Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Statistical Analysis of Trends in Women Participation and Results at the Olympics

Contents Executive Summary Full Report     Initial Data Analysis     Research Question 1: How has female participation in the Olympics evolved since the 1890s?     Research Question 2: Which country has produced the highest number of medal winning female Olympians? References

Fully Automated Bank Management System

A fully automated basic Bank Management System built using Python and MySQL. Python shell provides the user interface while MySQL acts as the database.


ABSTRACT The Project Online shopping management system is a complete multi-user website. The system helps in buying of goods, products and services online by choosing the listed products from website (E-Commerce site). This system provides an efficient way of adding almost all the features of the online shopping. In the cause of writing this research, HTML, CSS, PHP, JS and Sublime text were used to design the system (front end) and Xampp Server was used to store the database (back end). The ...

Microbiology of Polyethylene-Packaged Sliced Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Sold by Street Vendors in Nigeria

Abstract Ten packaged, freshly sliced watermelon were collected from different street vendors to determine their microbiological quality. Eight different microbial isolates were obtained from the sliced watermelon samples, namely Escherichia coli, Klebsiella aerogenes, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Lactobacillus spp., Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhizopus stolonifer and Mucor spp. The effects of high density polyethylene (HDP) and low density polyethylene (LDP) packaging bags on the ...

Dynamics of Ebola Virus

In this work a deterministic and stochastic model is developed to investigate the dynamics of Ebola epidemic. The model includes susceptible, exposed, infected, quarantined and removed or recovered individuals. The model used in this work is based on a deterministic model. The Chowel et. al (2015) work on early detection of Ebola is modified by introducing an assumption that the quarantined class is totally successful and cannot infect the susceptible class. The resulting model is transformed...

Dynamics and Simulation of Corona Virus Epidemic

This work investigated the dynamics of coronavirus amongst the susceptible individuals. It is established herein, with a proposition that there exists a control strategy that is bounded above by 0.01 for the contact rate of susceptible individuals. It is observed that at a=d=1.5, the virus population and the human population coincides, however, at c=b=0.1, almost all the human population is infected by the virus. It is also observed that at endemic state, the corona virus population experienc...

Determination of Heavy Metals Levels in the Effluent Treatment Plant of Paint and Coating Industry in Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Industrialization and urbanization has increased tremendously in the last few years, especially in underdeveloped countries, such as Kenya. This has resulted in rising demand for certain aesthetic goods such as paints and coatings. Paint and coating industries use extensive raw materials in their manufacturing processes that consist of heavy metals, various solvents, and organic compounds. The wastewater released from these industries contains residual chemicals that are highly ...

The Effect of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals on Human Growth and Development

Have you ever wondered how your hormones levels affect your growth and development into adulthood and beyond? How about how your bodily systems affect sleep and metabolism? This is all your endocrine system in play. Your endocrine system is responsible for regulating your growth, sexual development, mood, sleep, and numerous other biological functions that power your day to day routine. Endocrine cells in the body release hormones that bind to target cells of your body after traveling through...

Image Calibration with Spatial Transformer Network

In this article ootnote{}, we will learn how we can reduce distortion in images using the Spatial Transformer Network (STN) using the PyTorch deep learning library. Figure 1 shows the results of applying STN to the distorted MNIST dataset. After applying STN to the distorted images, we can see that the images spatially more plausible and readable. If you are new to the topic of Spatial Transformer Networks, t...

Design of an IoT Based Smart Switch to Control Home Appliance

Abstract Technology is a never-ending process. This paper presents a low-cost flexible and reliable home automation system with additional security using ESP32 Development Board, with IP connectivity through local Wi-Fi for accessing and controlling devices by authorized user remotely using Android Smartphone application. The proposed  system is server independent and uses Internet of things to control human desired appliances starting from industrial machine to co...

Fruit and Vegetable Contamination with Medically Important Geohelminths and Gastrointestinal Protozoa in Oyi Local Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria

Abstract This study was conducted to determine the level of fruits and vegetable contamination with medically important geohelminths and gastrointestinal protozoan parasites in Oyi Local Government Area. A total of 600 fruits and vegetables were purchased from the daily markets located in five communities in the study area in the morning hours from 7:00 am to 10:00 am. They were washed with saline water and examined microscopically for helminths and gastrointestinal protozoan parasites by sed...

The Assessment of Floral Abundance and Composition of Neni-Nimo Watershed in Anaocha L.G.A. of Anambra State, Nigeria

Abstract The research was carried out on the floral composition of Neni-Nimo watershed between November 2019 and July 2020. The research work aimed to find out the various plant species that inhabit the watershed, their abundance measures and importance values. In this study, the watershed was divided into three catchment areas, the upper, the middle and the lower catchment. Each of the catchment zones was divided into component parts, with an area of (50 m X 30 m) each. The experiment was la...

Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern of Coagulase-negative Staphylococci isolates from Medical Students of Some Nigerian Teaching Hospitals

Abstract The antimicrobial resistance or otherwise of Coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS) isolates from medical students of some South Eastern Nigerian Universities were determined. Swab samples were obtained from the students and were cultured for CoNS using standard microbiological methods. Isolates obtained were assayed for antibiotic resistance using disc diffusion method. MecA and blaZ genes on 533bp and 510bp respectively, of the isolates were amplify using the Polymerase Chain Reac...

A Robust Prediction Model for Candidates Admission

Selection of prospective candidates to a higher institution of learning based on candidate’s choice of course of study is now becoming a herculean task, particularly when the carrying-capacity of two hundred and fifty–six higher institutions in Nigeria cannot admit over one million eligible candidates seeking admission yearly. Several works have been done in the past using Nave Bayes algorithm, Decision trees, K-Means algorithm, Random Forest and other Machine learning algorithms to predi...

An Improved Gradient Descent Method for Optimization of Supervised Machine Learning Problems

Gradient descent method is commonly used as an optimization algorithm for some machine learning problems such as regression analysis and classification problems. This method is highly applicable for real life of yearly demandprice commodity, agricultural products and Iris flowers. This study proposed the combination of Dai-Yuan (DY) and Saleh and Mustafa (SM) conjugate gradient methods for the optimization of supervised machine learning problems. Experiments were conducted on combined DY and ...

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