Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Theoretical Study Of Current-Induced Dynamics Of An Antiferromagnetic Skyrmionium

ABSTRACT In this thesis, we present a theoretical study on the current-induced nucleation and propagation of antiferromagnetic skyrmionium. A skyrmionium, also known as 2π-skyrmion, is a vortex-like magnetic structure characterized by zero topological charge. We show by means of micro-magnetic simulation that an antiferromagnetic skyrmionium can be nucleated via a local injection of spin current with toroidal distribution. Our systematic study of the current-induced dynamics shows that a sp...

Effects Of Teaching Methods, Gender And School Location On The Performance Of Secondary School Students In Mathematic: In Kano State

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effects of teaching methods (Discovery and lecture method), gender and school location on the performance of secondary school students in mathematics. A proportionate random sample of 356 senior secondary students was drawn from 20 secondary schools from Kano central senatorial zone using Morgan and Krejcie (1970) table for determining sample size. The sample was drawn from urban/rural dichotomy and gender wise. The sampled students were...

A Study On The Use Of Modified Fermented Cereal Gruel For Control Of Diarrhoea

ABSTRACT Two species of Lactobacillus, L. pentosus and L. acidophillus were used as a starter cultures for fermentation of cereals

Effect of Soil Amendment And Seed Extraction Techniques on Seed Yield And Quality of Pepper (Capsicum chinensis) in Southern Senegal

ABSTRACT Vegetable production in general and pepper production, in particular, is of paramount importance in the economic life of rural and peri-urban farmers in Senegal. However, high input costs such as seeds and chemical fertilizers are a limitation to the sector's growth. In order to find technologies capable of producing quality seeds with cheaper inputs, this study was conducted at the Djibelor Agricultural Research Centre in the southern region of Senegal. Six treatments T1 (NPK 300 k...

On Parameter Estimation For International Market Cocoa Prices Modelling And Forecasting

ABSTRACT Time series analysis and forecasting has become a major tool in different applications in business phenomena, such as daily stock prices, weekly interest rates, quarterly sales, monthly supply figures, annual earnings, daily cocoa prices, etc.. It has two goals: perception or modeling random mechanism and prediction of future series quantities according to the past. In this thesis, ARIMA (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average) model has been used for monthly cocoa prices at the ...

Edu Frontiers 101 PAGES (17638 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Stochastic Models for Asset Pricing

Abstract Stochastic calculus has been applied to the problems of pricing financial derivatives since 1973 when Black and Scholes published their famous paper ”The pricing of options and corporate liabilities” in the journal of political economy. In this work, we introduce basic concepts of probability theory which gives a better understanding in the study of stochastic processes, such as Markov process, Martingale and Brownian motion. We then construct the Itˆo’s integral under stocha...

Effects Of Low Dose Gamma Radiation On Quality And Storability Of Groundnut Seed (Arachis Hypogaea L.)

ABSTRACT The effect of selected low gamma radiation doses on the quality and storability of groundnut seeds cv. Chinese was studied for five months under ambient storage conditions. Six radiation doses (0,1,2,3,4 and 5 Gy), two groundnut seed forms (shelled and unshelled) and eight tri-weekly intervals were combined using Completely Randomised Design with three replications. Physiological parameters (germination percentage, speed and peak value of germination; seedling, root and shoot lengths...

SSA Research 124 PAGES (24102 WORDS) Seed Science Thesis
Biology Of Cowpea Flower Thrips And Host Plant Resistance

ABSTRACT Biology of cowpea flower thrips Megalurothrips sjostedti, was studied under field conditions. Population studies showed that the trend of thrips populations was closely tied with the flowering cycle of the cowpea crop. Peak thrips populations coincided with peak flowering of the crop. The seasonal abundance of thrips was mainly governed by weather factors. Thrips were found to oviposit mainly in the calyx of the cowpea flower. Evaluation of different sampling methods for thrips on co...

