Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Determination Of The Effects Of Applying Variable Pressure Gradient To A Magnetohydrodynamic Fluid Flowing Between Plates With Inclined Magnetic Field

ABSTRACT In this study the effects of applying variable pressure gradient to a MHD fluid flowing between two plates in an inclined magnetic field was carried out. It involved an unsteady hydromagnetic fluid flowing through two plates where the upper plate was porous and moving with a constant velocity in a direction that is contrary to fluid flow direction. The lower plate was non-porous and stationary. In the past years, research studies relating to MHD fluid flow through plates have been do...

SSA Research 56 PAGES (8299 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Anti-Malarial Activity And Phytochemical Studies Of Cissampelos Mucronata And Stephania Abyssinica

ABSTRACT Malaria remains the most important public health problem in the tropics. Each year, about 500,000,000 and 2,700,000 malaria cases and related deaths, respectively, are reported globally with Africa accounting for 90%. In Kenya, more than 4 million people are infected annually, the majority being children under five years and pregnant women. The disease is caused by parasites in the genus Plasmodium and is transmitted through bites of infected female anopheline mosquito. It is the mo...

Impact Of Peanut Supplementation On Cardiovascular Disease Markers In Hiv-Infected Adults With Dyslipidemia Attending Nyeri Level- 5 -Hospital, Kenya

ABSTRACT Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is currently second, after cancer, as the most frequent cause of death among HIV-positive subjects in areas of the world where Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) is widely available. Dyslipidemia is an important adaptable cardiovascular risk factor that is a widespread clinical feature of HIV-infected patients in the present era of HAART. Peanuts are a rich source of magnesium, folate, fibre, α- tocopherol, copper, arginine and resveratrol. ...

Evaluation Of Selected Medicinal Plant Extracts For Insecticidal Properties Against Phlebotomine Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae)

ABSTRACT Phlebotomine sand flies are the vectors of Leishmania species, the causative agents of leishmaniases that are a global health problem and are usually endemic in developing countries affecting predominantly the poor in society. Complementally control measures through use of biodegradable, safe and species selective natural compounds are urgently needed. Plant based compounds are safe in most biosystems. Some synthetic chemical insecticides are toxic, expensive and discriminate use may...

SSA Research 102 PAGES (17242 WORDS) Parasitology Thesis
Triple System And Fano Plane Structure In Zn

ABSTRACT A triple system is an absolutely fascinating concept in projective geometry. This project is an extension of previously done work on triple systems, specifically the triples that fit into a Fano plane and the (i, j, k) triples of the quaternion group. Here, we have explored and determined the existence of triple systems in Z ∗ n for n = p, n = pq, n = 2mp and n = pqr with m ∈ N, p, q, r ∈ P, and p > q > r. A triple system in Z ∗ n has been denoted by (k1, k2, k3) where there...

Determining Pollinators, Floral Calendar And The Effect Of Pollination Deficit Of Avocado Persea Americana Mill In Kandara, Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Avocado Persea americana Mill is an important fruit in Kenya. It is a source of vitamins, oil and income to farmers. However, its optimal production is dependent on insect pollinators. This study was undertaken to determine diversity and abundance of insects visiting avocado flowers, their diurnal visitation counts, the crop floral calendar and the effect of pollination deficit of avocado at Kandara, Murang’a County. The study was carried out in farmers’ fields in upper midland ...

Bioprospecting For Anti-Mosquito Phytochemicals Associated With Olfaction And Larvicidal Activities From Selected Kenyan Plants

ABSTRACT Mosquitoes are of high public health concern since they are significant disease vectors of different tropical and subtropical life-threatening diseases like malaria, dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, zika virus and encephalitis. Use of synthetic insecticides for control of mosquitoes causes development of resistance in vector species and have negative effects to the environment and human. This study aimed to find alternative, effective tools against these vectors from plant essenti...

Edu Frontiers 167 PAGES (35563 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Screening for water deficit tolerance, relative growth analysis and agrobacterium-infectivity among tropical maize (zea mays l.) Inbred lines in Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT Maize is ranked the third most important cereal under global cultivation after wheat and rice. It is valued for food, fiber, feed and for bio fuel production. However the gap between maize demand and regional supply is increasing as small-holder farmers grapple with many challenges, key among them drought. Thus, research in identifying maize lines that are tolerant to water deficit and that are amenable to A. tumefaciens-mediated transformation is a step towards enhancing food secur...

