and as such, the primary objective of all government’s policy is geared towards promoting savings and capital formation in the economy. Household savings provide or serve as backup in case(s) of international capital flow shocks. As such, the main aim of the study was to assess the factors that determine savings as well as the demographic factors that influence savings within the Ga Central Municipality. A de...

CDR Coalition 89 PAGES (18883 WORDS) Finance Paper
The Effects Of Education And Fosterage On Child Labour: Evidence From Ghana

ABSTRACT The study examines the effect of education and fosterage on child labour with specific emphasis on fishing and mining communities. The study sample was on children between the ages of 5 – 17 years in Ghana using the 2012/2013 Ghana Living Standard Survey. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, we estimate a bivariate probit model while controlling for multicolloneirity and endogeneity in the data set. The results of the study suggests that quality of school and hours chil...

CDR Coalition 103 PAGES (24798 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Culture And Enforcement Of Code Of Ethics In The Ghanaian Civil Service: Experiences From The Head Office Of The Ministry Of Health (Moh)

ABSTRACT This study investigated how culture influences the enforcement of code of ethics at the Ministry of Health (MOH).Using the qualitative approach, the case study design option was employed to examine the phenomena in depth. Primary data was collected through in-depth interviews with various officials at the Ministry of Health headquarters in Accra. Through a review of existing documents, reports and other scholarly publications, the primary data was effectively triangulated. Analysis o...

Foreign Direct Investment, Institutions And Industrialisation In Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT This study aims at establishing the role that inward foreign direct investment (FDI) and institutions played in the industrialisation process of 40 sub-Saharan African countries, over the period of 1996 through 2015. The study used a fixed effect method (FEM) of estimation for the analysis of data which was sourced from the world development indicators (WDI) database of the world bank and the world governance indicators (WGI) database, also of the world bank. The findings of the stud...

SSA Research 80 PAGES (15912 WORDS) Finance Thesis
Human Capital, Private Physical Capital, Public Infrastructure And Economic Growth In Ghana: An Ardl Bound Testing Approach

ABSTRACT Ghana’s achievements in advancing education and health have been remarkable. Conversely, World Bank Human Capital Report has ranked Ghana as the last but one country on harmonized test scores of children from basic to secondary school in the World. Premature births, infections and complications during and after pregnancy and maternal deaths also remain high and infrastructure challenges persist in the power sector as well as the quality of services received by Ghanaians. The study ...

CDR Coalition 101 PAGES (21114 WORDS) Finance Thesis

11641 - 11655 Of 19638 Results