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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

The Imp Act Of Eco-tourism On Local Communities In National Parks: A Case Study Of Mt. Elgon National Park, Uganda

Tourism is the fastest growing industry, which offers massive advantages to both the local and global society. The industly contributes annually over four thousand (4,000) billion Dollars of economic activities all over the world and it creates vast job opportunities whereby one out of every five employees in the global labour force aTe employed (Fayissa et a/.,2007). High growth in the tourism industry continues to have an enormous impact on economic development in many areas as it acts...

Media Coverage And Women Empowerment In Uganda A Case Study Of Kamuli District.

Information is an important tool for national development. However, it needs to be quality information if it is to bring about positive change — not only at individual but also societal level. Positive change comes about when individual members harness their resources towards a common goal. This communal effort comes about if such citizens share a common understanding of issues that affect them. It is for this reason that the media plays a crucial role in providing a platform for shari...

Causes Of Dissent And Disruptions Among Students A Case Study Of Selected Institutions Of Ifigher Learning In Nairobi-Kenya

ABSTRACT Dissent and disruption among students has been a challenge in Kenya dating from up to one century ago. Past studies have highlighted key factors that have at one point or the other contributed to dissent among students. This is a case study of institutions of higher learning in Nairobi — Kenya which has tried to unearth and gather facts behind dissent and its manifestation. The objectives of which have been to find out how the personal characteristics of the students, and if social...

The Effectiveness Of Group Work In Teaching And Learning Biology In The Selected Secondary Schools In Vihiga District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of group work in teaching and learning biology in the selected secondary schools in Vihiga division, Vihiga District, Kenya Specific Objectives of the study were: find out the school related factors that hinder the implementation of group work in secondary schools, find out the different forms of group work in secondary schools, and find out what the attitudes of students towards group work in secondary schools. The met...

Media And Hiv/Aids Awareness In Institutions Of Higher Learning Case Study: Kampala International University

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the AIDS epidemic and learn the contribution made by the media in the prevention in the spread of the disease in institutions of higher learning. It's clear that AIDS has swept out the labor force in the society and there is need therefore to increase awareness campaigns to prevent further mortality. The findings of the study revealed that stigma and discrimination undermine the efforts put in by the media in awareness creation consequentl...

A Content Annal Ysis Of The Coverage Of Foreign News In Uganda's Print Media. A Comparative Study Of The Daily Monitor And The New Vision

There have not been enough research done on the coverage of foreign new in Africa, therefore, this research project attempts fill up the gap on the coverage of foreign news into Uganda's print media a case study of The Daily Monitor and The New Vision.

Media Freedom In Kenya Case Study The Daily Nation Newspaper

After the expulsion of the colonies and Kenya being declared as an independent state. It was the hopes and desire of the majority that a renewed era of governance characterized by the right to information and many promises the new government came up with. This however did not come as soon as the media practitioners and journalist had hoped. Not much had changed even after fifteen years of self governance under President Jomo Kenyatta. The assuming of power by President Moi showed some l...

The Role Of The Media In Promoting And Protecting Human Rights In Uganda: A Case Study Of Nation Television (Ntv)

ABSTRACT  The research on “the role of the media in protecting and promoting human rights in Uganda” was conducted in Nation Television (NTV). The research was guided by the objectives of the study which included; finding out how the electronic media has promoted human rights in Uganda; establishing the challenges faced by the media in promoting human rights in Uganda, and finding out the ways how the media can better promote human rights in Uganda. The findings of the research are thus ...

Factors Influncing Indiscpline Of Students In Secondary School In Kibwezi Division, Kiaoni Village, In Kathyaka Zone Of Kibwezi District - Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study on the factors influencing indiscipline of students in Secondaiy schools in Kibwezi Division was carried out with the main objective of examining the factors influencing indiscipline of students. The specific objectives of the study were to establish whether the family background is a factor that influences indiscipline in selected Secondaiy schools, to assess the laxity of administration influences indiscipline among students in selected Secondaiy schools, to determine wh...

Effects Of Communication Difficulties On Academic Performance Of Learners With Hearing Impairment: A Case Study Of Kakamega Municipality, Kakamega Central District

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effects of communication difficulties n academic performance of learners with hearing impairment. The study was guided by specific objectives that included; identifying ways in which our communication can be improved to suit school performance, the effect of communication on school performance, roles of the school in reducing communication barriers. The study was descriptive and analytical in nature where purposive sampling was used to select population. It...

Hindrances To Quality Education In Inclusive Setting In Public Primary Schools: A Case Study Of Chepkumia Zone, Emgwen Division Nandi Central District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................ i APPROVAL ............................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ..............................................................

The Media And The Coverage Of National Elections In Kenya; A Case Study Of Ramogi Fm In Kisumu Town, Kenya (2007-2008)

ABSTRACT The researcher was prompted to find out the role of media particularly the community radio stations, if they really report election events like mobilization of voter registration, influence on choices of parties, holding opinion polls, candidate interviews, and party advertisements during national elections in Kenya. The research was carried out with the following objectives which were to examine the media in the coverage of national elections in Kisumu District of Kenya. To analyze...

The Impact Of Effective Communication On The Organisational Perfomance Of The Public Relations Association Of Uganda (Prau)

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to assess the impact of effective communication on the organizational performance with particular reference to the Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU) It was guided by three research objectives: to examine the impact of effective communication on the organizational performance in the Public Relations Association of Uganda, to establish the factors that affect effective communication in the Public Relations Association of Uganda, and to ascer...

Factors Influencing Development Of Young Children In Kosirai Division, Nandi North District- Kenya

ABSTRACT The development of each child depends on an individual child. This dissertation is about investigating the factors influencing development of each children in Kosirai Division, Nandi North District (Kenya) This study considers a few ECD centers. Questionnaire and interview schedule were used for the learners, parents and teachers. The above group will give out their own views on the development of the children. The respondents were chosen random( the'om sele...

Influence Of Televdsion Advert~Sment To Audiences On Fash~On: A Case Study Of Urban Tn ~N Central Uganda Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study assessed the influence of television advertising to the audience on fashion. The objectives of the study include; establishing the management techniques used by television advertisers to influence the audience; to assess the outcomes of television advertising; find out possible solutions to the negative outcomes of television advertising among others. The research employed descriptive research approach where simple random sampling technique was used to get the sample size ...

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