Phytochemical Studies Of Some Indigenous Plants As Grain Protect Ants Against Sitophilus Zeamais (Maize Weevil)

ABSTRACT Maize farming, though successful in some parts of Africa is greatly hampered by the post harvest handling procedures. Resource farmers in developing countries like Kenya use different plant materials to protect stored grains against pest infestation by mixing grains with protectants made up of plant products. Dry ground plant material, were tested for their activity against the maize weevil; Sitophilus zeamais; (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). All showed no reasonable protectant ability...

Aluminophosphates Derived From Tea Leaves And Pumpkin Seeds Ashes For Removal Of Sellected Heavy Metals From Contaminated Water

ABSTRACT About 43% of people in Kenya have no access to clean water. Lack of clean water may worsen as industrial development and population increases as projected if drastic measures are not taken immediately Pollution of water by heavy metals arises from many sources but most commonly from purification of metals, smelting industries, paint industries and textile industries. Activated carbon and other commercial adsorbents are frequently used as adsorbents. Despite their extensive use in wat...

SSA Research 126 PAGES (29959 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Characterization Of SnxSey /SnO2: Co p-n Junction Deposited By Spray Pyrolysis For Photovoltaic Application

ABSTRACT Research on utilization of solar energy has been stimulated by Energy crisis in everyday usage of energy. Photovoltaic hold great hopes towards solving energy crisis since they are environment friendly, sunlight is free, abundant and not likely to be exhausted in the near future. In this study SnxSey and SnO2: Co thin films were prepared by spray pyrolysis deposition technique at deposition temperatures of 400 K and 500 K respectively. SnxSey precursor was prepared using 0.05M SnCl4...

Antidiabetic Activity And Safety Of Piper Capense, Berberis Holstii, Sonchus Asper, Vernonia Lasiopus And Galinsoga Parviflora In Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Albino Mice

ABSTRACT In Kenya, diabetes mellitus is of health concern to the public, because it causes substantial morbidity, mortality, and long-term complications. Synthetic drugs used in the management of diabetes are unavailable, have numerous side effects and are expensive. Many plants such as Piper capense, Berberis holstii, Sonchus asper, Vernonia lasiopus and Galinsoga parviflora used traditionally to manage many diseases including diabetes mellitus but their efficacy and safety after long-term ...

Fabrication And Characterization Of A Graphite Dispersed Titanium Dioxide Solid Solar Cell

ABSTRACT Energy is globally recognized as one of the most fundamental inputs to social and economic development. Most energy sources are serious pollutants resulting to serious negative effects on the environment. To overcome this challenge, the presence of abundant sunshine has been exploited through the use of solar cells to generate this vital resource through photovoltaic cells. However most photovoltaic cells are silicon based photovoltaic cells which are expensive. This study reports o...

Lead, Cadmium And Zinc Speciation In Garage Soils, Their Levels In Kales And Water Along Katothyani Stream, Machakos Town, Kenya

ABSTRACT Garage waste is a major source of environmental pollution since it contains heavy metals. These heavy metals end up being swept by rain water into rivers. When the water is used for drinking or irrigation the heavy metals end up in animal and human tissues causing adverse health effects. In soil, heavy metals exist in different forms which influence their mobility and bioavailability. These forms include those soluble in water, those exchangeable with other metal ions, the reducible...

Screening Of Supa Aromatic Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) F2 Population For Blast (Magnaporthe Oryzae) Resistance At Irri-Esa Burundi

ABSTRACT Blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae or Magnaporte oryzae) is a disease of the economic importance in rice, causing up to 100% yield loss. The aroma trait of rice grain encoded by the badh2 gene significantly increases its market value. Unfortunately, the aromatic IR97012-27-3-1-1-B (Supa234) line developed at IRRI is susceptible to Pyricularia grisea pathotypes. Improvement of IR97012-27-3-1-1-B (Supa234) rice has been carried out through introgression of R genes (Pi9 and Pita) at IRRI...

2986 - 3000 Of 8880 Results