ABSTRACT Globally in 2010, about 800 women died daily due to complications of pregnancy and child birth (WHO, 2010). Out of the 800 deaths, 440 deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa, 230 in Southern Asia and only five in high-income countries. In Kenya, maternal death is the leading cause of death amongst women of child bearing age, overall maternal mortality ratio in Kenya remain high at 488/100,000 and could even be higher in rural sub-counties. In response to the rising burden of MMR, the...
ABSTRACT Population increase in Matungulu Sub-County in Kenya has led to pressure on arable land where agriculture is the main economic activity. This has caused a gradual shift in land use practices over the years from extensive to intensive agriculture. There has been a decrease in maize yields over the years despite the use of phosphate (P) and nitrogenous (N) fertilizers, which may suggest that the levels of potassium (K) in the soil may be low. Fertilizer application for maize farming ...
ABSTRACT Development of environmentally friendly and economically viable water treatmet techniques for remediation of fluoride ions in drinking water has gained a huge research interest. Floridated water is associated with dental and skeletal disorders. Previously used water treatment methods encountered several limitations such as operational problems and are not regeneratable. Adsorption technique is easy to use and is regeneratable. Adsorbents used include activated carbon and bone char. ...
ABSTRACT Methods used to assess overweight and obesity generate information that can be used to design interventions and policies which can address over-nutrition. Dietary practices, physical activity and anthropometry are the commonly used methods for assessing overweight and obesity. However, studies have cited their limitations since these methods do not indicate fat mass which is the factor that predisposes individuals to weight-related health risks. This study aimed to validate anthrop...
ABSTRACT East Coast Fever (ECF), commonly known as theileriosis, is a tick-borne disease caused by a protozoan organism known as Theileria parva. It has been a major limitation in livestock production and food security in several developing countries. ECF is transmitted predominantly by the brown ear tick, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. In Africa, it is estimated that about 1.1 million cattle suffer from ECF resulting to losses of about US dollars 168 million. In Kenya, approximately 50-80% o...
ABSTRACT The changes such as increases in urban dwellers and demand for high quality and safe products being witnessed in agrifood systems around the world present opportunities for farmers to orient production to meet the emerging needs. To this end, governments in SubSaharan Africa have been reconstituting new trading policies. In Kenya, banana farming is a prospective activity through which small-scale farmers could exploit the emerging opportunities. This study examines the banana value ...
ABSTRACT Agroforestry presents opportunities for adaptation to the impacts of climate change and variability in food security and livelihood development systems.According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Kenya is experiencing climate change and projections suggest that there would be more extreme weather conditions by the year 2030 and beyond. This would worsen the food insecurity and poverty situation currently observed in arid and semi-arid districts such as Machakos County. ...
ABSTRACT STEM Subjects and specifically Physics plays a major role in national development its knowledge is crucial in the manufacturing, healthcare and housing industries. This therefore calls for proper acquisition of knowledge and skills in the subject. However, the performance in the subject is low. The purpose of the Study was to establish the use of Learner- centered teaching methods to improve performance of Physics in Migori County. The main objectives of the study were; a) To estab...
ABSTRACT Abstract is a document designed to show a review of whatever the designer tackled on during designing processes of the project. It also summarizes the content in all chapters. This project comprises of five chapters that is, chapter one which includes a number of sub topics like background, problem statement and also objectives are discussed with in this chapter, the justification of the study to mention but a few. Chapter two covers literature review that describes the review o...
ABSTRACT Data management systems have a great impact on the day to day activities of most organizations. They among others they provide improved data accessibility, data integrity, security of information and so on. Today, the trend in most organizations has shifted from the traditional way of storing data to a modern and organized way. Because of this, Makerere Competent High School could not be left behind and it fully shares the advantages of database systems. This system has enabled MCHS ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................ ii APPROVAL ..................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION .................................................................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................
Tab’e of content Declaration Approval Acknowledgment Table of content vi INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study 1 1.2 Problem statement 3 1.3 General objective 3 1.4 Specific Objectives 3 1.5 Scope of the Study 3 1.6 Significance of the Study 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Privacy issues of medical records 5 2.2.1 Ensuring medical record privacy 7 2.3 Medical Languages 7 2.4 Medical Electronic Databases 8 2.5 Legal Aspects 10 2.6 National medical system perception in Uganda ...
ABSTRACF Hotel Net worth is growing into a big and international hotelwith a number of customer’s country wide as well as world wide. Much as it is growing into an international hotel, it has been facing the problem of a stand alone system where international customers have been unable to get the information online. This called for a change from its operation on national level to international levels and hence a web based online hotel reservation system. The requirement therefore was to ...
ABSTRACT The research focused on the challenges of developing computerized information systems in schools. The research study involved visiting Oxford Moslem School Oxford Moslem School uses manual file based system for managing data, they face problems like data redundancy and inconsistency where by some information are duplicated in several files. The file based system does not allow required data to be retrieved in a convenient and efficient manner thus difficult in accessing data. The obj...
ABSTRACT This project direct give the people or passengers to make their booking online which make them to save time, also management of data it is also intended to provide the relevant security measures so that all the unauthorized and unauthenticated users are denied access to the precious data and information concerning the passengers and making it safe. The aim of this study is to establish web based databases in developing countries airways DBMS are extremely beneficial to airways manage...