Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

A kmer-based parallel algorithm for pattern searching in DNA sequences on shared-memory model

Abstract: The explosive growth of biological sequences over the last decade has consequently led to a lot of research on effective techniques for storing and analysing this big data. Generating Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sequences has become more reliable, faster, easier and cheaper due to latest sequencing technology leading to big data sequences. This poses a challenge to efficient analysis to such massive sequences. Advanced indexing algorithmic techniques are required to facilitate effi...

FPGA-based image change detection framework

Abstract: This research presents a new approach in modeling and implementing a framework for linear image change detection using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) based implementations. Detecting changes between digital images of the same location or region of interest have attracted huge interest in research due to its wide range of applications such as medical diagnosis, astronomy and forensics. In recent years, the steady increase in the use of hardware implementation in image pr...

Optimisation of ZnO nanorods for improved carrier extraction in organic-inorganic hybrid Photovoltaic cells

Abstract: Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is a promising semiconductor material suitable for the application in electronic and optoelectronic systems. ZnO tailored into nanorods has a potential to be used in photovoltaic cells due to its large surface area to volume ratio that allows for maximum light harvesting and improved electron transportation efficiency. ZnO nanorods that are less compact, thin and long with fewer defects can be used for organic/inorganic solar cells application. In this study ch...

Sentiment analysis of social media data using Supervised learning and Ekman’s basic emotions theory

Abstract: Social media has emerged as an effective source to investigate people’s opinions in the context of a variety of topics and situations, including crime. Crime solving can be a difficult task hence requiring human intelligence together with experience. Crime data is usually big and full of noise; hence manual analysis of this data is tedious and sometimes impossible to do. Data mining techniques such as Sentiment Analysis can help in analysing such big data. In Sentiment Analysis, ...

A framework for improving accuracy of multimodal biometrics security based on bayesian network

Abstract: This thesis addresses the problem of biometrics security and accuracy through the fusion of fingerprint and face images. The Biometrics community in recent years came up with different approaches to improve the accuracy and security of systems. Multimodal authentication has attracted a lot of attention because of its advantage over single biometrics matchers. Even though efforts were made to improve these systems, they are, however, still vulnerable to security threats such as spoo...

Unmanned aerial vehicle swarm synchronization protocol

Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) swarms are not common due to lack of readily available coordinated protocols and applications for synchronizing UAV swarms in outdoor environments. To solve the problem, this study design, implement, and evaluate a leaderfollower Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarm Synchronization Protocol (UAVSSP). Unlike other studies that deal with UAV swarm synchronization, this study introduces the concept of pair correlation and back propagation communication scheme am...

Application of a custom-synthesized molecularly imprinted polymer for the selective isolation of total glucose and fructose from `100%` fruit juice prior to instrumental analysis

Abstract: This thesis presents a novel sample preparation strategy that employed a custom-synthesized glucose – fructose (G-F) specific molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) powder as an adsorbent for the simultaneous, selective extraction, isolation, pre-concentration of total glucose and fructose from the complex and `dirty` sample matrix of ‘100%’ fruit juices in order to improve their accurate analysis. The ‘100%’ fruit juice samples were purchased from retail shops in Palapye, B...

Petrographic and geochemical characterization of part of a permian coal deposit of the South-Eastern Kalahari sub-basin, Moiyabana area, eastern Botswana

Abstract: The Moiyabana Coalfield, located ~80 km west of Mahalapye village in the South Eastern Kalahari sub-basin, is one of the potential areas for coal mining in Botswana. This project discusses the petrographic and geochemical results of a detailed investigation carried out on a borehole core of the Moiyabana area, eastern Botswana. Geologically, the Moiyabana coal seams occur in sedimentary rocks of Permian Age and are hosted in the Karoo Supergroup sequence. All coal seams are found w...

A conceptual model for designing and implementation Ofsecure and trustableremote electronic voting systems within the developing world

Abstract: The use of electronic voting systems (EVS’s) is seen as an alternative to traditional manual voting because it aims at increasing efficiency, lowering cost of running election, reducing counting mistakes and improving the accuracy of the results. This has led to electronic voting systems being adopted in most countries to replace traditional paper-based voting systems. Currently, Botswana uses a traditional paper-based voting system. This method of voting comes with several chall...

Dynamics of mosquito species (diptera: culicidae): implications on vector management and malaria prevalence under globalclimate change

Abstract: Malaria is considered the main cause of morbidity and mortality in most countries of the sub- Saharan Africa. Though elimination of the disease is a priority in some African countries such as Botswana, there are bottlenecks that make it difficult to achieve such target. Factors associated with the environment and mosquito-vector capacity for disease transmission have contributions towards challenges affecting disease elimination. These are dynamics which have not been explored in t...

A novel multi-templated Cu-Fe-Ni ion imprinted polymer for the selective and simultaneous removal of toxic metallic ions from wastewater

Abstract: A novel multi-templated Cu-Fe-Ni ion imprinted powder was synthesized to demonstrate the selective and simultaneous removal of targeted ions; Cu(II), Fe(II) and Ni(II), employing molecular imprinting technology (MIT) via template (print ions) guided by bulk polymerization method reacting methacrylic acid (MAA) as the functional monomer and ethylene glycol dimethylacrylate (EGDMA) as cross linking agent in the presence of the initiator azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN); Cu(II), Fe(II) a...

Assessment of airborne bacterial diversity and antibiotic resistance patterns in hospitals, public transport and wastewater treatment plants in Botswana

Abstract: There is presently insufficient information on the atmospheric microbial level in Botswana, the occurrence and diversity of airborne microbes in Botswana is not well understood. In addition, there is also growing concern in the global spread of antimicrobial resistant bacterial pathogens that continue to emerge and pose a huge challenge to human health. This study, being the first of its kind in the country was aimed at understanding the occurrence, distribution and relative divers...

Comparative analysis of usability between text and virtual reality based expert systems for cattle diseases diagnosis

Abstract: The use of cattle disease diagnosis expert systems has the ability to improve the cattle production as they would help in disease control. Particularly if the system is usable, that is, if it is efficient, effective, satisfying and requires less effort to use. Cattle disease diagnosis expert systems have been adopted in recent years in the cattle production industry particularly in Asian countries like China. However, the usability of these systems still remains a challenge. There...

Electrical resistivity investigation of part of Mmamabula coal field area for structures that influence the subsurface placement of the coal seams

Abstract: This study focuses on using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to map coal seam and associated structures found within the seams in parts of the Mmamabula Coal Field- central Botswana. The coals of this area belong to the Ecca Group’ s Mmamabula Fm and Mosomane Fm. Several major faults are reported to have affected the Karoo strata in the Mmamabula area. The northern limit of the coalfields is defined by the ENE-trending Zoetfontein Fault which has a downthrow to the no...

Biological shielding calculations for a 10 MeV Rhodotron electron accelerator facility

Abstract: This thesis focuses on biological shielding calculations for a 10 MeV Rhodotron electron beam accelerator operating in dual mode to produce a 10 MeV primary electron beam and 7.5 MeV secondary X-rays, generated by hitting an optimized tantalum-73 (73Ta) target with the primary electron beam. The first part of this thesis describes the Rhodotron electron accelerator and its oper ating principle. A model is presented for the transverse optics of a TT-100 Rhodotron accelerator. Potent...

946 - 960 Of 8880 Results