Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Analysis Of Proximate, Micronutrients And Determination Of Phytochemicals In Selected Medicinal Plants In Mbita-Homabay County

ABSTRACT About 80% of low income earners in developing countries rely on traditional medicine for their primary health care, hence medicinal plants play an important role in the society. Lannea schweinfurthii, Rhus natalensis and Euclea divinorum, has been extensively used in treating severe headache, dermatological, gastrointestinal, gynaecological, abdominal pains, female sterility among others in several parts of East Africa. In addition, many communities in Kenya including Mbita - Homabay...

Efficacy Of Selected Fungicides And Bio-Control Agents In The Management Of Fusarium Wilt Of Passion Fruit

ABSTRACT Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) is an important fruit crop in Kenya for both local and export market. Production of the crop is constrained by many diseases. Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. passiflorae is one of the major disease of purple passion fruit. Yield losses due to wilt have been estimated up to 80 %. Farmers lack appropriate management strategies for the disease and the use of bio-control agents to manage the disease has not been explored. The objec...

Multivariate Chemometric Analysis Of Radon Concentration In Geothermal Fluids From Homa Mountain, High Background Radiation Area (Hbra

ABSTRACT The activity concentration of radon in geothermal waters from Homa mountain region of south-western Kenya has been measured. Homa mountain is one of the regions in Kenya with elevated background radiation. This region is covered with geothermal grass and has some cold and hot springs. The activity concentration of radon in spring waters, river waters and pond waters from (i) geothermally active HBRA (ii) non-geothermally active HBRA and (iii) non-geothermally active non-HBRA areas of...

In Vitro Antioxidant Activities Of Methanolic Extracts Of Caesalpinia Volkensii Harms, Acacia Hockii De Wild And Vernonia Lasiopus O. Hoffm

ABSTRACT Antioxidants are chemical substances that inhibit oxidation (oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to a chain reaction that may damage cells or other molecules) Free radicals are reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species generated by our bodies naturally during normal metabolic functions. If free radicals overwhelm the body ability to regulate them, a condition known as oxidative stress ensues. Oxidative stress leads to the destruction o...

Implementation Of A Modified Procesi Algorithm To Compute Covariants Of Binary Forms Of Up To Degree Five And Their Relations

ABSTRACT In his book (Procesi,C., 2007), Claudio Procesi suggested a new algorithm for computing covariants of binary forms under the action of SL(2;C), based on an iterative computations of covariants of the simpler group U+. In Procesi book the computation was carried out only for binary forms of degree 3 and 4, but the _rst signi_cant test for the algorithm would be the computation for degree 5. In 2010 summer school in Algebra organized by ICTP in Kenya, Procesi suggested the implementati...

Determination Of Selected Trace Elements And Beta-Carotene In Fresh And Dried Indigenous Vegetables As Potential Food Supplement From Kiambu, Kenya

ABSTRACT Population growth, shortage of food due to unpredicted weather coupled with HIV/AIDS has increased nutritional deficiencies in people living in developing world. Use of micronutrients presents a low-cost strategy for achieving large reductions in death caused by malnutrition. The indigenous green leafy vegetables are of much importance among food crops as they provide adequate amounts of vitamins, immune boosting trace elements and anti-oxidants. The nutritional value of the indigeno...

Enhancing Cowpea Production Through Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculation And Wide Interspecific Crosses

ABSTRACT  Cowpea is a multipurpose legume crop that serves as human food, livestock fodder, and income source and is widely produced in sub-Saharan Africa. Soil fertility and attack by insect pests and diseases are significant limitations to its production. Although farm inputs such as phosphate-rich fertilizers and pesticides can solve the mentioned constraints, they are costly for resource-poor farmers. This study aimed at determining the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation ...

