Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Mathematical Modelling And Control Of Blood Glucose/Insulin Concentrations In An Insulin Dependent Diabetic Sub

ABSTRACT Mathematical models describing the variations in the plasma glucose and insulin levels over time in an insulin - dependent diabetic person (IDD patient) were formulated. We showed that these models can correctly describe these variations when we solved them sirnuttaneously by andytical approach rather than the normal numerical approach employed for solving non-linear differential equations. The effect of the various parameters involved in the model were tested and it was shown ...

SSA Research 107 PAGES (18030 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Wind Energy and Solar Energy Potential in the Red Sea Coast

Abstract The Red Sea coast enjoys high values of wind speed and moderate values of solar radiation. Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) has been used to analyze the wind data at Tokar, Free Zone and Port Sudan. The power densities at the three sites,at 50 m height,are 584, 288 and 300 W/m2, respectively. Both solar and wind can be utilized to supply electricity to that area.

SSA Research 51 PAGES (9560 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Usage of Laser Induced Emission to Distinguish Between Dental Caries and Sound Teeth

Abstract In this research Nitrogen laser (N2) was used to induce emission to distinguish between the dental caries and sound teeth. Three samples of dental caries and one sample of sound teeth has been used to determine absorbance of the dental caries and sound teeth using UV-Vis spectrophotometer then it irradiated by nitrogen laser (N2) with wavelength of 337.8nm, pulse energy 0.04mJ, and pulse time 100msec, interaction between laser and the teeth was happened, teeth absorbed some of these...

SSA Research 47 PAGES (8811 WORDS) Physics Thesis
A Hybrid Semi Automatic Approach For The Design Of Datawarehouse Conceptual Model

ABSTRACT Organizations strive to build data warehouses (DW) to support their decision making process. The studies show that the most important task for organization‟s manager is to take the right decision in the right time. Hence, the decision-making process is considered among the main important goals to be achieved by competitor enterprises. The design process of a DW raises many problems and is considered as a complex and tedious task. DW designers follow different levels concerning the...

An Aspect-Oriented Sentiment Analysis Of Arabic Tweets Using Language Pattern and Semantic Analysis Techniques

ABSTRACT Sentiment analysis of the Arabic language has gained the attention of many researchers because of the increasing number of Arabic internet users, and the exponential growth of Arabic content online. Despite the language‟s popularity, there are limited annotated resources for sentiment analysis, including a comprehensive dataset, labelled corpora, and polarity lexica, and also reliable NLP tools. This is the source of motivation for the study - the need to develop an opinion corpus...

Color And Texture Fusion Based Method For Content Based Image Retrieval

ABSTRACT Since the last decade, Content-based Image retrieval was a hot topic research. The computational complexity and the retrieval accuracy are the main problems that CBIR system have to avoid. In this study the method was proposed to overcome these problems by using the combine of color moment and texture features. The color feature was extracted by color moment where the images will be in the HSV color space. The textures features extracted by applying Gabor function where the images w...

The study of reducing risks lied on the contractor in construction project case study of Khartoum state

Abstract The big construction projects suffer from problems of delay and increasing in cost compare cost of the estimated. This is due to the nature of construction industry risky. Most of the projects occur once and a unique does not repeats. Each project differs from the other and there is no two projects agree in all characteristics and conditions, which makes each project has a particular circumstances and challenges and related has been exposed to a lot of projects to a number of the ri...

SSA Research 93 PAGES (2361 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Study of the Effect of Nd:YAG Laser on the Raw Cow’s Milk Characteristics and its Sterilization

Abstract In this research laser used to irradiant milk and its effect on the pH and absorbance has been studied in this research. Six samples of cow's milk were taken from the farm directly, without any additions of preservatives. five samples from six samples were irradiated by Nd:YAG laser 1064 nm wavelength using different output powers (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50) mW and the sixth sample was left without irradiation as a control, the result shows that by increasing laser dose the absorbance b...

SSA Research 55 PAGES (9215 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Ablation of Molybdenum by Femtosecond Laser Pulse Using the Two-Temperature Model

Abstract The study generally presents the mechanism of ablation of metals by ultrafast laser pulses; the main part was devoted to understanding a particularly interesting case: femtosecond pulse laser irradiation. Femtosecond ablation heating is described by a two-temperature model based on the Fourier heat transfer equation. This model consists of two parabolic differential equations coupled by the exchange term between the two subsystems, namely the electron gas and the ion network. The ul...

SSA Research 60 PAGES (11725 WORDS) Physics Thesis
The Impact Of Risks To Customers’ Trust On Using Mobile Money Transfer Services In Tanzania: A Case Study Of M-Pesa In Dodoma Municipal

ABSTRACT This dissertation examines the impact of risks to customers’ trust on using mobile money transfer services in Tanzania, with a special focus on risk including the facets of perceived risks which are performance risk, security/privacy risk, time risk, social risk and financial risk. These aspects are covered through a critical review of existing literature, secondary data and a survey targeting mobile phone users with M-Pesa accounts and M-Pesa agents living in Dodoma Municipal. Th...

Re-visiting Design-After-Design: Reflecting Implementation Mediators Connectedness in Distributed Participatory Design Activities

ABSTRACT  This paper aims at an extended understanding of the design facilitators' role, here implementation mediators, in participatory design practices. In reflecting connectedness between use and design in a distributed open source software design practice, a particular focus is devoted to the implementation mediator’s interaction between local users, global software developers, and local designers who are geographically distributed, possess different technological skills, and different...

Demographic Factors Influencing the Prevalence of H.I.V/AIDS in Mbeya Region of Tanzania.

Abstract Background & Aim: The study was conducted in the aim to figure out the demographic factors that fueling prevalence of H.I.V/AIDS in 2011/12-Mbeya region. The demographic data of the cross-sectional years 2011/12 was used. The study encompassed male and female individuals aged 15-49. Methods & Materials: The binary logistic regression model was used employed and demographic factors that were considered to have an impact on the prevalence of the epidemic were included in our analysis. ...

New Stellar Models Generated Using A Quadratic Equation Of State

Abstract . We obtain new regular exact solutions to the field equations for uncharged relativistic stellar objects with vanishing pressure anisotropy. We assume a quadratic equation of state and a choice of measure of anisotropy and a metric function defining one of the gravitational potentials. In our exact models, we regain anisotropic and isotropic results generated by other researchers as a special case. It is interesting that our results are in agreement with Minkowski space-time and ear...

Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern Of Aerobic Mesophilic Bacteria Isolated From Kunu Samples Sold In Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The antibiotic susceptibility pattern of aerobic mesophilic bacteria isolated from kunu samples sold in Ile-lfe, Osun State, Nigeria was studied following standard microbiological methods. Seven ready-to-drink kunu samples were purchased from different hawkers at Ile Ife. The samples were transported immediately in ice bucket to the laboratory for analysis. The aerobic mesophilic bacteria associated with kunu samples were isolated, labeled and identified by phenotypic and biochemica...

Geometrical Fourier Transform And Its Applications To Engineering Problems

Abstract In this research we studied Fourier transform and Fourier Analysis. We first introduced an analytical formulation using Hilbert space. We utilized the principle of uniform boundedness and the open mapping theorem to establish the convergence of Fourier series and the existence of Fourier transform. Here the geometry of Hilbert space has been involved. Then we applied Fourier transform to Engineering problems, these include Motion group, Robotics, Statistical mechanics, Mass de...

SSA Research 153 PAGES (25951 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis

3496 - 3510 Of 8880 Results