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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Social Media, A Handtool For News Gathering? A Case Study Of The Newsday And Southern Eye

Abstract The main aim of the research is to examine the dynamics of using social media as a source for news in mainstream media. The research will also seek to highlight the potential threat to journalists‟ ethics such as objectivity, bias and fairness as a result of sourcing out information from various social media platforms such as Facebook pages, Twitter, Instagram and Whatsapp. The use of social media as a source for news by mainstream media newspapers especially those operating from t...

First Ten Years Of Zambian Prose Fiction In English 1964 To 1974-75

ABSTRACT The study examines the mode of emergence and pattern of growth of Zambian prose fiction in English in the decade from 1964-1975, and makes an attempt at identifying the thematic tendencies and analysing the technical approaches of that body of writing. In the period, four full-length novels and several hundred short stories were published. It is upon this body of writing that primary attention is focused in the study. Each chapter takes up a separate aspect of the subject. Chapter On...

Civil Society And Children Rights In Zimbabwe: Case Of Justice For Children Organization In Budiriro District In Harare 2013 To Present

ABSTRACT Abuse of children has been at peak in Zimbabwe henceforth the need for NGOs such as Justice for Children to step in as agents that promotes the rights of children. The research is entitled civil society and children rights in Zimbabwe: Case of Justice for Children Organisation in Budiriro District Harare 2013 up to present. This research then seeks to determine the activities and contributions of Justice for Children in fighting against the violations of children rights. An analysis ...

An Analysis of Board Effectiveness in a Non-Profit Organisation: A Case Study of the National Social Marketing Programme

ABSTRACT This study focused on the analysis of board effectiveness in a non-profit organization. The aim of the study was to find out factors that influence the effectiveness of boards; in particular to examine the relationship between board inputs, processes, structures and board effectiveness. The secondary objectives were to determine the factors that influence board effectiveness at NaSoMa; to evaluate the impact of weak board effectiveness at NaSoMa and to come up with strategies that wi...

Economic survival strategies and tactics used by pirate community radio stations in Zimbabwe. Case study Patsaka Nyaminyami Community Radio

ABSTRACT Community radio station offers diversity in media content. The plurality in content, offers citizens wide and broad information they are entitled to. Unfortunately, the government of Zimbabwe has not yet licensed any community radio station. Radio piracy in Zimbabwe has mushroomed due to the unfair issuing of broadcasting licenses. Radio production incurs expenses thus Patsaka Nyaminyami Community Radio station (PNCR) has adopted means of surviving economically through various strate...

Legislative oversight and economic governance in Namibia: An evaluation of the role of parliament in the budget process

Abstract The research focused on legislative oversight and economic governance in Namibia by evaluating the role of Parliament in the budget process, namely consultations, formulation, debate and approval, implementation and auditing and assessment. The research therefore examined the work of Parliament and its Standing Committees in the budget process and established the problems that were being encountered in particular since 1995 when Parliament adopted a report on the report on the Agenda...

The Preferential Option For The Poor: A Contextual Reading Of John Wesley’s Social Ethics In Contemporary Zimbabwe 2000-2014

Abstract Poverty has become one of the major challenges in Zimbabwe since the turn of the millennium. This period has been characterized by high levels of unemployment and economic contraction. This seeks revisit John Wesley’s social ethic of preferential option for the poor in light of the economic challenges the Zimbabweans have been facing and the plight of the poor. This study looked at how John Wesley confronted the poverty situation in eighteenth century Britain. It further looked at ...


iii ABSTRACT This study is a close analysis of how gender, language, relationships affect the way tertiary students greet in Midlands State University Zvishavane Campus. Greetings are more than just a way of proclaiming one‟s presence but an important phenomenon of any society. The way people greet reveals a lot about their identity, background and ethnicity. Moreover, the act is carried out differently from one individual to the other. The way people greet is mostly determined by the relat...

The Role Played By Media During Election Times, Case Of Zimbabwe 2008 & 2013 Elections.

ABSTRACT The research examines role played by media during election periods. It has found out that between the two political parties ZANU PF & MDC-T both received fair coverage though from different sources. Party ZANU PF had its politics covered by the Herald and other state funded media outlets like ZBC. Thus however ZANU PF proved to have more coverage since it had privatized the media at the cost of improved independent/ private media which was being suppressed during this time. The resea...

The Survival Of The Varemba Cultural Practices In Zvishavane District-Zimbabwe (1890-2016

ABSTRACT The study‘s main aim is to demonstrate how the Varemba people preserved their cultural activities and to unpack the reasons behind the survival of the Varemba cultural practices in Zvishavane district. The Varemba ethnic group is a distinct group in Zvishavane, this is due to their unique way of life, their cultural practices includes Komba initiation rite, Murundu, virginity testing, testing for fertility, Female genital Mutilation (FGM), Child marriages, and inheritance. Komba is...

Analyzing The Public Policy Framework In Promoting Sustainable Socio-Economic Development. Case Study: Zimbabwe (2000-2015)

Abstract The study reviews how the interplay of socio-economic dynamics shaped policy decisions since 2000. Research findings suggest that the spirit of policy decisions bear the imprint of the prevailing macro dynamics. A climate of siege and anxiety has prevailed since 2000, when the State was in economic crisis, policy interventions were mainly contractionary and low note on local ownership social acceptance. After 2009, into the GNU and its aftermath, policy making was under highly untena...

An analysis of the role played by Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Zimbabwe’s democratization process. A case of Zimbabwe Civic Education Trust (ZIMCET)

ABSTRACT This thesis makes an assessment of the role played by NGOs in Zimbabwe’s democratization process. NGOs around the globe have been perceived as partners for development and key players in the field of democracy. Due to their close link to the grassroots citizens they are considered as strategic partners as they resemble the will of the people from below thus promoting democratic values. However this has not been the case in Zimbabwe, the relationship between the government and the N...


ABSTRACT The study examined determinants of farmer participation in agriculture micro insurance in Zimbabwe specific reference to peri urban area in Harare. The study was promoted by low uptake of agriculture insurance products being experienced by companies offering agriculture micro insurance. There was need in the market to develop a product that is affordable due to the informalised nature of the Zimbabwean sector. There is need to reach to the poor households and mitigate their level of ...

Zapu’s Diplomatic Relations During The War Of Liberation From 1961 Up To 1979

Abstract. This study focuses on ZAPU’s diplomatic relations during the war of liberation. It strives at capturing external players that were not well documented in the historical narratives of Zimbabwe’s history of liberation. The study traces the origins of ZAPU’s diplomatic relations and the impact of these diplomatic relations in the manner through which ZAPU became portrayed as an authentic liberation movement due to the ability to craft sophisticated soft power. The study further l...

Rethinking The Role Of Political Economy In The Herald’s Construction Of Factional Fighting In Zanu-Pf Post 2013

1TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... . Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... . 1 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background to the study ...........

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