Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

A Two-Small-Parameter Dynamic Buckling Analysis Of A Damped Quadratic-Cubic Nonlinear Structure

ABSTRACT The major goal of this research work is to determine the dynamic buckling load of a viscously damped imperfect quadratic-cubic elastic model structure, which is modeled by a nonlinear differential equation containing a load parameter. For a structure with small imperfections and subjected to step loading , the equation contains two small independent parameters, upon which asymptotic expansions are initiated. The nonlinearity is quadratic-cubic in nature and multiple-scaling two-timi...


ABSTRACT This study focuses on a model for reengineering and optimization of legacy file database which are in decay and have faced mutilation in most institutions and organizations in Nigeria. The model provides a systematic method to optimize a legacy file using open source database management system software which transforms the optimized data into digital format which now can be migrated using a designed network platform on a fiber optics backbone. This study is therefore necessitated b...

A Model Of Tertiary Institutions’ Resource Management Platform Using Cloud Computing (TIRMP)

ABSTRACT In Cloud Computing, users connect to the ’Cloud’, appearing as a single entity as opposed to multiple servers. This work seeks to solve resource managerial problems ranging from server maintenance cost, risk of loss of data, internal security issues, and availability of data for proper decision making. This work presents to tertiary institutions a model for designing a scalable and cost effective platform for institutional resource management on the cloud. The platform is called...

A Fleet Information Management System

Abstract In urban transportation or freight distribution, the use of an initial distribution plan, although necessary, is by no means sufficient to address unexpected events such as mechanical failures, vehicle breakdown, total loss of transaction records that are likely to occur during delivery execution and may have adverse effects on system performance. These events cause deviations between the actual and desired state during the execution of the schedule or even after the schedule. Recen...

A Comparative Study Of Interior Point, Simplex And Active Set Methods For The Solution Of Linear Programming Problems.

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Linear Programming is a subset of Mathematical Programming that is concerned with efficient allocation of limited resources to known activities with the objective of meeting a desired goal of maximization or minimization of a function. Linear Programming determines the way to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a given mathematical model, given some list of requirements as linear equations. Linear Progra...

3d Seismic Interpretation Of Shallow Marine In “Dabra Area” Offshore Niger Delta

ABSTRACT The thrust of the study which carried out in the Cenozoic Niger Delta is to infer and predict potential Petrophysical properties and hydrocarbon presence in unexplored areas proximal to producing areas in the eastern flank of Cenozoic Niger Delta, Nigeria, using seismic data and analogue proximal well data set from a producing area for subsurface reservoir characterization. Seismic and offset well dataset were used as input dataset to carry out Petrophysical evaluation, Seismic int...

3d Seismic Interpretation And Reservoir Characterization Of “Diba Field’’, Niger Delta, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Interpretation of structures and reservoir characterization using 3D seismic cube and well data pose great challenges in mapping because of their complexities especially in structural deformations, and where identification of reservoir facies is a major challenge to plan delineation, field appraisal and development drilling. Thus, the project work takes a model approach. The ―DIBA‖ Field in the Niger Delta contains hydrocarbons that are largely trapped in sandstones and unconsol...

Anti-Diabetic And Probiotic Effect of Kombucha on Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats

ABSTRACT  Diabetes mellitus, is a metabolic disorder caused by the inability of the beta pancreatic cells to adequately produce insulin or due to insulin resistance of cells. As a result of the increasingly high incidence of diabetes globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) has set timelines and guidelines for the reduction of the risk of mortalities and morbidities associated with noncommunicable diseases including diabetes, by the year 2030. However, this agenda is hinged on the avai...

3-D Seismic Attributes Analysis And Reserve Estimation Of “Guramala Field”, Coastal Swamp Depobelt, Niger Delta.

 ABSTRACT An integrated seismic interpretation using 3-D seismic data, check shot data and a suite of well logs for four wells were analyzed with the Petrel (seismic to simulation software). The objectives were to carry out a detailed formation evaluation, reservoir characterisation and a 3-D assisted structural interpretation of the densely faulted oil field in the coastal depo-belt of the Niger Delta. RMS amplitude, instantaneous frequency map and interval average extraction maps were ext...


This project is concerned with the development and evaluation of an atom trapping technique for determination of heavy metals in environmental samples. Modified atom-trapping technique using fabricated nickel tube/sample holder (crucible) was employed to increase the sensitivity of a flame atomic absorption spectrometry.MBasic performance data for different parameters, such as burner height and the height of the support, were studied. Different designs and ways of placing the atom trap ov...

Molecular Characterisation Of Some Multi-Drug Resistant Salmonella Enterica Of Human Origin In Southeast Nigeria

ABSTRACT There has been an increase in the occurrence of antibiotic resistance among Salmonella enterica, one of the commonest causative agents of Salmonella infections. Fluoroquinolones and third generation cephalosporins are usually the drugs of choice in the management of Salmonella infections. Previous reports have indicated common occurrence of multi-drug resistance (MDR) including resistance to β-lactams and fluoroquinolones among clinical Gram-negative organisms. However, there is pa...

Luminescence Sensitisations Of Natural Quartz Using Pre-Exposure Dose And Thermal Activation Techniques

ABSTRACT Luminescence sensitisation is an important stage in the application of quartz in predose retrospective dosimetry and dating. The existing techniques for sensitisation in quartz are Pre-Exposure Dose (PED) and Thermal Activation (TA). Previous works were centred on combined actions of PED and TA with less attention given to the separate contributions of these techniques in pre-dose sensitisation of quartz. This work was undertaken to determine the separate contributions of PED and TA...

Entomological Indices Of Anopheles Gambiae Sensu Lato At A Rural Community In South-West Nigeria

ABSTRACT Background & objectives: Investigations were conducted to obtain key entomological indices of Anopheles gambiae s.l. at Igbo-Ora, a rural community in south-west Nigeria. Methods: Mosquitoes were caught daily for a week from rooms where tenants had slept the previous night in each of the four months June, July (2001), and August, September (2002). Anopheles gambiae s.l. sibling species were PCR-identified, the blood meal origin was determined by direct ELISA, and the circumsporozoit...

Cytotoxicity Of Hexavalent Chromate Compounds In Ch310t1/2 Cells And Cytomodulation By Sodium Arsenite And Methanol Extract Of Rauvolfia Vomitora (Afzel) In Mice.

ABSTRACT Exposure to certain hexavalent chromate compounds (HCC) causes lung and colon cancers. Their mechanisms of cytotoxicity are unclear, but believed to be affected by ascorbate and particle size. However, their role is not clearly defined. Co-exposure with sodium arsenite (SA) is common, but its effect on HCC toxicity is unknown. Current therapy has side effects, necessitating the search for antidote from unexplored natural products such as Rauvolfia vomitora (RV). This study therefore...

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