Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Foreign Direct Investment And Industrialisation In Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role Of Financial Institutions Development

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to analyse the role of financial institutions development in the link between FDI and industrialisation in SSA. Employing the static model (Fixed Effect Model) and the dynamic model (Generalised Method of Moments), the study utilises a panel model of 45 countries in SSA spanning the period 1990 to 2009. The findings of the study reveal that previous year output of the manufacturing industry is very essential to the industrialisation process in SSA. Addi...

Navigating Around Teenage Pregnancy: Resilience Of Adolescent Girls In Accra

ABSTRACT This study examines the resilience strategies of adolescent girls in Nima, a suburb of Accra against teenage pregnancy. Specifically, it sought to find out the resilience pathways of adolescent girls against teenage pregnancy, determine the factors which influenced the resilience decision making process of these adolescent girls, examine the factors which help in building resilience and finally, understand the socio-cultural and economic factors which promote the building of resilien...

Education, Per Capita Income And Maternal Mortality In Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT While many studies have tested the theoretical essence of education or income on maternal mortality, none has studied these relationships in the long term. Researchers have paid very little attention to assessing the impact of income or education on maternal mortality in SubSaharan African countries with different income statuses. Using panel data on forty-three SubSaharan African countries over the period 1980 to 2010, along with the modernization theory, the study unravels the pote...

Vat Revenue Forecasting In Ghana

ABSTRACT It is prudent for a government to budget approximately for its expenditure based on expected or an accurately forecasted revenue. This will reduce the recurring budget deficit of the economy and bring the fiscal profile of an economy as Ghana to an acceptable level. There seem to be no clear guidelines from literature as to which econometric method provides the most accurate fiscal variables forecasts, but rather each forecasting case is considered and evaluated separately for indivi...

SSA Research 159 PAGES (35499 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Exploring The Effectiveness Of The Centre Of Government In The Coordination Of Policy Formation Among Public Sector Ministries In Ghana

ABSTRACT Coordination is increasingly difficult in modern governments because of the shift towards specialization of functions in the public sector. This shift has placed greater emphasis on division of labour and the establishment of line ministries with specific responsibilities. Many countries have undertaken reforms to strengthen the role of the Centre of Government (CoG) to effectively coordinate policy formation and implementation among public organizations to reduce policy duplication,...

Predictors Of Medication Adherence: A Study Among People Living With Hiv (Plwhiv) In The Ashanti Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Based on the importance of strict medication adherence needed to achieve significant viral suppression and good clinical outcome in HIV patients, continuous investigations into factors that predict adherence have always been considered necessary due to the global threat the virus poses. The present study aimed at investigating predictors of medication adherence among PLWHIV in the Ashanti Region, Ghana. This study specifically investigated how factors such as HIV stigma, spirituality...

Insurance Service Sub-Sectors And Output Performance In Nigeria: A Generalized Linear Model Approach

Abstract This study examines the insurance services sub-sectors impact on output performance in Nigeria from the period 1981-2017. Using service exports and imports as proxy for insurance services. Methodically, this study test for stationary, test for the cointegration using the EngleGranger single-equation and use the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) method to analysis the static impact. The results confirm one cointegrating relationship amongst the variables used in the study. The results a...

Causality And Exogeneity Issues In Socio-Economic Determinants Of Good Health In Nigeria

Abstract The premise of this study is to empirically appraise and identify the factors that can promote good health in Nigeria. The study use a VEC and Granger causality/block exogeneity tests methods to explain the linear relationship between the endogenous and exogenous variables and to test whether the endogenous variable life expectancy at birth (LEP) (proxied as good health) can be treated as exogenous. The results show that health expenditures, income per capita, education expenditure,...

Sustainable Plastic Waste Management In Accra: The Role Of The Stakeholder

ABSTRACT The problem of sustainable collecting and disposing of plastic waste in Accra has persisted for well over a decade. Plastic waste clogged-gutters, and plastic-littered streets in the national capital, Accra have indeed, portrayed the city as one of the most littered in the West African sub-region. To ameliorate the menace and environmental nuisance posed by plastic waste, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), through its Waste Management Department (WMD) has over the years, attempte...

Ethical Perceptions Of Accountants In Ghana: The Influence Of Individual Factors And Personal Values

ABSTRACT This study examines Ghanaian accountant’s ethical perception on decision making and individual factors and values that influences them. A well-structured questionnaire was employed with a sample size of 162 respondents from selected accounting firms in Greater Accra for the study. Smart PLS structural equation modelling (SEM) results showed that there exist positive and significant relationship between objectivity, integrity, honesty, self-control and ethical perception. The PLS-SE...

Employment Practices And Working Conditions Among Contract Employees In The American Oil Companies In Nigeria And The United States Of America

ABSTRACT This study examined employment practices and working conditions among contract employees in the American oil companies in Nigeria and the United States of America (USA) with a focus on comparative analysis of their working hours, remuneration, occupational health and safety, and degree of access to social protection. From a list of 12,736 contract employees in the American oil companies in Nigeria and the USA, a total of 600 respondents were randomly selected from Chevron and ExxonM...

Personality Traits And Job Outcomes: The Mediating Role Of Psychological Empowerment Among Employees In Unilever Ghana

ABSTRACT This study investigates individual personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion and emotional stability) as a potential explanation for why some people feel a stronger sense of job outcome (commitment and turnover intention) than others when psychologically empowered. The hypotheses were tested on a sample of 220 full-time employees, using structural equation modelling (SEM) partial least square (PLS). The cross-sectional nature of this study restricts...

Financial Deepening, Domestic Resource Mobilisation And Per Capita Income Growth In Africa

ABSTRACT Financial sector has gained prominence as a possible determinant of saving and growth in the globalized financial markets. The financial sector in Africa, since the 1990s, continues to experience some reforms and development. However, despite all these reforms in the financial sector, the region has low levels of domestic savings resulting in the dependence on foreign resources for their infrastructure needs, which mostly are associated with volatilities and uncertainties. Based on t...

SSA Research 112 PAGES (26164 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Attraction And Retention Of Medical Doctors To The Upper West Region: Prospects, Challenges And The Way Forward

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at understanding the prospects and challenges associated with attracting and retaining medical doctors to the Upper West Region of Ghana. The study looked at the reasons medical doctors were unwilling to accept postings to the Region, the current initiatives by the Ministry of Health and its partners and their effectiveness, and the key factors considered viable to brand the Region as the employer of choice in getting medical doctors to take up appointments there ...

A Study Of The Sources Of Finance For Home Ownership In Ghana: Assessing The Role Of Mortgage Banks In Financing A Study Of The Sources Of Finance For Home Ownership In Ghana: Assessing The R

ABSTRACT Food, shelter and clothing are considered as the most basic necessities in life. Abraham Maslow in his Theory of Needs puts the need for shelter as the next basic need after man has satisfied his need for food which is the first basic need man has. In this light, this study aimed at investigating the main source of finance for homeownership in Ghana as well as the contribution of mortgage loans on housing finances. The study adopted quantitative and qualitative research approaches an...

11596 - 11610 Of 19638 Results