Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Taxation and Mobile Money Services: A Case Study of Makindye East Division Kampala District

AbstractThe report explored the effect of taxation on mobile money services a case of Makindye East division, Kampala district. The specific objectives of the study were; to establish the level of taxation on mobile money services in Makindye East Division Kampala district, to determine the level of mobile money services in Makindye East Division Kampala district and to establish the relationship between taxation and mobile money services in Makindye East Division Kampala district. The study ...

Exchange Rates and the Profitability of Manufacturing Industries in Uganada A Case Study of Mukwano Industries Limited

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATION •ACKNOWLEDGEMENTLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE • 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background to the Study 11.1.2 Theoretical Background 31.1.3 Conceptual Background 31.1.3 Contextual Background 31.2 Problem Statement 31.3 Purpose of the Study 41.4 specific Study Objectives 41.5 Research Questions 41.6 Scope of the Study 41.6.1 Subject Scope 41.6.2 Geographical Scope 51.6.3 Time Scope 51.6.4 Significance of the Study...

Implementation of an Online Births and Deaths Registration System Case Study: Uganda Registration Services Bureau

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .1APPROVAL iiDEDICATION IiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF FIGURES viiiLISTOFTABLES ixLiST OF ABBREVIATIONS xABSTRACT xiCHAPTER ONE IINTRODUCTION 11.0 General Introduction 11.1 Background 21.2 Problem statement 21.3 Objectives 21.3.0 Main Objective 21.3.1 Specific Objectives 21.3.2 Research Questions 31.4 Scope 31.5 Significance of study 31.6 Limitations 41.7 Conceptual framework 5VcIIs.P’rER F~3’OIJTE1tATLJRF2.02.1 Records Managenient Systent ~2.2...

Design of Fees Payment and Monitoring System Case Study: Victoria High School- Masaka District

ABSTRACT Victoria high school has undergone a complete redecoration the manual way of keeping records has now been digitalized so as to ease the storing of the required data. The researcher designed a fees payment and monitoring system for school bursar that provided all the school’s functions in order to improve the use of the fees payment and to reduce paper work. The main importance of the fees payment and monitoring system was the automation of the day to day operations of the school as...

An Optimised Loan Process Management System For a Cooperative Society Case Study: Kitgum Co-Operative Savings and Credit Society Ltd

ABSTRACT An Optimized loan process management system is meant to store, update and help in the follow up of clients who are on loan program at Kitgum Cooperative Savings and Credit Society in loan department and store confidential information on them. This will also cater a newly accepted client under the department. It's in due course because of the problems incurred clue to storage of data in a paper system like; data loss, misplacement, and disclosure of confidential data to unauthorized ...

Information Management Systems For A Microfinance Case Study: Dts Microfinance.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclarationApprovalAcknowledgementCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 Background 11.2 Statement of the problem 21.3Scope 21 .4 Objectives of the project 31 .4.1 Main objectives 31 .4.2 Specific objectives 31 .5 Research questions 41.6 Conceptual Framework 41 .7 Significance of the study 5CHAPTER TWOLITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introduction2.1 Information system 72.2.1 Components of the information system 72.3 Management Information system 92.4 Database system 102.5 Application Interface 102.6...

An Automated Orphanage Records Information System A Case Study: Tumaini Center Dar Es Salaam Tanzania.

ABSTRACT Tumaini center is located in Ukonga a suburb of the town center 8 kilometers from the city of Dar es salaam. This center is still using paper based file system to collect and store data, the paper based file system has been faced with many problems in daily working such as losing of some document, lack of security, data duplication, updating files, Therefore a computerized system should be introduced to alleviate the mentioned problems. TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration iApproval iiD...

Secured Online Examination Result System (Using Public Key Infrastructure (Pm))

AbstractThis Study Showed How Efficiency And Security Can Be Enhanced In The Management Of Examination Result Of Students In The School Of Computer Studies The Researchers Went To The Case Study And Used Interview, Observation And Dissemination Of Questionnaires, To Collect Data At The School With A Bias Towards The Examination Office. This Data Was Then Analyzed And A Using Software Development Life Cycle (Sdlc) Developed A Secured Network Application. (Secured Onlin...

Stock Monitoring and Supply Chain Management Model for Supermarket Retail Services; A Case of Uchumi, Uganda.

ABSTRACT The research focused on the challenges of developing computerized information systems in a supermarket. The research study involved visiting Uchurni supermarket which uses manual file based system for managing inventory data, they face problems like data redundancy and inconsistency whereby some information are duplicated in several files . the file based system does not allow required data to be retrieved in a convenient and efficient manner thus difficult in accessing data. The obj...

Computerised Academic Records Management System (Arims) for St Kizito High School, Namugongo

ABSTRACT  This study was carried at St Kizito High School Namugongo, the manual system used lead to problems like; data loss, misplacement disclosure of the confidential data to unauthorized retrival, and others. It therefore calls for a security for data by design of a computerized database system and this will ease the work for the staff. A computerized Academic Records Information Management System (ARIMS) was designed to store, update, edit, and follow up students’ details and staf...

Effect Of Food Supply On The Households Income In Moroto District Karamoja Sub~region A Case Study Of Katikekile Sub~county

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of food supply on household incomes. A discipline correlation design was applied in examining the effect of food supply and household income. A sample of 250 respondents selected, however, one of the limitations of alteration beyond the researcher’s control, only 70 questionnaires are retrieved. The findings indicated that the effect of food expenses on household incomes was so high due to the fact that people totally do not have food at all, so t...

Protecting And Securing Converged Networks Without Compromising Efficiency

ABSTRACT This dissertation has extensively looked into all aspects of VoIP communications technology and information presented in preceding chapters, which build up a solid frame work to discuss the conceptual design model and investigate features that could be incorporated for actual projects, with parameters that are tested on field values, the dissertation follows a five course model, for answering different questions, both technical and business like, around central issues, that have been...

.Implications~Of Water Scarcity On The Environment. A Case Study Of Kisarawe Village, Kisarawe District

ABSTRACT:Water is a basic natural resource that sustains life and economic development. It is the next resource to air. Water can exist in various forms that is gaseous, solid and liquid. A study on the implication of water scarcity on the environment was conducted in Kisarawe village, Kisarawe District.In order to investigate the above, the following variables were measured; water sources, distribution systems, associated problems and measures being used to mini...

Online Car Rental System Using Php and Mysql Case Study: Lquator Farm Tours and Travel Ltd Kampala

ABSTRACT In this project about online car rental system the trend of c-business has~ been highlighted where by some car renting agencies have changed from traditional way of booking to an electronic one. Mainly a number of aspects have been stressed which include business process, technological enhancement, diversification, flexibility, collaboration and planning. All these have been seen as key issues in the implementation this projectAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST ...

A Perfomance Evaluation of The Security for Voice Over Internet Protocol in A Corporate Network

ABSTRACTThis dissertation mainly looked into all aspects of VoIP communications technology and information presented in preceding chapters, which build up a super frame work to discuss the conceptual design model and investigate features that could be incorporated for actual projects, with parameters that are tested on field values, the dissertation follows a five course model, for answering different questions, around central issues, that have been crucial to explanation of the topic; starti...

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