This work was done as an academic research on the HPV disease and how it is spread, it preventions and cure. ABSTRACT HPV Infection may lead to bodily complications if it stays in the body longer above 2years. It may cause genital warts that turns into cancer gradually. The low level of HPV infection are not too risky and the individual mostly do not show signs of the infection and sometimes it can be un-notice by some individuals until after many months that the disease begin to lead to com...
Insurance loss modeling concerns the prediction of future claims from policyholders in different risk classes based on past observations of claims made by the policyholders in these classes.It is a fundamental branch of Actuarial science and one of the cornerstones in general insurance contracts.Loss modeling and its variations have been widely studied by researchers in actuarial science and successfully applied by practisioners. Perhaps one of the most well-known theories along this line is ...
TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.1Introduction 1.2Definition of siwes 1.3Aims and objectives of siwes CHAPTER TWO 2.1Historical Background Of the organization 2.2Organization chart 2.3Major activities of the organization 2.4Section/ unit of the organization CHAPER THREE 3.1student specific involvement at various section/unit CAHTPER FOUR 4.1DISCUSSION 4.2Relevance of experience gained to the field of study computer system engineering 4.3System maintenance 4.4Introd...
Abstract— Payment methods using digital currencies are increasing in the current period, and it is considered one of the fastest and safest ways to manage the financial system around the world. Therefore, e-wallets have become an integral part of individuals' lives in many societies, because the user does not have to use credit card numbers or bank accounts in An unknown commercial platform, it is possible to deposit from a credit card or bank account to the e-wallet, which in turn will ...
One of the most interesting research topics has been the constructed wetlands (CWs) for wastewater treatment. The primary operating issue of CWs is medium clogging, which is caused by the accumulation of varying sorts of solids, resulting in a reduction in the infiltration capacity of the gravel substrate. It is commonly recognized that effective wastewater pretreatment is necessary for the long-term operation of CW. Pre-treatment is crucial because it prepares the influent for CW treatment. ...
ABSTRACT Civil registry is an online services or agency that helps citizen to register with the government. Through their services cut across almost every disciple but in this project work, the birth, the death and marriage registration is considered. The implementation of this project work is designed using CS4 Dreamweaver (Adobe Collection Suit), PHP (Hypertext processor) scripting language and java script and MYSOL (Structural Query Language) database in other to have a robust design. �...
Kifilideen trinomial theorem of negative power of – n is theorem which is used to generate the series and terms of a trinomial expression of negative power of – n in an orderly and periodicity manner that is based on standardized and matrix methods. Negative power of Newton binomial theorem had been used to produce series of partial fractions of a compound fraction. The establishment of the negative power of - n of trinomial theorem would extend the number of compound fraction in whic...
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION In the past with the necessary of metals it always seems impossible to join two metals together with grooving riveting, this idea leads to alternative of finding a lasting solution to the problem. This brought about the idea of a welding machine with a well laminated core and coil wound together to form a high rated transformer which is immersed in a can of oil. Welding is the most economical and efficient way to join metals permanently. It i...
CHAPTER ONE THE STEAM BOILER 1.0 INTRODUCTION Boilers are pressure vessels designed to heat water or produce steam which can then be used to provide space heating and/ or service water heating to a building. In most commercial heating applications, the heating source in the boiler is a natural gas fired burner. Oil fired burners and electric resistance heaters can be used as well. Steam is preferred over hot water in some applications, including absorption cooling, kitchen, laundries, ste...
In‐network caching is the essential part of Content‐Centric Networking (CCN). The main aim of a CCN caching module is data distribution within the network. Each CCN node can cache content according to its placement policy. Therefore, it is fully equipped to meet the requirements of future networks demands. The placement strategy decides to cache the content at the optimized location and minimize content redundancy within the network. When cache capacity is full, the content eviction polic...
ABSTRACT The research work is to examine the students seating arrangement with respect to their vision challenges. During the course of the work, it was discovered that students at the back row have the challenges of seeing the board. This was as a result of the distance and the area of the classroom to students ratio, while the middle row experience less challenges unlike the back row with the same causes. Students at the front seat do not experience any ch...
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Table of Contents Abstract CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction ...
TABLE OF CONTENT Title page……………………………………………………………………..i Certification………………………………………………………………….ii Dedication …………………………………………………………………..iii Acknowledgment ……………………………………………………………iv Abstract…………………………�...
ABSTRACT Civil registry is an online services or agency that helps citizen to register with the government. Through their services cut across almost every disciple but in this project work, the birth, the death and marriage registration is considered. The implementation of this project work is designed using CS4 Dreamweaver (Adobe Collection Suit), PHP (Hypertext processor) scripting language and java script and MYSOL (Structural Query Language) database in other to have a robust design. TAB...
ABSTRACT Despite the frightening mortality rate associated with COVID-19, there is no known approved drug to effectively combat the pandemic. COVID-19 clinical manifestations include fever, fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, and other complications. At present, there is no known effective treatment or vaccine that can mitigate/inhibit SARSCoV-2. Available clinical intervention for COVID-19 is only palliative and limited to support. Thus, there is an exigent need for effective and non-invasi...