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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

Transnational Activities And Integration Processes Of Francophone Migrants In Accra

ABSTRACT In spite of the treatment of transnationalism and integration as separate subjects by previous studies, there has been growing interest in how transnationalism and integration interact and what the outcomes of these interactions are on migrants and host society relations. These recent studies have however focused on migrants in North America and Europe with very limited attention on how the twin phenomena interact within African contexts. Drawing on the framework of Erdal and Oeppen ...

The Destiny Of The Earth: An Ecological Reading Of 2 Peter 3:1-13

ABSTRACT The second letter of Peter contains a statement which not only has greatly influenced the Christian eschatological and apocalyptic visions, but also is central of the current ecological debate: “…but the heavens that now are, and the earth, by the same word have been stored up for fire, being reserved against the Day of Judgment and destruction of ungodly men” (3:7). Contemporary scholarship has offered two main interpretations of the verse: ‘destructionist interpretation’ ...

Emploi Des Morphogrammes En Français Langue Etrangere: Le Cas Des Apprenants D’achimota Shs, De Presec-Legon Et D’accra Girls Shs

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study has been to provide information on the correct use of morphograms by learners of French in some selected schools in the Accra Metropolis. The problem for investigation is to state to what extent lack of knowledge of the correct use of morphograms has impeded the written production of learners of French and the impact on their use of French in communication as a whole. The study was conducted in three schools namely: Achimota SHS, PRESEC- Legon and Accra Gir...

An Analysis Of Rawls’ Reflective Equilibrium As A Method Of Justification In Ethics

INTRODUCTION 0.1. Background to the Study How can moral beliefs be justified? This is a question that has occupied a central place in the history of moral epistemology. It is not very clear how an individual‘s actions can be described as morally right if his action is not based on justified beliefs about what actions are morally right. Is it possible however to justify beliefs about what actions are morally right? In his article ‗‗Moral Skepticisms and Justification‘‘, Sinnott-Armst...

Classical Model Of Transformational Generative Grammar As A Pedagogical Aid In Teaching Non-Native Speakers Of English

ABSTRACT The Transformational Generative Grammar (TGG) has been established as a pedagogical aid in teaching native speakers of English; as these native speakers have an implicit knowledge of grammatical rules. This current study is aimed to examine how the same TGG could be used as a pedagogical aid in teaching non-native speakers of English since English is their second language (L2) and they might not have the implicit knowledge of English grammatical rules. The study adopted mixed methods...

Preservation Of Multmedia Materials In Ghana: A Case Study Of Ministry Of Information And Media Relations

ABSTRACT This study dealt with preservation of multimedia materials as part of modern electronic revolution that is changing the way we exchange information. The Ministry of Information and Media Relations specifically Information Services Department (ISD) was selected for the study. This is because the ISD holds collection of valuable Information resources for Ghana. The preservation of multimedia resources is very vital for safeguarding information for posterity. The study was necessitated ...

Proximate Determinants Of Fertlity In Ghana

ABSTRACT The study examines trends in the proximate determinants of fertility (sexual activity, contraception, and postpartuminfecundability) in Ghana over a decade (from 1998 to 2008) with a view to finding out their contributions to fertility decline and explaining the factors responsible for fertility decline in the country . The study was mainly based on data collected from the Ghana Demographic and Health Surveys carried out in 1998 2003 and 2008. Four thousand eight hundred and forty th...

The Living Arrangements Of Older Persons In Rural And Urban Settings Of Akuapim North District

ABSTRACT In today’s changing economic, political, demographic, and environmental context, the living arrangements of the rapidly growing older population warrant disproportionate policy attention. Lack of support by the state coupled with economic hardship and decreasing kin or family availability implies that older persons are more and more expected to find their own means of support develop their own strategies and depend on their own resources. This study uses a descriptive approach in i...

Determinants Of Malnutrition Amoung Young Ghanaian Women

ABSTRACT The study aimed at exploring the double burden of nutrition being underweight and overweight in Ghana. There have been changes towards increased consumption of processed foods, fast foods, sugary and oily foods, reduction of physical activity and increase in sedentary lifestyle. The associated negative implications are type II diabetes, hypertension and stroke, reduction in labour force, low productivity and increase in health budget. The purpose of the study is to provide informatio...

An Assessment Of The Effects Of The Bagre Hydro Dam Spillage On Ghana-Burkina Faso Relations

ABSTRACT Ghana’s relations with Burkina Faso has been cordial. The two countries are closely linked by blood ties of some ethnic groupings along their common border and more so they share the Volta River Basin which is indispensable in their development drive. The Volta River Basin serves as a major source of energy and transport in Ghana. Ghana-Burkina Faso relations has, however, been threatened since the completion of construction of the Bagre multipurpose dam on the White Volta sub-basi...

The Sociolinguistics of the Appellations in the Asogli State in the Volta Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT The African has been a creator, performer and a lover of verbal art for centuries. He has created and handed down (orally) to successive generations an organic library of songs, poems, narratives, proverbs, riddles and many other oral literary forms, such as appellations. In our African societies, appellations, as well as many other oral literary forms, do not only show their aesthetic qualities and values through their literary devices, but also they contribute in the moral up-brin...

Pub Network 145 PAGES (29684 WORDS) Linguistics Thesis
History of the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana

ABSTRACT The cocoa industry became the mainstay of Ghana’s economy since its introduction in the country in the late 19th century. The industry spread quickly from its original base at Akuapem through Akim to many parts of the country making Ghana the leading producer of cocoa by 1910. However, the industry was faced with a near collapse in the 1930s due to the emergence of the deadly swollen shoot disease that was fast destroying many farms. This compelled the colonial administration to e...

Pub Network 125 PAGES (31979 WORDS) Philosophy Thesis
Determinatioh Of' Total Arsenic In Streams And Sediments From Obuasx Gold Mines

B A C K G R O U N D The exploration of natural resources is a means of enhancing man's standard of living from primitive life to a more advanced and enjoyable life. However, technological processes sometimes lead to adverse effects on the environment and human health. In the extraction of gold from its ore, as is done at Obuasi goldmines, the roasting process results in the expulsion of poisonous smoke of Brsenic oxides into the atmosphere. This hae lead to serious defoliation of the vegetat...

An Assessment Of Ghana’s Performance Under The Three Year Extended Credit Facility (Ecf) Programme With The International Monetary Fund (Imf) From April 2015 To December 2017

ABSTRACT Ghana joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at independence in 1957 and has benefitted from fifteen stabilisation programmes with the current Extended Credit Facility (ECF) being the sixteenth. This study seeks to critically assess the performance under the programme from April 2015 to December 2017. It argues that, the fundamental challenges that necessitated a bailout from the 20th century to present has not changed that much, hence a need to address the root causes of the ...

Art Forms, Communication and Marketing: Creating Dances for Staged Commercials

ABSTRACT  Dance is an important tool for communication of thoughts and sentiments by individuals and the community as a whole. This communicative ability of dance has made it essential for modern day communication. In recent times, many business establishments in an attempt to accrue the maximum returns through advertisements resort to the use of art forms as a means of attracting potential consumers. This thesis explores in details, how dance, through choreography can be packaged into ...

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