Tab~e of Contents CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Overview 1 Background of the study 1 Problem Statement 7 Purpose of the study 8 Specific Objectives of the study 9 Research Questions 9 Scope 9 Geographical Scope 9 Subject/Content Scope 10 Hypotheses 11 Conceptual Framework 12 CHAPTER TWO 14 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 14 Introduction 14 History of stock exchanges 15 Governance and operations of the stock exchange 17 The role of stock exchanges 22 Raising capital for businesses 22 Improvement o...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the impact of internal control systems on inventory management at Petro Uganda stations in Kampala district. The first objective was to establish the nature and scope of internal control system employed at Petro Uganda. The second objective was to examine the impact of internal controls on successful management of inventory at petro Uganda stations in Kampala district. The third objective was to assess the effectiveness of the existing intern...
ABSTRACT This report is a result of an academic research entitled the role of Women Guarantee Fund as a strategy for poverty reduction a case study National Women Council in Kayonza district. The objectives of the study were to identify the ways in which women are financed to overcome poverty, to find out the contribution of Women Guarantee fund offered to the socio-economic welfare of beneficiaries and to find out the limitations faced by the beneficiaries in accessing the credit. To test ...
ABSTRACT The study was to examine the effect of inventory management techniques on customer satisfaction in selected manufacturing companies in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study objectives were to assess the relationship between Just-in-Time techniques and customer satisfaction, to evaluate the relationship between Vender Managed Inventory techniques and customer satisfaction and finally to establish the relationship between material requirements planning and customer satisfaction in selected man...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the tendency of decision making by consumers while purchasing product brands when considering the importance of the brand name. The study was conducted among Kampala International University students. The main research objective was on how consumers’ choices are made in respect to available products as a result of the influence branding in fast moving consumer products. Branding of products by producers makes consumer decision and analysis a...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining the contribution of Public Private Partnership to Secondary education enrolment in Luuka District, Uganda. The study findings contributed to the existing body of knowledge through helping education sector policy makers and academicians to technically advise government on Public Private Partnership in Secondary Education policy framework in Uganda if it’s to meet the aims and goals of the policy. In order to produce the study findings, the thesis examin...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the motivation on employee performance in the local government sector. The study based on four specified research objectives which were to identify the factors which were responsible for general loose of morale at work, to examine the effects of insufficient performance, to assess measures taken by the department in motivating employees towards effective performance and to determine the relationship between the motivation and employees’ performance. From the r...
ABSTRACT The topic of the study was management styles and employee job satisfaction in Esco (U) Ltd Bundibugyo. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) establishing the effects of autocratic management style on employee job satisfaction; ii) establishing the effects of democratic management style on employee job satisfaction; iii) establishing the effects of laissez faire management style on employee job satisfaction in Esco (U) Ltd Bundibugyo. This research empl...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the role of women in peace building in Mogadishu Somalia. The study objectives were to; examine the level of women role in peace building in Mogadishu Somalia. To establish the peace building efforts in Mogadishu Somalia, identify the relationship between the role of women and peace building in Mogadishu Somalia and establish challenges hindering women in peace building efforts in Mogadishu Somalia. The study used cross sectional and survey res...
ABSTRACT This study was set out to establish the extract to which leadership skills and efficiency of local government service delivery in Bosaso district — Puntland — Somalia. specifically the study wanted to establish the effect of (i) profile of the respondent (ii) level of leadership (iii) level of service delivery (iv) whether there is a significant difference in the level of leadership skills and level of service delivery (v) whether there is a significant relationship in the leve...
Abstract The study examined the relationship between service delivery and customer satisfaction among selected Banks in Kampala, Uganda; based on five specific objectives: (i) to determine respondent’s profiles in terms of gender, age, marital status, level of education position and experience; (ii) level of service delivery (iii) level of customer satisfaction; (iv) difference in the level of service deliver and level of customer satisfaction according to relevant profile variables; and ...
ABSTRACT The study examined conflicts and their effects on employees’ performance in organizations, using a Case of Kampala International University (KIU) Main Campus. The study is aimed at establishing the various types of conflicts, their main causes, potential areas (of conflicts), and the effects conflicts have on employees’ performance. Three methods of data collection were used (to study 100 respondents), namely, the self administered questionnaire, formal and informal interviews....
ABSTRACT The research on “The impact of anti poverty initiatives on the people” was carried in Kapteret-sub County in Kapchorwa district. The research involved 60 respondents, of which 71% were men and descriptive and analytical research design was used. The research was however guided by research objectives. Objective one sought to examine the different kinds of antipoverty initiatives in place, to establish the impact of antipoverty initiatives on fighting poverty and to examine strat...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine how staff awareness influences gender mainstreaming in Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia. The study objectives were to investigate staff awareness about gender mainstreaming, explore how staff implements gender mainstreaming, examine the effects of staff awareness on gender mainstreaming implementation and to examine challenges faced in implementing gender mainstreaming. The study employed a descriptive research design based on mixed approac...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the challenges of human resource recruitment and retention in the private sector. The study was guided by three objectives: 1. To fmd out the relationship between challenges and human resource recruitment and retention in organizations. 2. To establish the challenges of human resource recruitment and retention in the private sector 3. Carrying out an investigation on how to meet the challenges of the best and qualified human resource recruitment and ...