ABSTRACT Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is the fifth stage of the quiet stages of Chronic Kidney Disease. Optimal nutrition, medical treatment and management are inevitable in improving the quality of life, reducing morbidity and thus mortality of the patients. While there is no clear data on prevalence and incidence rates in Kenya and most developing countries, Kidney Disease is one of the most serious and currently emerging non-communicable diseases and continues to undermine the heal...
ABSTRACT Research was carried to explain the variation in the hydrological characteristics of river Nyakomisaro and its effect on water supply in the Kisii Municipality. The study determined the variability in rainfall and river discharge in the Nyakomisaro sub Catchment, established the relationship between rainfall and streamflow in the sub catchment, examined the extent for which River Nyakomisaro water was used in supplying water to the Kisii Municipality and examined the streamflow mana...
ABSTRACT Water contamination is a serious threat to human health especially if the contaminant is from sewage. Ground water is increasingly used as a water source in urban settlements due to limited sources of fresh surface water. This has increased the vulnerability of underground water sources to sewage and waste water contamination and therefore exposing the population to infections by various water borne pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Exposure to these bacteria coupled ...
ABSTRACT L-citrulline, L-arginine and L-glutamic acid are some of the amino acids which are vital in the human body. L-citrulline boosts immunity, combats sarcopenia, detoxifies the liver and enhances male fertility. L-arginine boosts internal production of nitric oxide thus enhancing dilation of blood vessels, inhibits aging process, prevents abnormal blood clotting and accelerates healing of wounds. L-glutamic acid cleanses the central nervous system and improves overall brain health, attit...
ABSTRACT Lake Victoria Basin is one of the regions in sub-Sahara Africa which is densely populated and majority of the inhabitants are poor economically. Cases of diseases related to nutrient deficiency, child mortality, high HIV and AIDS have increased in the recent years due to malnutrition and undernourishment as the cost of basic foods have been on the rise. One way of reducing malnutrition is increased consumption of indigenous fruits and vegetables which offer variety of nutrients. The ...
ABSTRACT Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for high tuberculosis cases that result from widespread HIV infections, which is exacerbated by injection substance use. Immunologically, HIV critically impairs cell-mediated host responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. IFN-γ, IL-10 and Acrp30 are key mediators of systemic inflammation. Although circulating IFN- and IL-10 levels are increased, Acrp30 levels are lowered and associated with disease severity among HIV and TB co-infected non-susbstance u...
ABSTRACT Mosquitoes are of high public health concern since they are significant disease vectors of different tropical and subtropical life-threatening diseases like malaria, dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, zika virus and encephalitis. Use of synthetic insecticides for control of mosquitoes causes development of resistance in vector species and have negative effects to the environment and human. This study aimed to find alternative, effective tools against these vectors from plant essentia...
ABSTRACT The cut-flower industry is one of the fastest growing sub-sectors of the horticultural industry contributing significantly to the continued growth of Kenyan economy. Roses are the most popular cut-flowers world-wide. Rose flower production in Kenya faces significant challenges particularly with regard to pests and diseases. Crown gall disease caused by A. tumefaciens is one of the limiting factors in the production of roses. The disease is widespread in rose flower farms and nurserie...
ABSTRACT In Kenya, maize is a key cereal crop and a major staple food in most Kenyan families. Most maize farmers mainly apply nitrogenous and phosphorus fertilizers to improve on maize yields in the country and Nyamira County in particular. However, acreage yields have been declining yearly despite their use. Application of potassium (K) fertilizers in the region is limited yet it is the third major nutrient required by maize crop in large quantities for optimum growth and yields. Consequent...
ABSTRACT Typhoid fever is a major cause of human mortality throughout large areas of the world. Human typhoid occurs following the ingestion of the Salmonella typhi bacteria, mostly found in contaminated water, animal products or close association with an infected individual. This study aimed to investigate the major factors contributing to the persistent attacks by typhoid fever among people of Mwea region. In addition, the study also aimed at investigating the microbial load of the water an...
ABSTRACT Carotenoids are a group of naturally occurring phytochemicals, many of which are important in human nutrition and health. In particular, lycopene and its analogues may have potent antioxidant properties to protect cells and tissues from oxidative stress and free radicals, and thus contribute to enhancement of immune functions of the body. These antioxidants may also prevent damage to cells and DNA, as well as stimulate the repair of oxidative damage to DNA. Diets rich in these p...
ABSTRACT Lake Victoria is the main source of water in Homa Bay town as well as the surrounding community. Increase in population in the resent past has led to intensified human activities with a possible compromise on the sanitation standards around the town consequently resulting into increased fecal load to the lake through fecal pollution. Increased fecal contamination of the lake has consequently led to an increase in pathogenic microorganisms including waterborne enteric viruses. These v...
ABSTRACT Heavy metal pollution is among the leading health concerns all over the world because of their long-term cumulative effects. Consumption of food crops contaminated with heavy metals is a major food chain route for human exposure. Khat (Catha edulis forsk), a plant used as a stimulant is grown in certain areas of East Africa and the Arab Peninsula. In Kenya, it is cultivated in Embu and Meru counties and distributed to consumers in other counties who include young children. Due to inc...
ABSTRACT Tsetse flies (Glossina spp.) are vectors of Animal African Trypanosomiasis and Human African Trypanosomiasis. Two approaches have been used to combat the diseases: parasite and vector control. Parasitic control by trypanocidal drugs has so far failed due to problems of availability, toxicity and resistance development. Vector control by use of insecticides is ineffective. Trapping using baits have been relatively successful, except among pastoralists. Integration of repellants and at...
ABSTRACT Pollution of water resources due to the increasing growth in industrialization continues to pose a great challenge to the rapidly growing population. Textile industries are among the principal polluters of surface water. The development of these textile industries has resulted in severe water pollution due to discharge of dye wastewaters to natural water courses. This laboratory scale study was aimed at establishing an eco-friendly wastewater treatment method dubbed electrocoagulati...