Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Speciation Of Cadmium And Lead In Soils From Open-Air Motor Vehicle Workshop In Nairobi And Levels In Nearby Vegetables And Stream

ABSTRACT The presence of toxic metals such as lead and Cadmium in the environment has been a source of worry to environmentalists, government agencies and health practitioners. This is mainly due to their health implications since they are non-essential metals. Heavy metals are associated with various soil components in various ways and the various associations can determine the reactivity, mobility and bioavailability of the metals. The primary objective of the present study was to determine...

The Impact Of Climatic Variability And Malaria Control Interventions On Malaria Parasite Prevalence And Vector Abundance In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT The World Health Organization estimated annual global malaria mortality to be at 405,000 deaths in 2018 making malaria one of the most important diseases in the world. In Kenya, malaria control measures have been put up, however, the ongoing climate change and climatic variability is proving to be a great challenge. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of climatic variability and malaria control interventions on malaria parasite prevalence and vector abundance in west...

Isolation And Characterization Of Antimicrobial Compounds From The Plants, Erythrina Abyssinica Dc. And Chasmanthera Dependens Hochst

ABSTRACT Infectious diseases account for approximately one-half of all deaths in tropical countries. In industrialized nations, despite the progress made in understanding of microbiology and their pathogenic control, incidences of epidemics due to drug resistant micro-organisms and the emergence of hitherto unknown disease causing microbes, pose enormous public health concerns. Thus, there is need to continue the search for appropriate drugs for anti-microbial treatment without much drawback...

Interferometric Analysis Of Cellophane Sheet For Broad Band Application In Phase Retardation

ABSTRACT The analysis of cellophane sheet as a phase retarder is reported. Several cellophane sheets were tested for birefringence and compared with a purpose built half wave plate (HWP). A Mach-Zehnder interferometer was used to generate interference patterns when the cellophane sheet was half-way mounted on one arm of the interferometer. Analysis of the interferograms revealed a clear phase shift which was calculated to be 0.98π. The fast axis was determined to be along the length of the c...

On The Cycle Indices Of The Cyclic And Dihedral Groups Acting On The Cartesian Product Of X

ABSTRACT The concept of cycle index was first discovered by Howard Redfield in 1927. The cycle index formulas of various group actions have been computed since then by various authors. The formulas have been used to count graphs in mathematics and chemical compounds in chemistry. Therefore cycle index is a very useful tool in enumeration. It is widely applied in other fields of study like biology and jewelry industry. The cycle index of the symmetric group acting on ordered pairs, triples an...

Characterisation Of Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides And Effectiveness Of Management Strategies Of Anthracnose Disease Of Avocado In Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Avocado (Persea americana Mill) is a fruit commercially grown worldwide. Its production is affected by anthracnose disease which causes huge loss of avocado fruits both at farm level and in storage. Management of anthracnose disease worldwide has been mainly through use of fungicides. In Kenya, farmers use fungicides such as bayleton, milraz and Copper oxychloride which are not registered for controlling anthracnose in avocado. Despite this, the disease has continued to cause signif...

Feasibility Of Using Geogebra In The Teaching And Learning Of Geometry Concepts In Secondary Schools In Kajiado County, Kenya

ABSTRACT GeoGebra is a free computer application software that provides an algebra view, geometry view, spreadsheet view and an input bar. This study looked at if and how this resource can be used to enhance the teaching of Geometry in secondary schools in Kajiado County in Kenya. The objectives of this study were to assess the applicability of GeoGebra in the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools in Kenya. The relationship in performance of students taught with the help of this innov...

Spatio-Temporal Variability Of Water Quality And Its Response On Growth Of Irrigated Rice In Rusurirwamujyinga Sub-Catchment, Rwanda

ABSTRACT The water quality used for irrigation is essential for the yield and quantity of crops, maintenance of soil productivity, and protection of the environment. Irrigation water quality has a profound effect on soil and plant health. A major concern with water used for irrigation is decreased crop yields and land degradation as a result of poor water and soil management which lead to irrigation induced problems, such as salinity and water-logging capacity. The Rusurirwamujyinga rice irri...

Serum 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D Levels Among Adults Patients with Acne Vulgaris in khartoum state

Abstract Background : Acne vulgaris is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin. Vitamin D plays an important role in the immune system, and its deficiency has been implicated in various skin diseases, including atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Objectives: The aim of this study wasto evaluate the serum 25 hydoxy vitamin D levels among patients with acne vulgaris . Methods: This study was a cross sectional case control hospital base study performed in Khartoum state at military Hospit...

Design and validation of chromatographic and spectrophotometric stability indicating methods for determination of amlodipine besylate and esomeprazole magnesium

Abstract The objectives of this study were both to develop, optimize and validate spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods for the analysis of amlodipine besylate and esomeprazole magnesium in pharmaceutical formulations in presence of their degradation products and to study their stability under various conditions. The spectrophotometric method for amlodipine was based on either its solubility enhancement using different hydrotropic agents including potassium acetate, ammonium acetate...

Advantages of Using Biomass as Alternative Energy

Abstract The focus of the researchis to investigate the advantages of biomass as an alternative energysource to prevent or reduce the additional emissions of greenhouse gases; that is released from the conventional fuels combustion. A studyalso put a spot of light on the potentialof different sources which can produce good amount of biomass as fuelfeed stock.It is clear that biomass can be used as an alternative source of energy if the mentioned recommendations are done.

Concentration Of Selected Nutrients And Heavy Metals In Soils In Tea Farms And Water From Nyamasogota River, Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The issue of water contamination and quality dilapidation in Kenya is more and more becoming a menace to the natural water resources due to modern methods of farming and industrialization which have resulted in water pollution especially in rivers. River Nyamasogota provides water for growing crops and for domestic purposes. The river passes through the areas that have many tea farms where fertilizers are heavily used and hence polluted by inorganic, organic and microbial substances....

Collaboration Challenges Facing Information Literacy Programs In Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology Lirary

ABSTRACT This research project was to investigate the information literacy collaboration challenges in JKUAT library. Information literacy (IL) is a critical pillar in all libraries. It ensures optimal usage of all forms of information resources acquired. It demands collaboration between the library, teaching departments, administrators as well as users to achieve its purpose. The challenge is that this IL partnership is often missing in many information centers. This investigation was t...

Geophysical Investigation Of Mbeu Iron Ore Deposit In Meru County Using Gravity Method

ABSTRACT Gravity survey was used to detect metallic bearing rocks and dense bodies of rocks within host formations in Mbeu area of Tigania. From the study, there is a clear indication of the presence of iron ore in the region. The ground based gravimeter was used to precisely measure variation in the gravity fields at different points. A total of 86 gravity stations were surveyed. The data obtained was corrected for drift, latitude, Free Air and Bouguer corrections from where the Free Ai...

Design And Fabrication Of A Labview Automated Computer-Based Fire Fighting System

ABSTRACT Despite many building have firefighting systems installed in them; many people are still losing their lives and property due to fire accidents. The cost of installation of these systems is usually high and most of them are operated manually. They are often located inside the building which may not be accessible during fire accidents. In this research, an automatic cost effective prototype of a fire fighting system for the detection and control of fire has been designed and fabricated...

2776 - 2790 Of 8880 Results