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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

The Impactt Off Hiv And Aids On Serviice Delliivery Iin Tthe Kenya Polliice

ABSTRACT Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are not simply a health issue but a substantial threat to security and socioeconomic development, imposing a heavy burden on families, communities, economies and governments. HIV and AIDS affect people mainly in their prime ages, between 15 and 49 years. The majority of the Kenya Police are under 45 years and falls in the most sexually active years. In Kenya, 75% of all Police deaths in 1999 were attrib...

A Critical Evaluation Of The Proposed Kenya’s Film, Stage Plays And Publications Bill 2016

Abstract: Debates about content regulation have been dominated by pro-censorship and anti-censorship arguments. More recently there has been emergence of repressive laws and rising attacks on creative artists. Increased fear of a robust and aggressive creative industry by government cannot also be ignored. Countries like Australia and South Africa have come out strongly in pushing for change to legislation and a review of the classification guidelines. In Kenya, the Film and Classification Bo...

Exploring Performances Versus Reality in “Reality” Shows. In Big Brother mzansi Double Trouble 2015.

Abstract The research explores the performances versus reality in “reality” the reality television show Big Brother Mzansi double trouble 2015. The research sought to explore whether what is termed reality is indeed „real‟ or is a combination of performances by the housemates. The research deploys theories of framing and realism to ascertain the extent to which the show was a depiction of „reality‟ or simply conformed to predetermined frames constructed by Endemol, the producers ...

"Wife Inheritance" And The Fate Of Widows In Luo Society In Kenya: A Philosophical Appraisal

Abstract "Wife Inheritance" was initiated with good intentions and had many functional values. The custom once held an honourable promise as it protected and catered for the welfare of the widowed and orphaned members of the Luo community. The main aim of the study was to give a critical appraisal of the levirate custom among the Luo of Kenya. The paper specifically examines the impact of the custom on the freedom and individual development of the Luo widow. The research was qualitative wi...

An Assessment To “Communication Strategies Used By World Vision To Alleviate Poverty In Nkayi Community” 2014-2015

 Abstract The study focused on the communication strategies used by World Vision to alleviate poverty in Nkayi community from 2014 to date. Communication is essential for every organisation to survive in its operational environment and to create a rapport and mutually understanding with the surrounding community. The study also focuses on identifying the communication strategies that are used by World to alleviate poverty. The study had to assess the effectiveness of communication strategie...

“Security as a Tool For Safeguarding Artistic Collections in Private Art Galleries in Zimbabwe. A Case of First Floor Art Gallery, Harare.”

ABSTRACT The 1954 Hague Convention identifies art as part of the world‟s irreplaceable cultural heritage which the world should cautiously safeguard to maintain our common identity. We sure cannot afford to lose such form of cultural heritage thus security in institutions like art galleries that have a responsibility for safe keeping art collections on behalf of the society should be taken seriously. In other words security should play a more meaningful role in care and preservation of art...

Wives Of Military Personnel In Nigerian Barracks, 1905-1999: A Socio-Economic History

ABSTRACT This study examines the history of wives of military personnel in Nigerian barracks from 1905-1999. It focuses specifically on the origins, political, economic, and social organisation of wives of military personnel in the barracks during the colonial and post-colonial periods. The work also highlights the burden of civil war and peacekeeping missions on wives of military personnel in Nigeria. Over the years women‘s participation in military camps did not only promote the social s...

The Film Industry In Zimbabwe- Growth And Production Challenges: A Case Of Gona Ramachingura And Checkmate

Abstract  This research scrutinised the film services sector and the value chain in film production in Zimbabwe. This was in a bid to assess the practices and divulge challenges that are faced by film players and the way these hinder growth of the sector. The research used case studies of two films, Checkmate and Gona raMachingura as it was impossible to look at the sector in its entirety. Qualitative methods were employed in the research. The findings from the two cases complimented each ot...

An Analysis Of The Impact Of The Economic Crisis On Child Refugee Protection In Zimbabwe From 2000 – 2017

ABSTRACT There has been a lot of bickering on the economic situation in Zimbabwe, the precipitous slide of the economy have had far-reaching effects on the political, economic and social life of the people residing in Zimbabwe. This study explores the impact of the economic crisis on child refugees from a broader economic, political and social perspective. A case study of Zimbabwe and in particular Tongogara refugee camp was used for purposes of this study. Through literature review, a lot o...

Violent Crime In Lagos, 1861-2000, Nature, Responses And Impact

ABSTRACT Armed robbery and murder are two of the social problems that bedevil the city of Lagos. Although these phenomena have their roots in the pre-independence era, they grew worse in the post-colonial period, particularly after the Nigerian Civil War. To curb this menace, the government responded with the imposition of the death penalty as the highest punishment for the offence of armed robbery in 1970. Mob lynching or what is locally referred to as the necklace treatment also emerged in ...

Restoration Strategies And Community Attitudes Towards Mine Pit Hazards In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Mining is an economic activity that has been practiced for time immemorial. Land degradation from old mines operations is known in almost all the countries but they have been few systematic surveys to quantify the nature of associated problems so as to prioritize remediation action. There is knowledge in the techniques of rehabilitating both operational and abandoned sites yet there is still delay in remediation action. The enforcement of the Environmental Management and Co-ordinatio...

The Impact Of Conflict On The Socio-Economic Development Of Libya

ABSTRACT The research analyzed the problems and effects of conflict on the socio-economic development using Libya as a case of reference. The purpose of the study was to highlight how conflict derails socio-economic development and encourage nations to resort to peace constantly. The Libyan conflict was a composition of diverse varied issues and differences between the Government and its citizens, between 2010 and 2014. The conflict derailed and disrupted the daily operations of the economy ...

The Influence Of Polygamy On The Academic Achievements Of Pupils In Bubi District

ABSTRACT This research sought to find out the extent to which polygamy influences the pupils in their academic achievement in Bubi District. The researcher employed the descriptive survey design method. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires for pupils and for teachers and an interview schedule for School Heads and senior teachers. The population was made up of five secondary schools in Bubi district. The sample comprised of thirty pupils, (six pupils from each school), twenty ...

An Analysis On Constraints And Prospects To Resolving The Iraq Conflict: 2003-2014

ABSTRACT The study is grounded under the premise that the 2003 to 2014 Iraq conflict is a combination of intricate myriad internal and external factors that present a challenge to resolving the conflict. The Iraq conflict is characterized by a web of interconnected and complex events that present a formidable ostensible challenge to its resolution. In light of these challenges, questions have been posed on whether; the conflict is a result of internal problems or external factors? If so, wha...

Dispassionate Reporting? The Construction of The Zimbabwe Men’s Cricket Team in The Herald And Dailynews

 ABSTRACT The study seeks to assess how the Zimbabwe men‟s cricket team is constructed by the two mainstream newspapers, The Herald and DailyNews. Making of or construction of reality is within the daily interactions of human in society. Society helps in shaping people‟s view of the world. Construction means making-up or “creating reality”. The Herald and DailyNews articles between January 2016 and November 2016 constructed the Zimbabwe men‟s cricket team as failures and how it ma...

3781 - 3795 Of 8224 Results