Mechanical, Thermal, Diffusion And Degradation Properties Of High Density Polyethylene ‘And’ Cellulose Blends

ABSTRACT Advanced technology in petrochemical based polymers has brought many benefits to mankind. However; it has become evident that the ecosystem is being disturbed because of non-biodegradable plastic materials. The environmental impact of persistent plastic wastes is growing into a more global concern. Currently, there is considerable interest in biodegradable polymers, which can be used as alternatives to traditional plastics, thus reducing the pollution caused by plastic wastes. The ma...

Physical Activity, Dietary Practices And Nutrition Status Of Hypertensive Patients Attending Kiambu District Hospital, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally, uncontrolled hypertension is a health priority since it raises the risk for the onset of renal failure, heart disease and diabetes. Hypertension complications contribute to high rates of morbidity and mortality. Optimal blood pressure can be achieved by putting in place strategies that encourage routine physical activity engagement and intake of health diets among hypertensive patients. Patient related factors which include unhealthy dietary practices, poor nutrition statu...

Synthesis, Characterization, Bioassay And Density Functional Theory Studies Of Cationic Iron Half Sandwich Complexes Of Selected Heterofunctional Active Pharmaceutical Agents

ABSTRACT The molecular modification of purely organic drugs by the incorporation of a metal atom is an active area of research. However, there is paucity of data in the use of half sandwich organometallic fragments and in particular the cationic iron half sandwich, [ɳ5-C5H5(CO)2Fe]+, in structural modification of drug molecules. The cationic iron half sandwich organometallic fragment provides a metal centre that could participate in biochemical reactions with potentially the desirable benefi...

Antinociceptive, Anti-Inflammatory And Antipyretic Effects Of Solanum Incanum (Linnaeus), Craterostigma Pumilum (Hochst) And Euclea Divinorum (Hiern) In Animal Models.

ABSTRACT Solanum incanum, Craterostigma pumilum and Euclea divinorum have been used for generations as folklore medicine for various ailments associated with pain and inflammation in humans in Kenya. However, there is scarcity of data on scientific studies done on their effectiveness, modes of action, toxicity and their phytochemical composition. The aims of this study was to evaluate the antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic potential of these plants crude extracts, to determine...

Robust M-Estimators Of The Population Mean

Abstract Valuable information may be contained in outliers. Data collected from many medical equipment such as the ECG time-series may result in unusual patterns, a situation that may represent disease conditions. Some outliers may therefore provide an insight into crucial information that may lead to the discovery of new knowledge.Due to the diculties involved in the study of outliers, majority of current research works have chosen not to out-rightly reject the outliers but have adopted...

Antiplasmodial Activities And In Vivo Safety Of Extracts And Compounds Of Seven Indigenous Kenyan Medicinal Plants Used Traditionally To Treat Malaria

ABSTRACT Among human parasitic diseases, malaria is the most important and it has global incidence of 300 to 500 million cases per year with about 1.5 million deaths among African children. Recently the disease has been subjected to massive control efforts with varying degrees of success. The development of parasite and vector resistance to conventional drugs and insecticides has complicated both treatment and control today. The main goal of this project was to identify viable phytomedicines ...

Modeling Of Natural Turbulent Convection In An Enclosure With Localized Heating

ABSTRACT This study model natural turbulent convection in a rectangular enclosure with localized heating. The equations used in modeling the flow are the continuity equation, the momentum equation, and the energy equation. These equations are decomposed using the Reynolds decomposition then the decomposed equations are non-dimensionalized and reduced using the Boussinesq assumptions. The model that is considered is a rectangular enclosure with the lower part of the face-wall being heated and ...

Occurrence Of Schistosoma Mansoni And Its Transmission Risks In School Children In Schistosome Non-Endemic Kagio Area In Kirinyaga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Schistosomiasis is a chronic parasitic disease caused by a blood fluke of the genus Schistosoma. An estimated 249 million people are infected worldwide in about 78 countries with 85% infections occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. In Kenya, an estimated 5 million people are infected with about 12 million people at risk of infection. Schistosomiasis is a major public health concern due to the morbidities caused. Kagio area borders Mwea irrigation scheme which is an endemic area with a pre...

2791 - 2805 Of 8880 Results