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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Articulation and Phonological Impairments in the Speech of Second Language Learners in Primary School With Cerebral Palsy: A Case of St Martins Deporre’s Primaryschool, Kisumu County

The study sought to identify and describe the articulation and phonological impairments in the speech of 6-14 year old learners of English as a second language in primary school with cerebral palsy. Further the study also established the linguistic interventions employed by the teachers to assist the learners affected by articulation and phonological impairments as a result of cerebral palsy. Optimality theory was used to account for the impairments through mapping of competence and performan...

The Contributions of Councils of Elders to the Resilience of African Traditional Religion: A Case of Njuri Ncheke in Meru County, Kenya

Among the peoples of Kenya, there has been a cultural and religious revival and all means are being sought to propagate it. In certain circles, there is even a revival of ethnic rites, religious rituals and customs, and there are national efforts to preserve and take pride in ethnic cultures. Councils of elders are being treated with respect and honour as custodians of these cultures and religious beliefs. Generally, there has been a resilience of African Traditional Religion (ATR) and tradit...

Kenya defense forces and militarization of internal disputes, 1963 – 2013

Military intervention has attracted a lot of scholarly attention in the recent past, with many scholars interested in interrogating the motives and justifications for the practice. Many of these studies have mainly focused on military intervention externally rather than the involvement of the military in internal security operations. By examining the rationale and dynamics of Kenya Defence Forces’ (KDF) interventions, this study sought to put forward a prism for internal military interventi...

Gender and political transformation in Kenya: a case study of women in Luoland, 1895-2002

The impact of colonialism on African women and the transformation of their roles in the social, economic and political spheres has been the focus of many Africanist scholars. However, most of the works focus on African women generally. The current study specifically, focuses on Luo women in Kenya. It is an inquiry into the gendered political transformation the Luo have undergone from 1895 – 2002. It specifically analyses the role of women in pre-colonial Luo society. It also examines how th...

Body adornment among the Samburu: A historical perspective

Self-adornment plays a significant role in ensuring the continuity of the political and cultural life of pastoralists. This study outlines changes in Samburu body adornment from the pre-colonial period to the present. In the study it is argued that Samburu body adornment in the pre-colonial period was influenced by interaction with neighbouring communities like the Rendille. Colonial policies and mingling of cultures in the post-independent period also shaped Samburu body adornment either pos...

The contributions of councils of elders to the resilience of African traditional religion. A case of Njuri ncheke in Meru County, Kenya.

Among the peoples of Kenya, there has been a cultural and religious revival and all means are being sought to propagate it. In certain circles, there is even a revival of ethnic rites, religious rituals and customs, and there are national efforts to preserve and take pride in ethnic cultures. Councils of elders are being treated with respect and honour as custodians of these cultures and religious beliefs. Generally, there has been a resilience of African Traditional Religion (ATR) and tradit...

Genealogical reconstruction of the proto -luluhyia language

A genealogical reconstruction of any language is geared towards the formulation of a protolanguage. The reconstruction of a target language is largely dependent on the current use of its presumed varieties or dialects. In this case, the genealogical reconstruction of the ProtoLuluhyia language was possible through consideration of its dialects. The existing literature shows that genealogical reconstruction of a proto-language for all Luluhyia dialects had not been done. It was, therefore, nec...

Articulation and phonological impairments in the speech of second language learners in school with cerebral palsy: a case of St Martins’ deporre’s primary school, primary Kisumu County

The study sought to identify and describe the articulation and phonological impairments in the speech of 6-14 year old learners of English as a second language in primary school with cerebral palsy. Further the study also established the linguistic interventions employed by the teachers to assist the learners affected by articulation and phonological impairments as a result of cerebral palsy. Optimality theory was used to account for the impairments through mapping of competence and performan...

Relationship between selected rehabilitation factors and recovering alcoholics competencies in central and Nairobi regions, Kenya

Attainment of sobriety calls for appropriately planned and skillfully managed process that offers personal support and guidance, necessitating effective approaches during alcohol rehabilitation. An understanding of how various rehabilitation related factors influence recovering alcoholics’ competencies is therefore key to their reintegration into society. Recovery from alcohol addiction should therefore result in a substantial improvement in the reduction of alcohol intake and an improvemen...

Influence of selected socio-cultural factors on gender participation in management of water projects in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru Kenya

Gender participation is integral for sustainable management of natural resources. Kenya as a country has made great efforts to entrench gender equity policies in public management positions, but there have been challenges derailing operationalization of the gender policies. When water management enter public domain women are usually under-represented in decision-making positions. Despite the role played by women in water resource management and the efforts that the government has made in enha...

A lexico – semantic analysis of selected obituaries in the daily nation newspaper

Abstract/Overview Death has been argued to be a “fear-based taboo” in which different fears co-exist namely; fear of the loss of loved ones, fear of corruption of the body, fear of evil spirits and fear of what comes with death. Man has traditionally avoided talking about the subject of death using explicit terms. Their avoidance to speak freely about human mortality may be making obituary writers to resort to a variety of linguistic devices in order to compliment the departed and show r...

Beyond the tirade: the portrayal of Kenya’s historical process in Miguna Miguna’s autobiographical works

Abstract/Overview Literature and history represent the morphing of social, political and cultural realities. The two employ similar techniques so that in a subtle sense literature is really an artistic reflection of history. The historical process is captured and transformed by literature. Miguna Miguna’s Peeling Back the Mask and Kidneys for the King have been dismissed by historians, the literati and even the common Kenyan as unworthy of academic pursuit. The commentators argue that bein...

Oral media as an alternative communication strategy in campaigns against female circumcision among Abagusii community of Kisii county

Abstract/Overview The prevalence rate of female circumcision among the Abagusii community is over 96% whereby the rural areas of Kisii County are largely affected. These statistics are recorded after the use of mainstream media in campaigns against female circumcision in the region spearheaded by both government and non-governmental organizations. Contrary, Oral media, which represent the culture and tradition of people in a community, is perceived as the most effective form of media in the ...

Lexico-pragmatic interpretation of conflict management in the 2013 Kenyan presidential campaign speeches in Tarakwa, Uasin Gishu, Kenya

Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT Kenya’s elections have been marred with conflict since 1992, with Tarakwa being hit the most. However, in 2013, conflict was contained. While conflict management in 2013 was attributed to many factors, the role of language is tacit. The present study illuminated the relationship between language, conflict management and Kenya’s 2013 presidential elections. The aim of the study was to analyze the lexico-pragmatic interpretation of conflict management in 2013 Ken...

The socio-cultural and theological context of the double rite of passage in Nomiya church in Rarieda sub-county, Siaya county

Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT Rites of passage are a universal phenomenon marked by transitions during major life changes. In the Nomiya Church (NC), circumcision and baptism as religious rites of initiation are simultaneously performed on the male infant on the eighth day after birth whereas the female infant gets baptism on the fourteenth day, thus presenting the double rite of passage. The NC as the first African Initiated Church (AIC) in Kenya started among the Luo people, a community that ...

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