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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

An analysis of the land re-allocation programme in promoting economic empowerment in Zimbabwe’s rural areas. A case study of Mazowe District from 2000-2016

Abstract In the bid and desire to revise the uneven ownership of productive possessions so the coming of the land re-allocation programme which came in phases of implementation. The aim of this initiative is to increase the role played by the previously marginalised population in the mainstream economy and correct imbalances in land ownership construed as major cause of vulnerability and obstruction to economic growth and development of the larger population of Zimbabwe. The research was carr...

An analysis of the implications of Factionalism on economic development in Zimbabwe in the 21st century.

ABSTRACT Factionalism in Zimbabwe has always been an issue dating back to the pre-independence era, it has reaped many unbearable fruits in the 21st century .The struggle for power between the two main political parties ZANU-PF and MDC has seriously affected the economy. Factionalism contributed positively and negatively to the economic development of Zimbabwe. Its effects however are more negative than positive The causes of factionalism include issues to do with struggle for power ,violatio...

Representation Of Grace Mugabe’s Political Career: A Construst Of Her Gender? A Case Of The Herald And Newsday.

Abstract The study explores the role of The Herald and NewsDay in the representation of Grace Mugabe’s political career as a gender construct. Globally although there have been conventions, constitutional amendments and numerous advocacy movements channelled towards equal representation of both genders in social, political and economic spheres, the gap between the genders continues to exist. Although strides have made in facilitating equality on issues to do with domestic abuse, education a...

Adherence To Artemisinin Based Combination Therapy In Malaria Patients Attended To In Public Health Facilities In Gembe Ward Mbita Subcounty, Kenya

ABSTRACT World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that in 2017 there were 435 000 deaths from malaria globally with Sub-Saharan Africa region carrying a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden. In 2017, the region had 92% of malaria cases and 93 % of malaria deaths. In Kenya, malaria is the second major cause of death with an estimated 6.7 million new clinical cases are reported each year. Malaria burden is not homogenous in Kenya since areas around Lake Victoria and coast...

An Assessment Of Lunyore Vitality In Multilingual Maseno Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT Lunyore is a Luhyia dialect spoken by Banyore people who live in Emuhaya District in Vihiga County and Maseno Division in Kisumu County. Maseno Division is a multilingual area where a range of languages are spoken. On one hand, Kiswahili and English are used as national and official languages respectively. On the other hand, are Dholuo and Lunyore that serve as mother tongues. Language choice and maintenance has become a common phenomenon in intercultural settings. Bilingual speakers...

SSA Research 170 PAGES (40736 WORDS) Linguistics Thesis
An Investigation Into The Impact Of The Disparity In Incentive Payment On The Psychological Contract Of Employees: The Case Study Of Midlands State University

Abstract The present study examined the investigation into the impact of disparity in incentive payment on the psychological contract of employees. The case of Midlands State University from January 2010- January 2014. A part of 81 part-time, full time and contract employees participated in this study. Results showed that incentives had a significant effect on one‟s job satisfaction, intention to remain and perceived organizational support. Additionally there is a significant interaction be...

Investigating The Effects Of Streaming The Grade Six Pupils According To Their Ability At Dumezweni Primary School In Khami District

ABSTRACT This document presents the findings on the perceptions of pupils and teachers of Dumezweni Primary school on the effects of the streaming of the grade 6pupils according to their ability at Dumezweni Primary School in Khami District. The study used a combination of the qualitative and quantitative research approach. A descriptive and explanatory research design was used in this study because people sometimes fail to understand raw data. So the descriptive and the explanatory research ...

Antibody Responses To Plasmodium Falciparum Antigens In Hiv Infected Adults In Bondo Sub County Hospital, Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Malaria and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are co-endemic in sub-Saharan Africa. Infection with HIV results in B cell anomalies. Antibodies are critical in protection against malaria and it is hypothesized that B cell anomalies resulting from HIV infection interfere with antibody responses contributing to severe and frequent malaria episodes. Individuals infected with HIV have elevated antibody and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. However, it is unclear whether malaria-specific a...

