Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

A Computerized Student Registration System Using Visual Basic and Microsoft Access

ABSTRACT The study focused on the developing a computerized student registration System for the faculty of computer studies Kampala International University. A computerized student registration System is the one that provides for management oriented reporting, for example a DBMS. A DBMS is a software program designed to assist in maintaining and utilizing large amount of data for the purpose of management in an organization, The DBMS enabled maintaining, organizing and retrieving information ...

Enhancing Database Security And Integrityfor Employees In An Organisation A Casestudy Of Mukwano Industry, Makindye Division.

ABSTRACTDatabase security refers to protecting the database from user operations that, by their nature would compromise the integrity or security of the database. Some off theseproblems are caused by user carelessness for example; a user update leaving the database in the state violates one of its integrity constraints. Other problems are caused bymalicious user behaviors, for example, a user accessing information he/she is not authorized to obtain; or even modify data with mal...

Online Ticket Booking System Case Study (Uganda National Theatre)

Abstract This report describes how ticket booking is done in Uganda National Theatre, their problem statements and by reviewing the literature on existing online ticket booking system in order to acquaint with the available body of knowledge in our area of interest. The report gives a detailed study of the types of electronic payment systems used as mode of payment. Today more and more people are relying on information technology to perform their operations more efficiently. Computers are put...

An Online Web Basei) E-billing Water System Case Study: National Water and Sewerage Corporation (Nwsc)

ABSTRACT Along with the changes in the world’s technology. Water became the backbone of industrialization and almost all the activities we carry out rely on Water supply and demands of customers also change as well which has become more demanding and knowledgeable than ever before.’Water is life’S. Consumers ~sho consume Waler units and Water senices today are aeti~e and more critical in Water sen ice deli~ery. ihis in turn made the management to shill their focus on the clients or cust...

Exchange Rate and Gross Domestic Product in Uganda (2003 — 2012).

ABSTRACTThis research study was about Exchange Rate and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and it was conducted in Uganda. This research study was guided by three objectives, that is, to determine the level of exchange rates in Uganda (2003 — 2012), to determine the level of GDP in Uganda (2003 — 2012), and to establish whether there is a relationship between exchange rates and GDPin Uganda (2003 — 2012).The research hypothesis was “There is no relationship between exchange r...

Auto Mobile Inventory Model and Transaction Management A Case Study: Jacar Ltd Ndeeba

ABSTRACT JACAR ltd James Car dealers limited is a Company which is under private Companies dealing in transaction of car, spare parts and Motor cycles. At the district level, JACAR ltd is under Kampala district which is under the private sector. The Company is headed by the Company Manager, His major role is to ensure that the Company is mainstreamed in all development plans. The Company is comprised of four departments namely; • Managing Dept. • Sales Dept. • Purchasing Dept. • Adver...

Modeling and Implementing A Stores Management Information System Using Vb6 And Ms-Access Case Study: Kitante Hill School

Table of ContentsDeclaration.iiAcknowledgements ivTable of Contents vCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background ~ 11.1.2 Origin and Purpose 11.1.3 Mission Statement and Motto ~Z•.• 1 011.1.4 Population 1.~. -i.. ‘11.1.5 Location 1‘~‘: 1.1.6 Administration ~ 11 1 7 Organizational chait 4 21.3 Objectives of the study ~ 41.4 Significance of the study 51.5 Scope of the study 51.6 Limitations of the study 61.7 Project output 71.8 Project Activities 71.9 Involvement and Participation 8CHAP...

Database Management System For Nursing Schools Case Study: Kyamuhunga Nursing School

ABSTRACTThis project report is about a database management information system for Kyamuhunga Nursing School used as a case study.The school was partially running its activities manually and this had numerous short comes most important being lack of security in storing files, loss of virtual informationand tiresome for data entrants.The project report was a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The Researchers employed questionnaire, observation and reviews of doc...

An Information System for a Judicial Court of Law Case Study: The High Court of the Republic of Uganda at Kampala (Registry Section)

ABSTRACT Data storage and retrieval is a big challenge in most organizations, especially in most government institutions and parastatals, but the cost to secure management information systems remains a hurdle. However JURISS LAW SOFTWARE comes into rescue. This document is written for the basic computer user (magistrates, chiefjustice, lawyers, advocates and court clerks) and the system administrators of JURRIS LAW. The study involved the design and implementation of an information system for...

A Guest House Management Information System for Monitoring Clients

ABSTRACT This project aimed at the design of a guest House Database Management System. A system to aid in the management and operation of a Guest House. Information systems which are not carefully designed basing on good security practices may lead to data loss, misplacement and redundancy. Method that were used to gather information about the current system include; interview, record review and questionnaire. It gives a detailed review ~of selected methods, instruments of data analysis and p...

Design & Development of a Web-Based Activity Monitoring Tool. A Case Study of Uganda Revenue Authority

ABSTRACT This research aimed at designing and developing the monitoring tool of employee activities in Uganda Revenue Authority. The main objective of the research was to design and test a web based activity monitoring tool for employees of Uganda Revenue Authority. The study specific objectives were; to identify the requirements for designing and developing a web based activity monitoring tool, to design and develop a web based activity monitoring tool that monitors activities of employees i...

Online Students’ Results Processing System Case Study: Kampala International University

ABSTRACT For the last seven years students results have been processed and released using the traditional way (paper based), This is where exams are marked and when the results are ready, they are pinned in their respective faculties for instance if it is faculty of computer studies that is where results wiN be pinned on the Board. Complaints like missing results are submitted after the release of results and worked upon. Data can easily be lost if there is no database which is storing and up...

Design And Implementation Of a Video Library Management Information System Using Visual Basic, Oracle Log And Microsoft Windows Xp

ABSTRACT This project was aimed at designing a Video Library Management Information System; a system to aid in the management and operation of the video library. Methods that were used to gather information about the current system include; interviews, document review and questionnaires. From that information, requirements for the new system were obtained. The new system was designed and implemented using Visual Basic and Oracle 10g. The system generates reports that are vital for the video l...

Analysis of Implementation of Information and Communication Technology Programs in Urban Secondary Schools. A Case of Selected Schools In Makindye Division in Kampala Uganda

AbstractThis qualitative and quantitative research set out to investigate the Analysis and Implementation Of ICT in urban secondary schools in Makindye division. It is a recent activity that has brought forth a lot of interest. However, there are many challenges that hinder efficient implementation of ICT including: lack of ICT laboratories, electricity, and teachers’ skills. This study explored how these challenges affect its implementation. Out of 10 public and private secondary schools i...

Worm Threats (Past, Present and Future) A Case Study: Kengrow Industries Ltd Uganda, Jinja Road

ABSTRACT The purpose of this report was to analyze computer worms, their past, present and future, threats posed and recommend suitable solutions to mitigate and eradicate these worm threats. This study was carried out on kengrow industries. Major focus of this report is on computer worms that exploit computer networks. Computer worms are a type of malicious self replicating software or programs that are designed to infect multiple remote computers in an attempt to harm and cause grave damage...

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