Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Ecological Survey Of Weed Species (Herbs And Shrubs) Found In Federal College Education (Technical) Gombe

ABSTRACT Studies of weed species found in found in federal college education (technical) were carried out using quadrant method, plant press was used for identification outside the field. The dominant among the weed families were Amarantaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Sterculaceae, Papilionoideae, and Malvaceae. The prominent among weed species were the Unknown species, Leucas  mutinicensis, Amaranthus       spinosus, Sennaoccidentalis, and Sidacordifolia among others. This study clearly rev...

Effect Of Aqueous Leaves Extract Ofcarica Papaya (Pawpaw) On Liver Enzymes In Normal Albino Rats.

ABSTRACT The effect of aqueous leaves extract of Carica papaya (Linn) on some liver enzymesi.e; alanine aminotransferase ALT, aspartate aminotransferase AST, and alkaline phosphatase ALP, wasinvestigated.The phytochemical screening of the leaves extract of C.papaya was carried out at the beginning of the study.  Albino rats weighing between 73-93g, of both sexes were used for the study.Caricapapaya2 ml of 0.11 g/ml aqueous leaves extract was orally administered daily to each of the experimen...

Effect Of Deforestation On Soil Productivity In Filiya Shongom L.G.A, Gombe State

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the effect of deforestation on soil productivity in Filiya Shongom L. G.A, Gombe State. Two plots were sampled using wandering quarter method of vegetation sampling, each measuring l00m x l00m. One site was assigned undisturbed area and the other one disturbed area. At each site Relative abundance, Basal Area, were calculate. T-test as used to determine the significance difference between the soil organic matter content, plant abundance, and basa...

Assessment of Microbiological Quality of Packaged (Sachet) Water Sold in Gombe Metropolis

 ABSTRACT In an effort to ensure stable availability of good and safe water supply in all state of the federation (Nigeria), the production of packaged water (sachet and bottled water) was born; this has become the most available and affordable alternative to the general population. Hence compliment the inadequate supply of pipe borne water in most urban cities. Unfortunately, the quality of most sachet water sold to the public is uncertain and highly questionable. This study is aimed at ass...

Analysis Of Bacteriostatic And Bactericidal Activity Of Sphenocentrum Jollyanum Roots (Chewing Sticks) On Some Human Pathogenic Bacteria

  ABSTRACT  Methanol and Aqueous extract of Sphenocentrum jollyanum roots (chewing stick) were screened for their antibacterial activity against E. coli, P. mirabilis, S. aureus and K. pneumoniae. Different concentrations were used (0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1mg/disc) to evaluate the roots extracts using disc diffusion and broth dilution method. The results showed that only methanol extract of Sphenocentrum jollyanum roots was effective against all the organisms tested. In disc diffusion method, th...

Antibacterial Activity Of Fortified Honey On Some Clinical Bacterial Isolates

ABSTRACT The use of traditional medicine to treat infection has been practiced since the origin of mankind, and honey produced by Apis mellifera is one of the oldest traditional medicines considered to be important in the treatment of several human ailments. However, differently processed honeys exhibit different antibacterial activities, thus this study was aimed at investigating the antibacterial activity of fortified honey and comparing the antibacterial activities of fortified with the un...

Analysis Of Bactericidal And Bacteriostatic Effect Of The Crude Extract Of Scent Leaf (Ocimum Gratissimum) on Escherichia Coli And Staphylococcus Aureus

ABSTRACT The antibacterial activity of the extract of Ocimum gratissimum was determined against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The phytochemical analysis of the leaf extract revealed the presence of bioactive bases responsible for antibacterial property, such as Saponin, Alkanoid, Flavonoid, Tanin and Steroid. The methanolic extraction of the active ingredient of the leaves was carried out using the method as described by Fatope, (1993). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)...

