Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Assessment of the Effect of Addition of Baobab ( Adansonia Digitata L.) Fruit Pulp on Properties of Camel Milk Yoghurt

Abstract This study was carried out to investigate the effect of Baobab fruit pulp on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of yoghurt made from camel milk and cow milk. Yoghurt was made from camel milk and cow milk with Baobab fruit pulp (5g/L, 10g/L, 15g/L, and 20g/L). Starter culture was added at rate of 3 % (v: v) and stored for 10 days at 4ᵒC. Physicochemical and microbial (acidity, pH, total solids, solids not fat, ash, protein, Fat, lactose, moisture, crude fiber, synere...

The Effect of Hemodialysis on Serum Levels of Iron and C-Reactive Protein in Patients with Renal Failure

Abstract This study was carried out to assess the effect of hemodialysis on iron and C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients with renal failure. Sixty samples were collected from patients in period between April to May 2015, chosen randomly from Association specialized hospital in Khartoum states, and thirty apparently healthy individuals as controls. Measure plasma iron and CRP by using Hitachi/cobas C311 system, and results were analyzed using statistical of package social science (SPSS), comp...

Bioethanol Production from Sorghum Grains

Abstract A biofuel is a fuel that produced through contemporary biological processes such as agriculture and anaerobic digestion, rather than a fuel produced by geological processes. It can be derived directly from plants or indirectly from agriculture or industrial waste. Bioethanol is an alcohol made by fermentation, it is produced from sugar or starch crops such as corn, sugar cane or sweet sorghum. Biodiesel and ethanol can be used as fuel for vehicles in its pure form but it is usually u...

Edu Frontiers 72 PAGES (11470 WORDS) Chemistry Project
Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Nano-Powder Synthesized by Combustion and Sol-gel Method

Abstract Nowadays, ZnO is considered as the most important chemical compounds due their distinctive properties owing to its wide band gab and large exciton binding energy. It is well known that the structural and the optical properties of ZnO differ by different methods of preparation. Therefore, in this work, ZnO power was prepared by two methods, namely sol-gel and combustion method with the aim of comparison. The obtained samples from both methods were investigated by many techniques for c...

Edu Frontiers 51 PAGES (7624 WORDS) Physics Project
Flood Mapping and Risk Assessments by Using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing

ABSTRACT Flood is one of the most destruction natural hazards which lead to the loss of lives, properties and resources. It has therefore become important to create easily read, rapidly accessible flood hazard map, which will prioritize the reduction effects . This paper addresses the need for an efficient and cost-effective methodology for preparing floodhazard maps in part of Khartoum statethrough drawing a map showing the flooded areas on either side of the White Nile to the four zones: - ...

Sero-prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus among Pregnant Women in Red Sea State

ABSTRACT Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) occurs worldwide with more than 2 billion people being infected at some time in their lives. Transmission of this virus from carrier mothers to babies can occur during perinatal period. This study was conducted to determine prevalence of HBV infection among pregnant women in Rea Sea State. The study was carried out during the period from April to July 2017. A total of ninety one (n=91) pregnant women were enrolled in this study. Sociodemographic data including...

Establishment of National Diagnostic Reference Level for bone Radiation Doses in Nuclear Medicine Department in Khartoum – Sudan

Abstract A diagnostic reference level (DRL) is an investigational level used to identify unusual high radiation doses in Nuclear Medicine procedures. DRLs are suggested action levels above which a facility should review its methods and determine if acceptable image quality can be achieved at lower doses. The high specific activity of 99mTc makes it suitable as a first pass agent, for multiple or sequential studies. Is preferred to 99mTc - pertechnetate. A certain amount of radiopharmaceutical...

Antimicrobial Activity of Nigella sativa Seeds Extract Against Carbapenem and Colistin Resistant Gram Negative Bacilli in Khartoum State

Abstract Introduction: One of the most serious issues in medicine is increasing resistance of Gram negative bacilli to antimicrobial agents especially broad spectrum antibiotics such as carbapenems and colistins. This fact is associated with higher mortality and morbidity rates, prolonged hospital stays and increased treatment related costs.Medicinal plants appeared to be the best alternative source for new antimicrobial drugs.. Nigella sativa is an herbaceous plant whose seeds have beenused ...

A Design of an Econometric Model for Evaluating the Security in Cloud Computing Environment

ABSTRACT Cloud computing offers an innovative business model for all cloud enterprises to serve IT services with no need to have technical details. The extreme growth of cloud usage increases the probability of threats occurrence, which in turn leads to financial and other losses. So there is a need to use appropriate metrics to assess the failure cost among cloud stakeholders according to their different needs; we propose a measure called “Mean Failure Cost” (MFC) which quantifies the im...

Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Roselle) against Selected Microorganisms

Introduction: Prevalence of resistant microbial strains is increasing with time; due to the extensive and indiscriminate use of the broad spectrum antimicrobial drugs that render the current used antimicrobial agents insufficient to control some microbial infections. Objective: The present study was aimed to investigate the antimicrobial and antioxidant potential of methanolic extract of the medicinal plant Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Method: The agar well diffusion technique was used to determin...

A Secure Centralised Web Based Criminal Data Base Management System Case Study: Central Police Station (Cps) Kampala

ABSTRACT The study was to access the role of electronic media in recording and updating criminals across the nation as a whole. Using Central Police Station as a case study, the objectives of the study were to provide ways how the Police could keep/store records of criminals across the country, to identify media programs that enable a police officer to record a criminal into a very secure database management system throughout the entire country. The research was carried out through both theor...

Poverty and House Hold Sanitation of Selected Homes of Kansanga Parish Makindye Division Kampala City

ABSTRACT The study was an investigation into the Relationship between Poverty and Sanitation of Kansanga Parish, Makindye Division, Kampala District. The development of this research emanated from the fact that the people of this area were suffering much from the sanitation related diseases such as the cholera, dysentery, and many others that result from the way the people of the area live. Manv people thought, that these people were suffering from all these because of the fact that, they wer...

Determination of Gold Concentration in the Gold Ore in Lujinji, Mubende District.

Abstract This study is aimed at determining the concentration of gold in the gold ore in lujinjimubende district. Currently investing in gold mining is taken as a riskyinvestmentbecause people are not sure of the concentration of gold in lujinji and also the depth where gold concentration is high. The results of this research gave the concentration of gold in lujinji and also the depth of high concentration from the surface, which eased the mining activity by extracting gold at a known height...

Analysis of Different Animal Feeds in Uganda Markets and Their Hematological and Biochemical Roles in Male Wistar

ABSTRACT The utilization of animal feeds and diets in Uganda prepared ti·om available and atlordable plants such as; soya bean, groundnut, maize, and pumpkin green leaves. sunflO er seeds and animal sources such as; milk, catfish or silverfish, and bones or shells. in the alleviation of poor nutritional status is to be studied, to determine comparative dietary efficiencies of some forti fled weaning formulae. This study was carried out in two places; Kampala International universityWestern c...

A Web-Based Shopping System for A Supermarket, A Case, Uchumi Supermarket Limited

Abstract The number of mobile phone and Internet users in Uganda is increasing continuously, it is no doubt that online shopping market in Uganda certainly sees a rapid rise and great developing potentials with many investment opportunities. With the advent of the Internet and network technology, many organizations are now being equipped with Internet connections, either through wired connections or wireless infrastructure. Internet access provides customers an easy access to product informat...

1861 - 1875 Of 8880 Results