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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Teachers' Attitudes Towards Poor Performance In Reading Among Learners With Specific Learning Difficulties In Inclusive Primary Schools In Narok Town, Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Title page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deel arati on------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ii 0 Dedication------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii Acknowledge men l -----------------------------------------------------------------------iv Tab le of con ten ls-------------------------------------------------------------------------v L isl o...

Factors Affecting Learners With Special Education Needs Education In Kabarnet Zone A Study On Teacher Attitude In Kabarnet Zone In Baringo District Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration Approval Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv Cl1AP’1El~ *~1 1.0 It~Fl~ODLJCT~IOF~ a..a....n.........n.... lala..... ............n...,.,... ii...... 1 1 .1. l~ArIOl4~~ALE OF T1—IE STUD~~ 1 1.2 1~HEOl~’v’ 3 CIIAPFER 1~AIO 6 2.0 l~EVIEV~I OF l~ELA*TED LITER.ATLJR.E 6 2.1 THE CONCEP1~ OF DISALBILIT’Y’i.a.,I..iIu,.aI.z,si.,nhIzii.zIIIzI,.a,..iiInh.,.s.a.i.I.sIa .... 6 2.2 World overview of historical development of Special Needs Education...

The Effects Of War On Education In Northern Uganda (A Case Study Of Selected Schools In Bardege Division Gulu Municipality, Gulu District).

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ......................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ iv CHAPTER ON...

Gender Disparity In Mathematics Performance: Facts And Factors Case Study: Primary Schools Rn Lelmokwo Zone, Nandi North District-Kenya

ABSTRACT This research project report presents a survey done on factors related to gender disparity and academic performance in mathematics among primary school pupils in Lelmokwo zone, Kosirai Division, Nandi North District of Kenya. The objectives of the study were to identify the factors that cause gender disparity in mathematics performance in primary schools among the pupils. These factors included lack ofrole models, poor teaching methods, teachers' qualifications, inadequate teaching ...

Improving Teacher-Pupil Ratio In Secondary Schools In Tanzania A Case Study Of Mw Anza Region.

ABSTRACT The study aimed at finding means of solving the increasing teacher-pupil- ratio in secondary schools in Tanzania using Mwanza region as a case study area. The researcher used questionnaires and interviews as tools of data collection; these were administered to Students, teachers and education officers who were the source of data collection. The population of the study consisted of 49,509 people of which 268 consisted the sample. ! In the study the following four factors were reveale...

The Level Of Community Participation And The Plight Of Persons With Disability Inbungatira Sub-County In Gulu District

TABLE OF CONTENT oval. ............................................ ~ ........................................... i "AHATION .......................................................................................................................... ii lOYAL ................................................................................................................................. iii 'IOWLEDGEMENTS ..............................................................................................

Internal Efficiency Of Free Primary Education In Kakamega Central District, Lurambi Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the level of internal efficiency of Free Primary education in Kakamega Central district in Lurambi division. It was found out that internal efficiency in the area of study is very low and the following factors were identified to have contributed to the problem admission of under-age children and quality of classroom practice have been identified as responsible for such a low rate of internal efficiency, parents’ involvement in the learning activities ...

Teachers' Motivation And Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupil In Kinyoro Zone, Sabot! Division, Trans-Nzoia County Kenya

ABSTRACT The ma1or objcctin· or the stud, \HS to assess the relationship between teachers moti,ation and academic performance or pupils in primary schools in Kinyoro zone, S,1boti Dhision. ·1 rans-Nzoia County. Kenya and suggest possible solutions to curb the problem. The stud, used both quantitati,c and qualitative data collection methods. in \hich questionnaire·, and inten ie\ guide \ere used to collect data from the respondents. One elf the main findings of this stud, \as the confirmati...

Impact Of Play On Academic Performance Of Learners In Selected Early Childhood Education Centres In Mbita West Zone, Mjuta Division In Mbita Township Village Of Suba District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine impact of play on academic performance of early childhood education in Mbita West Zone, Suba district, Kenya. The research objectives were; to investigate the common types of play, to determine the factors that hinder children's play to determine the impact of play on academic performance of early childhood education and to determine the importance of play on early childhood development in Mbita West Zone, Suba district, Kenya. The methods us...

Effects Of Poverty On The Academic Performance Of Learners In The Selected Primary Schools Of Asego Division Homa-Bay District-Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of poverty on learners' academic peiformance of the selected schools in Asego Division Homa-Bay District Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic peiformance in Asego Division, and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating poverty and improving education in Asego Division. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires ...

The Role Of The Print Media Towards Promoting Women Development A Case Study Of Kinondoni District

ABSTRACT The major objective was to examine the role of print media in promoting women development in Kinondoni district. The study was conducted in Kinondoni Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania, Women organization; Women analysts, Government leaders and print Media officials were involved in the study. A total of seventy participants, 30 women analysts, 20 women organization, 10 Government leaders and 10 print media officials were involved in the study. The study question was investigated in line with...

Teachers' Attitude Toward Pupils Academic Performance In Selected Primary Schools In Ibeno Zone, Keumbu Division, Kish Central District In Nyanza Province Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried to establish the effect of teachers attitude towards pupils academic performance ,it was guided by a number of objectives which were to examine the factors that affect teachers competences in teaching, motivation of teachers and factors for poor pupils academic performance The study concentrated in Ibeno zone in Kisii Central District. The study focused on teachers to determine the impact of their attitude towards pupils' academic performance. Since the zone ex...

An Investigation Of Language And Cultural Barriers To Effective Communication Of Information On Cancer In Kenya

ABSTRACT This study set out with three objectives. First was to establish whether the information on cancer was physically available to the Kenyan public. Secondly was to ascertain whether the public was able to linguistically access the information availed to them. Thirdly was to identify the kind of language and cultural challenges encountered during face-to-face communication between health practitioners and the public. The research was guided by Bachman and Palmer’s Communicative Langu...

The Role Of Maternal, Psychosocial And Social-Cultural Factors In Hiv-Exposed Infants’ Service Uptake; Nakuru County Refferal Hospital, Kenya

ABSTRACT  In 2015, approximately 1.8 in million children under 15 years of age were living with HIV with an estimated 150,000 newly infected mainly through Mother-to-Child Transmission while 110,000 died of HIV/AIDS related causes. In East and Southern Africa region, approximately one million children were living with HIV with 56,000 newly infected and 47,000 due to AIDS-related illnesses in the same year. Although Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) and immunization services for HIV-Exposed infant...

.Anti- Poverty Sensitization Through The Medi.A. Case Study: (Daily Nation Newspaper And The St And Ard Newspaper December 2004)

ABSTRACT This research is a creation of the most talked about problem in our time today. Something that has been talked about over and over and whatever change takes place looks so insignificant. Currently, demographers are in the notion that by 2010 the worlds populations will have doubled from 5.3 billion to more than 10 billion people. With such a speculation, Kenya and Nairobi as the case study here is not left out and the way as to how inhabitants of Nairobi can try and help themselves f...

2086 - 2100 Of 8202 Results