Antibacterial Effect Of Azanza Garckeana (Fruit) On Some Gram Negative Enteric Rods

Abstract Azanzagarckeana fruit was investigated using cold maceration, the phytochemicals screening which shows the presence of secondary metabolites likesaponins, tannins, flavonoids, steroids and alkaloids. The antibacterial effect of the various concentrations(20, 40, 60, 80 and 100µg/ml) of the extract were investigated. The extract was active against the isolates which are Escherichiacoli, salmonellaspp, Klebsiellaspp and enterobacter spp. The efficacy of the extract increase with incre...

Antidiarrheal Evaluation Of Ethanolic Stem Bark Extracts Of Acacia Sieberiana Dc. (Fabaceae) In Albino Rats

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the phytochemical constituents and to evaluate the anti diarrheal effect of the ethanolic stem bark extract of Acacia sieberiana in albino rats. The rats were grouped into five different groups; two groups were treated with water and loperamide (a standard drug) which serve as negative and positive control respectively. The three other groups tagged test groups were orally administered with the extract at different concentrations of (200,400, and...

Assessement Of Effectiveness Of Intermittent Preventive Malaria Treatment Using Sulfadoxine-Prymethamine Among Pregnant Women In Gombe Local Government

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Gombe local government from September-October 2014.the research was aimed at determining the effectiveness of sulphadoxine pyrimethamine in relation to malaria prevalence among pregnant women. 156 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at some selected maternities were for used for the research. Blood samples were collected using vein puncture technique. Thick and thin films of the collected samples were prepared and stain using field stain and observe u...

Assessment Of Dry Season Farming In Kwadon Yamaltu-Deba Local Government Area, Gombe State

Abstract The research project discussed the dry season farming in Kwadon a settlement or area located in Yamaltu-Deba Local Government area of Gombe State due to the presence of stream and shallow underground water in the area. The dry season farming is heavily practiced but accompanied by various socio-economic problems that ought to be look into chapter one of the studies which points out the aim and objectives, state the research problem and research question have been answered. The study ...

A.M. KIFILIDEEN Era of Generalization of Kifilideen Matrix Progression Sequence for Finite Terms with Decreasing Members for the Groups and (h+1) Members in the First Group

Kifilideen matrix had been in existence which emanate from the Kifilideen trinomial theorem for the arrangement of power combination of each term of the Kifilideen trinomial expansion in sequential order. The continuous interaction with the pattern, progression and sequential order in which the power combination of the positive and negative power of and of Kifilideen trinomial theorem are arranged in the Kifilideen matrix give incite that a general sequence can be developed to follow thi...

Era of Generalization of Kifilideen Matrix Progression Sequence for Finite Terms with Decreasing Members for the Groups and (h+1) Members in the First Group

Kifilideen matrix had been in existence which emanate from the Kifilideen trinomial theorem for the arrangement of power combination of each term of the Kifilideen trinomial expansion in sequential order. The continuous interaction with the pattern, progression and sequential order in which the power combination of the positive and negative power of and of Kifilideen trinomial theorem are arranged in the Kifilideen matrix give incite that a general sequence can be developed to follow thi...

Preparation and characterization of Ce-MOF/g-C3N4 composites and evaluation of their photocatalytic performance In this study, unique hybrid structures were constructed between a Ce-based metal-organic framework (Ce-MOF) and and graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) materials. In addition, the g-C3N4 materials used for these heterostructures were prepared by five different methods, namely the conventional pyrolysis method, chemical exfoliation by a strong acid, activation by an alkaline hydrothermal treatment, melamine-cyanuric acid supramolecular assembly w...

Microorganisms Associated with Soft Rot of Tomato

This seminar report provides an in-depth examination of the microorganisms causing soft rot of tomato. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a red edible fruit having many varieties which are widely grown, often in greenhouses in cooler climates and open fields. It is consumed in diverse ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes and sauces, in drinks and as a vegetable for culinary purposes. Diseases are a major limiting factor for tomato production. Diseases can be classified into two ...

1531 - 1545 Of 8880 Results