ABSTACT Like most organization, CAA has been facing problems with its financial performance and this was attributed to poor adherence to Budget. This study sought to evaluate the importance and the appropriateness of the budgetary planning and control process, and the problem that occur on it. The researcher used structured questionnaires and personal interviews to collect primary data while review of literature was used for the ease of secondary data. Descriptive explanatory and tabulation a...
Table of contents DECLARATION ................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ......................................................................................................................... ii ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................................ vi DEDICATION ....................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study seeks to examine the role of employee behaviors m the organization. Through the study objectives, the researcher intends to investigate the determinants of employee behaviors, employee feelings on the reward systems and the relationship between employee behavior and organization performance. The researcher used both questionnaire and interview research instruments. The data collection comprised both primary and secondary data. Findings of the study observed t...
TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL ................................................................................................... .ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... .iii ACKN"OLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... .iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... v CHAPTER ONE ........................
ABSTRACT This study undertaken under the topic Non-financial rewards and organizational performance. With the aim of establishing the impact of non-financial rewards in ensuring effective organization performance. Chapter one, describes an overview of non-financial rewards and organizational performance. In compassion International Uganda, the statement of the problem, research objectives, research questions, significance of the study and conceptual frame work which describes the relationshi...
ABSTRACT. The purpose of the study is to investigate the role of local government and poverty alleviation in Nabutiti, Makindye East division, Kampala district. The study was guided by the following objectives, to identify the role of local government in poverty alleviation to find out the effectiveness of the strategies used to reduce poverty in Makindye Diyision and to suggest policy recommendation based on research findings. The study will employee descriptive research design in its me...
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................. i APPROVAL .................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION .............................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................. : .................................. iv ABSTRACT .........................................
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relation ship between the effects of accountability and the performance of Microfinance in Nsambya parish Kampala Uganda. The specific objective of the study were to determine the effectiveness of the strategies used in fighting corruption among the accounting authorities in Nsarnbya parish, to find out the factors responsible for the growth of microfinance institutions in Nsambya parish and suggest policy recommendation research findin...
Abstract This study covers various aspects in the marketing system of First Insurance Company Limited. It focuses on the marketing control, marketing mix and the efficient ad effectiveness of the techniques used in their planning and control. It further looks at how the marketing system generally is determined and regulated in relation to optimal use of the firm's resources. As the practice usually, there are some deviations from the desired quality of products and services. The study exarry_...
ABSTRACT The research examines and establishes the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDis) and employment opportunities in the case study Juba County, South Sudan. It was based on the followi~g objectives at ways of attracting the FDis, how government benefits from FDis and how FDis also benefit from their business. Lastly, challenges facing the FDis in the area were also looked into. In the literature review, what different authors and theories have stated have been analyzed su...
ABSTRACT The topic of the study was stress on performance of employees of Somali telecommunication limited and the problem was to find out the effects of stress on employees performance in Somali Telecom Company The purpose was to establish the relationship between stress and employees' performance in Somali Telecom Company The objectives of the study were; to establish the forms of stress, effects of stress, as well as establish ways of how to improve performance in Somali Telecom Company Th...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DEC LARA TI ON ......................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................... i i DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................... iii ACKN 0 WLEDG EMENTS ...........................................
ABSTRACT The study establishes the relationship between Logistics support and achievements of Concern Worldwide programs in Katanga province, Democratic Republic of Congo. The study was guided by the following objectives:- To determine the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: gender, age, educational qualification and length of experience in procurement and supply activities; to determine the level of Logistic support in Concern Worldwide programs in terms of;-communication, pr...
ABSTRACT The research on “the contribution of women emancipation to the socio~economic development” was carried out in Bukwo sub county, north eastern region Uganda. The research involved 100 respondents, of which 61% were women. The research was however guided by research objectives. Objective one sought to find out how women emancipation brought socio-economic development in Bukwo sub county, Uganda. It was however found that; increase in women representation, increased women employment...