CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Science education is the field concerned with sharing science content and process with individuals not traditionally considered part of the scientific community (Wikipedia, 2013). Science education in Nigeria concentrates on the teaching of science concepts, method of teaching and addressing misconceptions held by learners regarding science concepts (Aina, 2013). Science education is very important to the development...
TABLE OF CONTENT Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of content CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1Introduction 1.2Aims and objectives 1.3Significant of the study 1.4Research methodology 1.5Scope of the study 1.6Organization of the report 1.7Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1Review of past works 2.2Overview of sales forecasting 2.3Direct extrapolation of sales 2.4Casual approaches to sales methodology 2.5Choosing the right forecasting methodology CH...
Abstract Multithreaded program’s popularity has been increased due to their efficient parallel computations and their structuring mechanisms. Multithreading has a considerable advantage when compared to the multithreaded programs for large servers. Due to the increasing state-space exponentially, multithreading programs are very hard to write. Static analysis can be applied to the programs to find the faults and errors in the software without its code execution. It is difficult to find the ...
BACKGROUND OF STUDY According to Chang, K. T. (2008), Geographic Information Retrieval System (GIRS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage and present all types of geographical data. The acronym GIRS is sometimes used for geographical information science or geospatial information a study which refers to the academic discipline or career of working with geographic information system. In simplest terms GIRS is the merging of cartography, statistical analysis and da...
ABSRACT The website is a new medium for the transfer of information. Services and educational resources through the internet for secondary school. The school site will be able to display information about various activities of the school on the menu list such information include online application for the new student who want to register in the school, checking of results, school calendar, school curriculum etc. All these afore mentioned will be made possible by utilizing the vast potential...
Detecting faces in images is the first step of any face application such as face recognition, face localization and face expression. The performance of face detection systems directly effect on correct operating of mentioned applications. Because faces are non-rigid and have high variation in scale, color, pose and lighting condition, designing an automatic system to overcome all mentioned problems is difficult. Machine learning has been shown that is one of the most successful tools to build...
The positive power of Kifilideen trinomial theorem based on matrix and standardized approach had been developed and implemented alongside the general power combination formula which helps to determine the terms in the kifilideen expansion of positive power of n of trinomial expression. This study inaugurated negative power of − n of kifilideen trinomial theorem using standardized and matrix methods. Matrix was used in this research work to arrange the terms of the series of the negative...
The use of binomial theorem to expand trinomial expression of particular power n requires a bit by bit breaking down of the expansion until the final answer is obtained. This method had been seen not direct enough and involve repeated application up to the final results is achieved which make the method to be unattractive. There is need to develop a direct and straight way expanding trinomial expression of any power. Thisstudy utilized kifilideen trinomial theorem based on matrix appro...
Overtime the arrangement of the terms of the trinomial expansion of power of n has been an issue in the area of orderliness and periodicity which as make it difficult to assign each element of the expansion in a standardize term. The study developed Kifilideen trinomial theorem using matrix approach. The Kifilideen equations to determine the power combination of any term of kif trinomial expansion and position of any term in the series of the expansion in a group or column of a kif matrix...
Overtime the arrangement of the terms of the trinomial expansion of power of n has been an issue in the area of orderliness and periodicity which as make it difficult to assign each element of the expansion in a standardize term. This study developsKifilideen trinomial theorem using matrix approach. The Kifilideen equations to determine the power combination of any term of kif trinomial expansion and position of any term in the series of the expansion in a group or column of a kif matri...
The different methods used in the multiplication of numbers are long method (column method) of multiplication, grid methods and addition methods of multiplication. The utilization of the methods mentioned to solve power (index) of base number (number that multiply itself in a number of times) are horrendous, outrageous, tedious, time consuming and too long to be carried out. This study develops computation of the power of base of number using Kifilideen (matrix, combination and distributi...
Human day to day activities especially in the sector or area which involves reoccurrence of events always landed into mathematical problems which demands different kinds of power of different bases. Overtime the conversion of power of base of one number to another or to the power of base ten has been difficult to do except with the use of calculator. Due to this the mathematical process of evaluation of mathematical problem is slowed down when calculator is not available. The utilization of ...
Mathematics should be dynamic not static. The use of logarithm table which is based on power of base ten to solve mathematical problem has been in existence for nearly 400 years ago without any alternative which makes mathematics look static, austere and monotonous. Some real life mathematical problem encounter on daily basis in field of Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Finance, Cosmology, Accounting, Carpentering and Medicine involve problem on other base power of number and in addition ...
ABSTRACT This study considered the mineralogical, elemental composition in form oxides and engineering properties such as particle size, specific gravity, bulk density; water content and atterberg limits of two kaolin deposits in Kpankorogi in Edu Local Government of Kwara State and in Ijero-Ekiti in Ijero-Ekiti Local Government Area, Ekiti State.This is with a view to assessing their potentials for Various industrial applications. The analyses includes X-Ray Diffraction (XRD and X-Ray Fluo...