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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Personality Traits, Political Efficacy And Electoral Outcomes: A Survey Of Selected Female Parliamentary Contestants In Kenya

ABSTRACT Personality traits and political efficacy judgments independently influence the types and the level to which people participate in political activities. All reviewed studies on the role of personality traits and political efficacy judgements in political participation were done in the West, and the Eastern countries. Studies on women‟s political participation show that by November 2015, their global average stood at 22.6%, 23.4% in Sub Saharan Africa and accounted for 19% of legis...

Fear Of Negative Evaluation On Counseling-Help Seeking Behaviors Among Public Secondary School Students In Nairobi Province, Kenya

ABSTRACT Secondary school students have educational and personal problems which are not usually met by the schools‟ instructional programme. Studies have shown that fear, embarrassment, distress, male gender and stigma are some of the factors contributing to reluctance to seek counseling help for psychological distress. Fear of negative evaluation has been associated with other social attributes. However, no equivocal data exists on fear of negative evaluation on students‟ attitudes towa...

Language, Gender And Power: The Discursive Construction Of The Kenya National Assembly Politicians (2013 – 2017)

ABSTRACT This study undertook to critically examine, from a linguistic perspective, the gender disparities in the National Assembly of Kenya between 2013 and 2017. Through an idea of language as discourse, the study emphasizes the linguistic ideologies at play in producing and sustaining these disparities. The study uses Fairclough‟s (2001) and Van Dijk‟s (2001) approaches to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) in order to understand the gendered discursive realm of politics in the Nationa...

Tree Cover Perspectives And Climate Change Resilience In The Drylands Of Matungulu Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Rapid population growth, increasing demand for land, over-exploitation and the degradation of local natural resources have led to serious socio-ecological challenges in Matungulu Sub-county. This situation, compounded by the effects of climate change,has impacted negatively on the livelihood resilience of the local people. The specific objectives of this study were to: analyze tree cover trends in Matungulu Sub-county between 1987 and 2017; examine major socio-economic factors that ...

Edu Frontiers 253 PAGES (54231 WORDS) Philosophy Thesis
Quality Management Strategies And Operational Performance Of Selected Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Quality has become one of the key aspects that drive global firms. Customers are becoming more enlightened with products and services that they consume due to access of information. Quality concept is perceived from different perspectives by individual consumers. For organizations to remain relevant, improving the quality of their products and services is a key determinant of success. In order to keep up with the changing consumer needs and wants, public universities in Kenya need t...

Phonological Analysis Of The English Spoken By Hausa Newscasters In Broadcasting Media In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examines the English pronunciation patterns of Hausa broadcasters. The research was carried out based on the presupposition that the English spoken by Hausa broadcasters is different from RP English and is likely to mislead or distort the communication process. The study was guided by three objectives which centred on an examination and analysis of the way Hausa broadcasters articulate RP English consonants, vowels and consonant clusters. The research used Optimality Theor...

Marketing Strategies Used For Promotion Of Library Informaton Services In Kaduna State Public Library, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study focused on marketing strategies for information service in Kaduna state public Library. The study was basically narrowed to only public libraries in Kaduna State Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to identify the type of marketing strategy adopted by Kaduna state Public Libraries, to assess the marketing strategies adopted by Kaduna State Public Library, to investigate the level effectiveness of the strategy in marketing information services to library users, to ide...

Nexus Between Literary Texts And Corresponding Film Adaptations: A Reading On Intertextuality

ABSTRACT This research makes a comparative study of antecedent literary texts and their corresponding adapted films. The study is occasioned by the aim of putting to scrutiny the reflections and divergences between the two media. This is necessitated by the argument as to whether the adapted film increased or reduced the value of the antecedent literary text (Cartmell et al. (2008). The study interrogates Things Fall Apart (1958) by Chinua Achebe (adapted into a TV mini-series Things Fall Ap...

The Social Construction Of Masculinity Among The Chuka Through Circumcision, 1906-2000.

ABSTRACT Masculinity denotes the attributes that a particular society judges to be ideally associated with men and boys. It is distinct from maleness, a biological and physiological classification concerned with male reproductive system. Masculinity entails socially constructed features, behaviour and secondary sex characteristics associated with men. Among the Chuka, the definition of manhood is not only complex but also embedded in the practice of circumcision.Thus circumcision is a proces...

Non-Tariff Barriers In The East African Community And Free Trade Between Kenya And Tanzania, 1999 To 2016

ABSTRACT Despite globalization gaining prominence as countries are increasingly becoming borderless, available literature indicates that international trade is still faced with a myriad of challenges among them non-tariff-barriers (NTBs) with EAC not being an exception. This research project titled “non-tariff barriers in East African Community and free trade between Kenya and Tanzania” therefore endeavored to assess the status of implementation of the East Africa Common Market (EACM) Pr...

Dynamics Of Inter-Clan Conflict Between The Degodia And The Garre Of Mandera County, Kenya; 2008-2015

ABSTRACT Various communities in Kenya have had conflicts over time with the pastoral communities taking the lead. More specifically the Northern part of Kenya registered several inter clan conflicts with Somali sub tribes fighting over resources. However, the Garre and the Degodia stand out as the two had adverse relations for several decades. This study therefore, focused on inter-clan conflicts between the Degodia and the Garre of Mandera County in the period 2008-2015.It seek to investiga...

Managing Crime Through Streets Lighting Strategy, A Case Study Of Shauri Moyo Estate Streets’ In Nairobi City County - Kenya.

ABSTRACT The enhancement of both physical and environmental security within a given area through the use of street lighting strategy is meant to promote a sense of safety and security in the people using such streets at night. This ensures that the citizens operating within those areas enjoy an uninterrupted provision of either electricity or solar powered street lightings system. Objectives of the study were to evaluate the existing street lighting strategy, to determine strategies to impro...

Linguistic outcomes of sabaot/kiswahili contact in mt. Elgonsub-county, bungoma county, kenya

ABSTRACT  This study is an analysis of lexical borrowing of nominals in Sabaot from Kiswahili. The two languages under study differ from each other in significant ways. Kiswahili for example is a language of the Niger-Congo family classified by Ethnologue as ISO 639-3: SWA (Lewis 2009) while on the other hand Sabaot belongs to the Southern Nilotic group who occupy the Mount Elgon area (Appleby, 1961).This research was guided by the following specific objectives; to investigate the spoken lan...

Utiliza' '[0 Of Multimedia Playback Devices In Kenyatta Uni -E:Rsity And Jomo Kenyatta University Campus Libraries

ABSTRACT This work focuses on utilization of multimedia resources in Kenyatta university and JKUAT libraries. Th0 main aim of the research was to investigate the effectiveness of the existing resources in these libraries. The research adopted a descriptive study approach to gather data on utilization 0 r multimedia resources. Authority to conduct the research was sought in the respective Ii raries questionnaires were issued to 45 students from each library and 6 staff selected randomly. Resu...

Assessment Of Slum Tourism As A Viable Tourism Product: The Case Of Kibera In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Kibera slum in Nairobi. It focused on assessing slum tourism as a viable tourism option. The objectives were to: determine the main tourism attraction in Kibera slum, establish the perceptions of Kibera‟s slum dwellers, Kenya Tourism Board and Victoria Safaris towards slum tourism, determine the benefits of slum tourism to Kibera slum dwellers, establish measures to be taken to promote slum tourism in Kibera and to determine the viability of slum tourism...

2461 - 2475 Of 8202 Results