SSA Research 132 PAGES (56723 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
In Vitro Assay For The Anti-Diabetic Effect Of Ocimum Canum And Other Medicinal Plants

ABSTRACT The major objective of this work was to establish an in vitro assay system for evaluating Ocimum canum, an antidiabetic plants, using insulin release from isolated pancreatic p-islet cells of rats. An in vivo assay was carried out to confirm the previous work by Hogarh (1996) indicating the anti-diabetic activity of 0. canum. The effect of the aqueous extract of fresh leaves of 0. canum on lipid profile of genetically diabetic mice and their lean littermates was also evaluated. In vi...

SSA Research 132 PAGES (21173 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
Gender Dynamics Of E-waste Management Practices In Accra And Kumasi (Ghana)

ABSTRACT E-waste management, a subcomponent of e-scrap management, has become a major global environmental issue. Studies conducted in Ghana have shown that e-waste management is a major livelihood for mostly underprivileged migrant male urban dwellers. However, none of these studies have examined the gender dynamics of ewaste management. This study therefore employs gender and development (GAD) analytical framework, through a mixed research approach to investigate the gender dynamics of e-...

Hepatitis C Virus (Hcv) Infection Among Sickle Cell Disease Patients At The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a leading cause of chronic liver disease among sickle cell disease (SCD) patients. Disease progression has been implicated with circulating genotypes of HCV. Determination of RNA and genotypes of HCV in sickle cell disease patients may give an indication of their contribution to the observed clinical manifestations and disease progression which will inform appropriate clinical management. Aim: This study sought to identify and characte...

SSA Research 89 PAGES (14832 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
Development And Preservation Of A Cocktail Beverage Produced From Carrot (Daucus carrota), Pineapple (Ananas comosus) And Mango (Mangifera indica L,)

ABSTRACT Carrot is known to have the potential of providing vital nutrition as well as health and well-being to consumers. In this study, carrot juice was envisaged as a good vehicle for spreading its nutraceutical benefits. The study was then designed in two parts: (a) Survey to establish the beverage consumption pattern in the Anyaa-Sowutuom District in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana and (b) Carrot juice formulation and optimisation. The survey was conducted by administering a question...

Smallholder Farmers’ Vulnerability To Floods In The Tolon District, Ghana

ABSTRACT Flooding is by far the most destructive type of weather conditions that strikes humans and their livelihoods around the world. Smallholder farmers in rural communities are predominantly dependent on rain-fed agriculture which exposes them to the vagaries of floods. Flood extremes have become more unpredictable and smallholder farmers are more vulnerable to them as a result of their limited adaptive capacity. Local level assessment of flood vulnerability is thus necessary in order to ...

SSA Research 154 PAGES (31384 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Dependence Of Teletherapy Timer Error On Treatment Parameters In External Beam Radiotheraphy (EBRT) Using The Theratron Equinox 100 Cobalt 60 Machine

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research work is to evaluate the variation (or dependence) of the timer error as a function of the teletherapy treatment parameters such as treatment field size (FS) and treatment depth (d) for a SSD setup and compare the method used for others. Teletherapy timer error measurements were performed in a full scatter, large water phantom using a 0.6cc ionization chamber and an average photon energy of 1.25MeV from a cobalt-60 unit at an SSD of 100cm at various field...

Optimization of The Parameters For Bio-Processing of Cassava Peel to Increase Fermentable Sugars And Lysine Production

ABSTRACT Bio-processing of cassava peel for Lysine production was done by characterising the cassava peel for carbohydrate types. The process of enzymatic hydrolysis of the cassava peel was optimised to produce fermentable sugars using response surface methodology. The hydrolysed cassava peel was used as a source of carbon to optimise the conditions for lysine production using mutant Corynebacterium glutamicum (AHP3) strain. Cassava peel is a biomass generated as a result of processing cassa...

5611 - 5625 Of 8880 Results