The Role Of Cytokine Immune Responses In Pulmonary Tuberculosis In Patients Co-Infected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus

ABSTRACT The gold standard for pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) diagnosis is either isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) by culture or detection of Mtb-specific nucleic acids by molecular methods. However, apart from laboratory infrastructure, culture take longer time to get results, while molecular methods are expensive and require a lot of human expertise. Despite its limitation of lower specificity and sensitivity, Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) microscopy smear remains the most widely used ...

SSA Research 104 PAGES (24414 WORDS) Philosophy Thesis
An Afrocentric Muse On Sis Noe’s Blogspot In ‘Counseling’ Youths On Courtship, Marriage And Sexual Matters In Sunday News

ABSTRACT The research focuses on an Afrocentric muse on Sis Noe‘s blogspot in ‗counseling‘ youths on courtship, marriage and sexual matters in Sunday News. It explores how relevant is Sis Noe‘s ‗counseling‘ role on youths as far as the handling of courtship, marriage and sexual matters is concerned within the African cultural matrix. As such, this study is largely informed by the traditional way of counseling which is rooted in the fecund African philosophy of life in dealing with...

An Analysis Of Kenya’s Mainstream Print Media’s Usage Of Objectification And Anchoring To Represent The Kenyan International Criminal Court Cases In The Daily Nation And The Standard News Art

ABSTRACT The media play a central role in disseminating information with the aim of creating awareness of topical issues, including legal issues. Various studies have also established that news from the media is the popular source of information on current events. Similarly, public knowledge, beliefs and attitudes towards legal systems are largely shaped by the media information they receive, thus, the need for examining the content and nature of information being disseminated by the media. C...

Mt Darwin Aics: Continuity Or Discontinuity With Biblical Pre Canonical Prophets?

ABSTRACT This thesis critically examines and compares the prophetic activities of AIC and modus operandi of AIC prophets with the pre canonical biblical prophets. There have been constant criticisms among Zimbabweans, both Christians and non-Christians about the prophetic activities and mode of operation of AIC prophets although the research is limited to Mt Darwin. The research is limited to Mt Darwin area because has the finger tip knowledge of the churches under discussion and a resident o...

Relationship Between Mites Infestation Levels In Kenyan Tea To Overhead Volatile Organic Compounds And Their Variations With Seasons, Regions And Selected Agronomic Practices

ABSTRACT Tea (Camellia sinensis) is a major cash crop in Kenya that suffers economic losses due to Brevipalpus phoenicis and Oligonychus coffeae infestations during droughts. Pesticides use on tea is prohibited and pests control is through cultural and agronomic practices. Resistance/susceptibility of imported and new cultivars to mites is unknown. Plants release overhead volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) that attract or repel insect pests. Some tea cultivars are preferred while others are r...

SSA Research 191 PAGES (50938 WORDS) Philosophy Thesis
Women and the Armed Struggle in Chipinge West constituency, 1974-9.

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study is to explore the response of women to the Armed Struggle in Chipinge West constituency between 1974-9. The study illustrates the experiences of women in the pre-colonial traditional society prior to the armed struggle and how this was extended to the role of women in the armed struggle in Chipinge West constituency. The role of women at family level in Ndau traditional society in Chipinge played a crucial contribution to support and to sustain the lib...

An Analysis of Britain’s Influence in the Deterioration of Zimbabwe-Botswana Bilateral Relations, 2000-2013

ABSTRACT The study analyses the deteriorating bilateral relations between the two Southern African Development Cooperation (SADC) member states of Zimbabwe and Botswana as from the year 2000 to 2013. The research aims to establish the extent of Britain‘s liability in the deterioration of Zimbabwe-Botswana bilateral ties. Therefore, the major objectives of the study are to analyse Britain‘s influence in the deterioration of Zimbabwe-Botswana bilateral relations as from 2000 to 2013 as well...

4021 - 4035 Of 8246 Results