Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Characterization Of Extracellular Cellulolytic And Xylolytic Enzymes From Organic Waste Degrading Bacteria

ABSTRACT The disposal of untreated municipal wastes is a problem that challenges public and environmental health on global scale. In Kenya, the high population growth rates, urbanization and growth of the industrial sector have compounded the problem of environmental sustainability, notably, due to the large volumes of solid waste generated. The traditional dumping and land filling have been methods of choice for solid waste disposal for many municipalities; however, they lead to the polluti...

Pozzolanicity, Chloride Ingress and Compressive Strength of Laboratory made Kenya ClayPortland Cement Blends

ABSTRACT The study investigated ingress of Clions and their effects on the compressive strength development of a pozzolana based cement. The cement was made by blending Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with selected calcined clays. X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) and flame photometry chemical analysis were carried out as a preliminary test to determine the chemical composition of the sampled clays. It was found that only one of the sampled clays had a sum of Al2O...

Integrating Information Communication And Technology In Mathematics Education At Secondary Level, A Case Of Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the various challenges and opportunities influencing integration of ICT in teaching and learning Mathematics in secondary schools in Nairobi County. The study sought to: Determine the levels of ICT integration in teaching and learning Mathematics; identify the challenges and opportunities of ICT use in teaching and learning Mathematics; and identify best pedagogical practices used in teaching Mathematics using ICT. The study adopted Rogers’s...

Determination Of Fungi And Factors Associated With Their Growth On Sun Dried Rastrineobola Argentea In Gucha South, Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Micro-fungi are microorganisms that can withstand very low water concentrations. This enables them to grow on substrates where most other microorganisms do not grow. Fish is sun dried to reduce post-harvest deterioration and to provide a microbiologically stable product. In humid climatic conditions like those found in Gucha South due to high amount of rainfall throughout the year, the growth of micro-fungi on sun dried Rastrineobola argentea (Omena) is accelerated due to absorption ...

Investigating Turbulent Convection In A Rectangular Enclosure Using Shear Stress Transport K-ω Model

Studies have been done on the aspect ratio effect on natural convection turbulence using standard k-ε model but further studies showed that k-ω SST model performed better than both k-ε and k-ω model in the whole enclosure. Thus, there was need to do a numerical study on the natural convection fluid flow in a rectangular enclosure full of air using SST k-ω model. The left vertical wall of the enclosure was maintained at a steady high temperature Th of 323K while the right wall at a s...

Graphs Whose Automorphism Groups Contain Or Represent The Alternating Groups, An And Symmetric Groups, Sn

ABSTRACT There have been many investigations on the combinatorial structures and invariants over the group actions on the subsets of its elements. Studies on Group Theory have yielded varied and important results in the advancement of Algebra. Several studies have also been made on Graph Theory. Some Mathematicians have studied the concept of automorphisms on graphs thereby yielding important results. Automorphism groups from graphs containing the cyclic and dihedral groups, Cn and Dn respect...

Radiometric Survey And Estimation Of Radiation Exposure From Archean Rocks: A Case Study Of Migori Gold Belt Complex, Kenya

ABSTRACT Natural radiation is the major source of external doses in our environment. Human exposure to high dose rates poses a health risk. In this research work, radiometric survey and dose rate assessment was carried out on Archean rocks within the gold belt mining complex of Migori, Kenya. The objective was therefore to find out the contribution of different Archean rocks to the ambient gamma-ray dose in the mining complex. The high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy NaI (TI) provided a sen...

A Comparative Study Of Antibiotic Resistance Profiles Among Enteric Bacteria In Broilers And Traditional Chicken From Selected Farms In Kericho, Kenya

ABSTRACT Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern for public and animal health. Threats to public health could come from the transfer of pathogens from animals to people via indirect contact such as through food or by direct contact with animals during handling process. Development and prevalence of antibiotic resistance of Salmonella and Escherichia coli strains is common. There is also acquisition of pathogenicity by the commensals. The purpose of the present study was to determine the pr...

Medicinal Plants Of Chuka Community In Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya And Some Of Their Selected Essential Elements

ABSTRACT Medicinal plants are essential components of primary health care, especially for rural communities indeveloping countries. The medicinal plants contain essentialelements that are beneficial therapeutically. For example zinc plays a vital role in wound healing, nervous system, reproductive system and immune system. Chromium helps in metabolism and management of type-2 diabetes. Sodium is the chief extracellular ion and helps to maintain the body’s fluid balance while potassium is th...

Ethnobotanical Survey, Antimicrobial Efficacy And Preliminary Phytochemical Screening Of Selected Anti-Diarrhoeal Medicinal Plants Used By The Samburu Community, Wamba, Samburu District, Keny

ABSTRACT Despite advances in understanding of the causes, treatment and prevention of diarrhoeal diseases an estimated 4.6 million people die from diarhoreal diseases every year. Diarrhoea can either be acute or chronic, with acute diarhoea being the most common form. The main agents of diarrhoreal diseases include viruses like rotavirus, bacteria such as Enterobacteria e.t.c and parasitic agents like Cryptosporidium. The disease has been found to attack mostly the children who are below the ...

Characterization Of Cu2s / Sno2: F P-N Junction For Solar Cell Applications

ABSTRACT Due to industrialization and increase in population, there is need for clean, green and renewable source of electrical energy. Traditional sources of electrical energy like fossil fuels are getting depleted, on the other hand silicon based solar cells are expensive hence the need for low cost and reliable alternative source of energy. Photovoltaic is a reliable energy source which is renewable. Photovoltaic is a process of conversion of solar energy to electricity directly using...

Analysis Of Essential Trace Elements In Soils, Amaranthus Cruentus And Amaranthus Hypochondriacus Grains, Leaves And Stems From Selected Parts Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya has been experiencing rising cases of diseases such as diabetes, tuberculosis, liver complications, HIV/AIDS among others. Management of these conditions can be enhanced by use of plant-based trace elements. There is a need therefore to investigate crops that can provide a cheap source of these essential immune boosting trace elements. Grain amaranth is grown in different parts of Kenya including Bureti, Mt Elgon, Bondo, Meru and Embu. However, little research has been reporte...

Assessment Of The Geothermal Potential Of Lake Baringo Area Using Magnetic Method

ABSTRACT Ground magnetic survey in Lake Baringo area was carried out to examine underlying geology in relation to anomalies in the magnetic field of the earth arising from the magnetic properties of subsurface lithology. This has been done to delineate areas associated with high temperature reservoir in the study area and establish if it relates with the occurrence of geothermal manifestations. The field stations were selected carefully along a profile in the study area and were positioned us...

Determination Of Biodiversity And Symbiotic Efficiency Of Native Rhizobia Isolated From Different Regions In Kenya

ABSTRACT Crop production has continued to decline in sub-Saharan Africa due to soil infertility and increased cost of farm inputs. To enhance food security, farmers have adopted the use of both inorganic and organic fertilizers on their farms. The production and use of inorganic chemical fertilizers are not only expensive for family farming systems but also contribute significantly to environmental pollution. Biological nitrogen fixation using rhizobia has proven to be a cost-effective and en...

Ranks And Subdegrees Of The Symmetric Group Acting On Ordered R-Element Subsets N S

ABSTRACT The action of the symmetric group Sn on ordered subsets from the set X 1, 2, , n is an aspect that seems to have received little attention for a long time. Most studies have focused on the action of n S on unordered subsets leaving many properties about its action on ordered subsets unknown. This research is set to determine the rank and subdegrees of n S acting on r X , the set of all ordered r-element subsets from X. Particular cases when r  2, 3 and 4 have b...

2851 - 2865 Of 8880 Results