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Research Papers/Topics Art & Humanities

The Socio-Political Implications of Women Portrayal in Aristophanes’ ‘Women Plays’

ABSTRACT Literary records representing women in the ancient Athenian society are heavily dependant on the writings of men and that has influenced the portrayal of women. However, the ancient Athenian society has some outstanding similarities and differences in areas such as: the performance of rituals, family life and shared values in the society. The positions of women in the Athenian society are characterized by male domination. From childhood the girl comes under the authority of her fath...

An Examination of Television Political Advertising Before The 2012 Presidential Elections

ABSTRACT  The study is an analysis of the content of political party television advertisements preceding the 2012 general elections. The study, among others, aimed to find out which of the two major political parties, the ruling NDC and the opposition NPP, relied on negative advertising to achieve their aims. It also sought to find out which issues the two parties focused on. The study was anchored in the functional theory of political campaign discourse. A content analysis of seventy-one te...

Knowledge And Barriers to The Use of Contraceptions Among in-school Adolescents in Adaklu District

ABSTRACT Background: Non-use of contraceptive have received a global recognition, but despite the danger of an unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease adolescent rarely use contraceptives. Promoting contraceptive use among adolescent has become a major challenge even though it has proven to reduce maternal and child mortality, teenage pregnancy and STDs. In spite of it, enormous benefit contraceptive uptake among adolescent still remains low. Objective: The main objective of the ...

Newspaper Coverage of Cocaine Crime in Ghana; A Content Analysis of Daily Traffic And Daily Guide

ABSTRACT Newspapers play an important surveillance role in exposing all activities in society and bringing them to the attention of their patrons. In turn, public attention to these exposures and representations become the subject matter of public discussion and determination of issue salience within society. This study examined newspaper coverage of cocaine issues in Ghana by content analyzing sampled editions of the Daily Graphic and the Daily Guide in 2014. The study set out to examine th...

The Causes And Impact of Labor Unrest on Some Selected Organizations in Ghana

ABSTRACT This is a study on ihe causes and impact of labour unrest on some selected organizations in Accra. Labour unrest in Ghana has in recent time led to legal battles between perpetrators and the National Labour Commission which is an administrative body charged with settlement of industrial conflicts. Others too have led to forfeiture of workers’ salaries and some to job loss. These battles and losses, even though not novel, have gained so much notoriety in Ghanaian industrial relatio...

Premarital And Marital Experiences of Persons With Physical Disabilities And Their Spouses in The Greater Accra Region Ghana

ABSTRACT Society has put up invisible barriers to the idea of marriages involving persons with disabilities and not much is known about the marital experiences of persons with physical disabilities. This study, therefore, sought to (a) explore the pre-marital experiences of persons with physical disabilities and their spouses (b) ascertain the marital experiences of persons with physical disabilities and their spouses (c) identify the coping strategies employed by persons with physical disab...

Determinants of Womens in Health Care Decision Making in Ghana, 2017

ABSTRACT Knowledge on the factors that determine a woman‟s autonomy in health care decision making is necessary for her improved health outcome. This study sought to identify some demographic, socio-economic and cultural factors that have an influence on women‟s autonomy in health care decision making in Ghana. Some characteristics of the women‟s husbands or partners were also included in the study (husband/ partner‟s education and employment status). The study used the Ghana Demogra...

Urban Household Charateristics And Implications For Food Utilization in Accra

ABSTRACT The right to food is one of the most consistently mentioned international human rights to date. Unfortunately it is also one of the most spectacularly violated in recent times. Little attention has been given to food security particularly among the urban poor. This study seeks to examine the relationship between the household demographic and socio-economic characteristics of urban low-income population and its implication for food utilization with an emphasis on dietary diversity. T...

Cultural Globilisation And Its Implications on The Africans Woman Hair; The Case of Ghana

ABSTRACT Many studies exist on globalisation and the impact it has had on the cultures of the world. Cultural globalisation, which is an offshoot of globalisation has heavily influenced world cultures including the kind of hair choices black women make. These studies are, however, mainly on black women in the Diaspora. Very little literature exists on Ghanaian women and how globalisation has affected their hair choices. Using mainly primary sources and complimented by secondary data, this st...

The Influence Of Sociocultural Practices Of Child Work On The Rights Of Children

ABSTRACT Work is generally good for children as they obtain experiences that prepare them for their future. Therefore, work must not hinder their growth, but rather contribute to their growth. The nature and condition of work must be taken into account when involving children in work because they are the factors in determining the suitability of working children. This research, in its primary goal, identifies how sociocultural practices of child work violates children's rights and further rec...

Internet Usage And Its Effect On Senior High School Students In Bantama Sub-Metro In Kumasi Metropolis

ABSTRACT The Internet has become one stop information access points for senior high school students of the second cycle institutions and their communities. In keeping pace with technological trends, the internet is focusing on the larger social and spatial context; through provision of electronic information resources for both local and remote users to enhance access to local and global information. The study sought to research on internet usage and its effect on senior high school students i...

Knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infection And its Association With The Reproductive Health Behaviour of Adolescents at AMASAMAN Senior Technical High School

ABSTRACT Background: Sexually Transmitted Infections are a burden among adolescents. Records from the Adolescent Friendly Reproductive Health Services in Ga West Municipal Health Directorate revealed that there were 302 STI reported cases among adolescents from January 2014 to September 2017 within the Municipality. It was however not established what adolescents knew about STIs except for those who reported to the facility. This study therefore assessed the knowledge level, sources and avai...

Social Support For The Aged: The Role Of Private Care Homes In Accra

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the role of Private Care Homes in supporting the aged in Accra. The study adopted a mixed research technique in the data collection and analysis. It also used a cross sectional survey design. The data was collected from mainly primary sources using interview guide and questionnaire from Private Care Homes in Accra, Adenta, Osu and Dzorwulu. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. The findings of the study indicated th...

Masculinity, Decision-Making And Gender In The Presbyterian Church Of Ghana

ABSTARCT Masculinity, Decision-Making and Gender in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) Masculine dominance at the decision-making positions of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana may no longer be the case unlike the indigenous socio-cultural setting. This thesis joins the conversation in the religious-social sciences about masculinity, decision-making and gender roles in the church. The research explored some literary appraisals about the theories and concepts of masculinities and other ster...

Total Quality Management (Tqm) Practices In Selected Private University Libraries In Ghana

ABSTRACT The push to adopt Total Quality Management (TQM) for effective service provision has gained root in many academic libraries especially those in the developed world. This study sought to explore the total quality management principles being implemented in the selected private university libraries in Ghana. The main TQM principles which were given attention were TQM awareness, Top management commitment, encouragement and participation, training, strategic planning, and potential TQM ch...

5476 - 5490 Of 8202 Results