Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Residents’ Participation in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Enugu metropolis, Nigeria to investigate the spatial character of residents’ participation in the various approaches to Municipal Solid Waste management (MSWM) in the area. The study adopted survey research method. Quantitative (structured questionnaire) and qualitative (interviews and field observations) methods were employed. The researcher used simple random sampling in selecting the desired sample of 300 households for the questionnaire administratio...

Edu Frontiers 121 PAGES (24541 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Mathematical Model on a Three Way Catalytic Converter: A Comparative Study of Gas Phase Concentration and Temperature.

ABSTRACT We comparatively studied gas phase concentration and gas temperature of three way catalytic converter models. We considered channel level models and provided concise solutions for them. Solutions to the models were graphically represented and we found that gas phase temperature increases with time and gas phase concentration of gaseous species attain light-off at temperature above 600K. TABLEOFCONTENTS Title page………………………………………………………………...

Effects of Processing Methods On the Bio functional Properties of Physic Nut (Jatropha Gossypiifolia) Leaves

ABSTRACT Jatropha gossypiifolia leaves were processed and fermented at room temperature at different time intervals. The products were further analysed to determine the nutritional and anti – nutritional components. The best samples were selected based on the iron content of the products. Bioassay study was carried out on albino rats to determine the effect of treatment on blood sugar level, haemoglobin, cholesterol, liver and kidney function. From the results, fermented juice and powder fr...

Personal Hygiene and Occurrence of Diseases Among Primary School Children in Makindye Municipality, Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study revealed into the relationship between personal hygiene and the occurrence of diseases primary school children in Makindye municipality where the following aspects were investigated: (1). personal hygiene practices among primary school children, (2). occurrence of disease among primary school, (3). relationship between hygiene practices and occurrence of diseases, (4). difference between personal hygiene practices and occurrence of diseases between private and public primar...

Comparative Study of the Aquifer Transmissivity and Hydraulic Conductivity Values From Different Methods. Case Study Agbani Sandstone, South Eastern, Nigeria

The aquifer transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity values of Agbani Sandstone was investigated using different statistical and pumping test approaches developed by different authors. A total of three (3) boreholes was constructed during the time of this study and it was used to determine aquifer characteristics of Agbani Sandstone. The depths to water table vary from 80 - 120 m and the results of transmissivity (T) values obtained from various approaches varies from 0.883 to 2.855 m2h-1 fo...

Pagano's theorem (short proof of generalized cauchy residue theorem)

shortly we can derive the Cauchy's residue theorem (its general form) just by direct integration of a Taylor series placing an open curve onto a specific domain, in order to satisfy holomorphic properties

Neuroprotective Potential of Lantana Trifolium Ethanolic Extract Against Ethambutol Induced Changes in the Optic Nerve

ABSTRACT Introduction: Ethambutol (EMB) has been discovered as an anti-tuberculosis drug since 1960, and is now very important in treatment of multidrug resistant tuberculosis which is on a rise due to emergence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus. However, EMB has been associated with severe side effects including optic neuropathy with no preventive and treatment measures. Purpose: To establish the protective potential of Lantana trifolium ethanolic extract against EMB induced optic nerve change...

Stationary Analysis of the M/M/1 Queuing System with Two Customer Subgroups

Abstract A single server Markovian queuing system called the M/M/1 queuing system with two distinct customer types namely; the constraint customer type and the un-constraint customer type is studied. This model is that of a production system with heterogeneous customer structures devoid of a single customer in the intersection category group wise. Initially, relevant literature covering methodologies, analysis and results derived for single server production systems are reviewed and a gap ide...

Edu Frontiers 51 PAGES (10255 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Determining Global Solar Radiation Incident on Tilted Surfaces with Different Tilt Angles at the Department of Physics Makerere University

ABSTRACT Solar radiation data at horizontal level, tilted surfaces and in the atmosphere is an important feature in solar energy applications such as photovoltaic systems for electricity generation, solar collectors for heating and passive solar devices. This study presents an investigation of the dependence of global solar radiation incident on a tilted surface on some meteorological parameters for different tilt angles based on measured meteorological data of sunshine, relative humidity and...

Edu Frontiers 141 PAGES (34365 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Agricultural Production and Economic Growth in Somalia from 1986 to 2016

ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the effect of agricultural production on economic growth in Somalia from the period of 1986 to 2016 using time series data. Specifically, the study examined the causality and the effect of agricultural production on GDP growth. The objective was motivated by the fact that the problem statement emphasized that agricultural production has not yielded expected economic growth in Somalia. The study hypothesized that no casualty between agricultural production...

Edu Frontiers 77 PAGES (17358 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Determinants of Maternal Mortality of Somalia in the Period 1990 to 2012

ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of gross domestic product per capita, total fertility rate and HIV/AIDS prevalence rate (termed as determinants) on maternal mortality of Somalia in the period 1990-2012. This model is dedicated from demographic transition theory-derived from modernization theory. Secondary data between 1990 and 2012 inclusive collected from the publications of United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and World Health Organization (WHO) was used for this study. ...

Edu Frontiers 79 PAGES (17121 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Population Growth and Youth Unemployment in Somalia (1991-2017)

ABSTRACT he purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between the population growth and youth unemployment in Somalia. The specific objectives of the study were; to examine the long-run relationship, causation, and effect of population growth on youth unemployment rate. The study used a descriptive, correlation and longitudinal design and only employed the Quantitative research approach. L~ie study was carried out using secondary 4ata collected from 1991 to 2017. Augmented Dick...

Edu Frontiers 77 PAGES (17152 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Toxicological Studies on Organic Manures Derived from Municipal Solid Waste in Makindye, Rubaga and Kawempe Divisions of Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to estimate the levels of contamination and marketability of organic compost manures, derived from Kampala municipal solid wastes (MSW), sold along roads in the various suburbs of Kampala. The organic composts were sampled from five locations: Kawempe (KWP); Bwaise (BWS); Kitebi (KTB); Wankulukuku (WKK) and Ggaba-Kansanga (GGK~. The overall quality of the compost manures was determined by investigating selected physicochemical, trace metals and fertilizing p...

Edu Frontiers 119 PAGES (28539 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Health Service Delivery and Maternal Survival at Banadir Hospitals for 2001 — 2010 in Mogadishu, Somalia

Abstract This study was set out to establish the relationship between health service delivery and maternal survival at Banadir hospitals for 2001 up to 2010 in Mogadishu, Somalia the study wanted to establish the foUowing to determine the trend and level of health service delivery for 2001 to 2010 at Banadir Hospitals, to establish the trend and the level of maternal survival-for 2001 to 2010 at Banadir Hospitals, and to investigate the relationship between the health service delivery and mat...

Edu Frontiers 104 PAGES (19305 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Mobile Phones Usage for Gender Based Violence Prevention in Kigali, Rwanda

ABSTRACT Gender-based violence prevents people's enjoyment of fundamental human rights and it is also central social, economic and health problem. Similarly, gender-based violence is viewed as a significant problem throughout the world. However, in Rwanda studies on gender based violence prevention have done, Gender based violence is still problem. Most researches in this area were conducted but ICTs remain gender blind. The purpose of the study was to find out the use of mobile phones on Gen...

1786 - 1800 Of 8880 Results