ABSTRACT Public organizations in Africa continue to experience public accountability challenges despite introducing organizational controls intended to serve as public accountability mechanisms. Studies on public accountability challenges have explored, separately, the influence of public accountability mechanisms and socio-cultural expectations on bureaucrats’ decisions, but few have explored their joint influence on bureaucrats’ decisions. The objective of the study was to understand ho...
ABSTRACT This study aims at analyzing the challenges of public officials in Ghana, who through stipulated guidelines, statutes, legislation and codes of conduct are required to serve the public interest. The extent to which public officials uphold the tenets of ethical behaviour including: provision of dedicated leadership, conditions for democracy; issues of protecting community legacy and creating the atmosphere for mutuality was examined. The Principal-Agent theory relating to public inter...
ABSTRACT The study sought to ascertain the extent to which Valley View University (VVU) has complied with the Data Protection Act (DPA) since the implementation of the E-HRS at the University. This case study sampled a total of thirty employees from diverse functional units of the University. The aim was to evaluate respondents’ acceptability, knowledge and understanding of E-HRS issues relating to the DPA, security issues in the DPA and adherence to such security issues. Findings revealed ...
ABSTRACT Private investment, employment and social welfare are key socio-economic development policy variables of many a developing nation. Over the two decades (1990-2009) that this study covered, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has experienced interesting dynamics in private investment, employment and social welfare. Key among them is a dwindling public sector investment and a marginal increase in private investment coupled with an increase in employment which is mostly driven by a surge in female...
ABSTRACT The study seeks to analyse the effect of leverage on bank financial performance and provide a comprehensive comparative analysis of foreign and domestic banks in Ghana with regards to the debt component of their capital structure over a ten year period. Secondary data was collected from the annual reports and financial statements of twenty-four (24) banks between 2006 and 2015. Parameter sensitivity analysis is carried out to test the difference between the performance of foreign and...
ABSTRACT Female employees in the hotel industry are sometimes unable to compete with their male counterparts on an equal level due to several visible and invisible barriers and challenges such as the demands of marriage and motherhood, gender and sex discrimination, sexual harassment among others. In Ghana very little is known about the problems females face in the hotel industry and how these create challenges for them. This study therefore explores prospects and challenges that prevent fema...
ABSTRACT The study employed the cross-sectional design to assess the impact of leadership styles (transformational and transactional) and perceived work control (internal and external) on subordinate’s creativity. The study further examined how demographic characteristics (gender, type of task and tenure of work) influence creativity. The mediation role of perceived control on the relationship between transformational leadership and creativity was also assessed. One hundred and seventy-six ...
ABSTRACT Conflict and conflict management is undoubtedly very critical in any setting; organisations are no exception. The type of conflict management in organisations plays an essential role when it comes to achieving missions and visions. ADR is gaining widespread attention. Research on adoption of ADR mechanisms is practically non existent in Ghana. This research reviews the adoption of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in Ghana and examines the incidence in firms of ADR practices addre...
ABSTRACT Accountability is an essential feature of good governance. Social Accountability has been advocated to enhance the sustainability of social protection programmes. This study sought to examine the effectiveness of social accountability mechanisms in the implementation of social protection programmes in the Shai-Osudoku District Assembly, Ghana. The study employed a qualitative data collection and handling technique based on a case study through the lens of an interpretive research par...
ABSTRACT Decentralization has been the most popular policy adopted by many advanced countries worldwide, as a modality for involving citizens in the grass root participation in the governance in their own states. This has been done effectively by creating the local government systems to pursue such decentralized policies and programs effectively and efficiently. In this sense, these local government systems are created by the various governments across the world to enhance broad participation...
ABSTRACT Societies which depend upon agriculture for their livelihood may face the perils of climate change (Global Wanning), especially developing countries in the tropics and subtropics where some crops are already near their maximum temperature tolerance and where dry land and non-irrigated agriculture predominate. Yields will tend to decrease with even nominal amounts of climate change. Agriculture in Ghana is largely rain fed, therefore changes in climate in the form of changes in rainfa...
ABSTRACT Developing countries all over the world have come to realize the importance of FDI as an important source of economic growth and invariably welfare improvement. This is because it supplements domestic investment and brings positive spillover effects which are vital in economic development. As a result, developing countries including countries in SSA are now pursuing economic policies explicitly intended to improve conditions to attract FDI and to maximize its benefits. This study emp...
ABSTRACT The primary objective of this study was to extend the current knowledge of corporate image investment dimensions by testing a comprehensive framework which comprises product attributes, relationship marketing, corporate credibility and corporate social responsibility on customer loyalty. By examining the proposed conceptual framework, this study captures broadly everything that an organisation does which invariably gives it an image in the minds of customers. The study adopts a quant...
Abstract This study investigated the attitude of psychiatric and community health nurses towards suicidal persons and suicide prevention in Ghana. The present study sampled 36 participants (18 psychiatric nurses and 18 community health nurses) from the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. A comparative study, using a qualitative approach, was employed to explore attitudes of psychiatric and community health nurses towards suicide and suicide prevention in Ghana. Thematic analysis of the data obtain...
ABSTRACT Breast cancer is a feared disease, which affects women almost exclusively. Statistics show that one in eight women will most likely develop this disease at some stage during their lives. Secondary prevention (early detection) is the mainstay. M onthly breast self-examination is one o f the necessary components o f a comprehensive approach to early detection o f breast cancer. However, m ost women do not practise it. This study set out to examine some o f the factors that determine st...