Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Dietary And Care Practices, Morbidity And Nutritional Status Of The Elderly In Igembe South, Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Malnutrition is one of the main factors that contribute significantly to health status mortality and general wellbeing of elderly people. The elderly have a greater risk of malnutrition due to high morbidity rate, lack of care and support, loss of muscle mass that normally come with ageing and physiological changes that derail intake of food, digestion, nutrients absorption and metabolism. Physical disabilities also interfere with their ability to look for and prepare food. For any ...

Determination Of Selected Essential Elements In Traditional Vegetables, Medicinal Plants, Fruits And Conventionally Grown Vegetables In Koibatek, Kenya

ABSTRACT There is growing awareness about the efficacy of essential elements in the maintenance of good health and prevention of diseases. Zinc plays a vital role in wound healing, immune system, reproductive system and nervous system. Zinc wades off oxygen free radicals and also aid in metabolism of carbohydrates by assisting insulin to function. Chromium lowers blood sugar and also works with insulin in metabolization of sugar, while copper is required for conversion of body’s Fe into ha...

Levels Of Selected Heavy Metals In Aloe Vera Branded Skin Cosmetics

ABSTRACT Over years, it has been reported that long term exposure of heavy metals such as mercury(Hg), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) would result into numerous dangers among these; being carcinogenic, sterility and behavioural abnormalities. While there are various sources of heavy metals, both herbal (those made from Aloe vera, neem and olive oil among others) and synthetic cosmetics and toiletries are equally feared as, would be sources especially if levels are above those set by the World He...

Phytochemical Composition And Repellency Of Volatiles Emitted By Live Potted Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Plants Against Anopheles Gambiae Sensu Stricto.

ABSTRACT The malaria vector Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto remains one of the principal malaria transmission vectors in developing countries, particularly within the tropics and sub-Saharan Africa. Current methods of control are based on synthetic chemical insecticides, but these are costly and inaccessible by poor communities, and large-scale use leads to vector resistance and toxicity to beneficial non-target organisms. Plant-based products have been used for generations in traditional pra...

Effects Of Climate Variability And Other Factors On The Outbreak And Spread Of Newcastle Disease In Suneka Division Of Kisii County

ABSTRACT Newcastle Disease (ND) is a common occurrence in Suneka Division. ND is caused by Avian Paramyxovirus Type 1, is one of the most significant diseases for poultry producers around the world. This poultry disease is influenced directly or indirectly by weather as it affects the timing and the intensity of an outbreak. This thesis examined the factors influencing the outbreak and the spread of Newcastle disease in Suneka Division of Kisii County. The objectives of study were; to invest...

Magnetotelluric And Transient Electromagnetic Imaging For Geothermal Resources In Arus-Bogoria Area In Kenya

ABSTRACT Details of the Earth’s subsurface are largely obscured because it’s difficult to make direct observation of the Earth’s subsurface. Geophysical exploration methods, however, provide a means of remotely examining the Earth’s subsurface. This study therefore seeks to image for geothermal prospects in Arus-Bogoria area using Magnetotelluric (MT) and Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) methods. MT method has the greatest exploration depth whereas TEM has the best resolution at shall...

Heat And Mass Transfer In Magnetohydrodynamics Flow About A Horizontal Plate Past, A Finite Porous Plate

Abstract An investigation of heat and mass transfer in MHD  ow about a horizontal plate past nite plate, in a porous medium was carried out. The eect of magnetic eld on mass and heat transfer was investigated. The study was governed by Navier- stokes equations, energy equation, Ohm's law and concentration equation. These equations were formulated inform of partial dierential equations to represent the general phenomena of mass and heat. Then, the general equations were modied into spe...

Nutrient Intake, Diet Satisfaction And Nutrition Status Of Adult Surgical Orthopaedic Patients Admitted At University Teaching Hospital In Lusaka, Zambia

ABSTRACT Orthopaedic injuries are common globally with the highest prevalence reported in the sub-Saharan region. In hospitals, malnutrition is a significant problem in both developed and developing countries, its prevalence ranging from 20 – 60%. Malnutrition is reported to be common among orthopaedic patients due to disease, inadequate nutrient intake and low diet satisfaction associated with quality of hospital food. Untreated malnutrition is detrimental to individuals, societies and ec...

Assessment Of Human Exposure To Natural Source Of Radiation On The Soil In Tongaren Constituency Of Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Radionuclides are unstable nuclei with high ratio of proton to neutron. Natural activities like volcanic eruption and anthropogenic activities expose originally concealed radioactive elements in the rocks within the earth crust. Poor agricultural practices such as excessive use of fertilizers add radioactive elements in the soil. Transport agents like run-off water and rivers, spreads these radionuclides within the soil in Tongaren Constituency. The radionuclides disintegrate to for...

Women Collective Actions And Performance Of Their Informal Groups: Analysis Of Rotating Savings And Credit Associations In Muthara Division, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study examined Rotating Savings and Credit Associations’ (ROSCAs) socio- economic benefits to members who overcame the collective action challenges to significantly achieve ROSCA goals in Muthara Division Meru County, Kenya. The study objectives were to outline factors influencing women membership into ROSCAs; assess social economic benefits of ROSCAs that improve economic performance of women participants; determine opportunities and challenges affecting performance of ROSCAs...

Molecular Characterization Of Sclerocarya Birrea (Marula) Field Genebank Collections

ABSTRACT Scelerocarya birrea is an important fruit tree that is widely used by the rural populations in most regions in which it is found, for its fruits, bark, timber, and even its roots. Studies have shown that the tree has the potential to boost nutrition, health and income security in Africa. However, the local communities harvest the tree products from the wild with minimal attempts to grow it on-farm. The sustainability of such wild harvests is threatened by agriculture, overgrazing, a...

Prevalence And Genetic Diversity Of Hepatitis B And C Viruses Among Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected Individuals In Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Viral hepatitis B and C co-infections among Human immunodeficiency virus infected patients is significantly becoming a worrying public health problem worldwide. The three infectious viruses’ shares common routes of transmission including, blood transfusion, sexual intercourse, and injecting drug users among others, which could be the reason for the co-infections observed in the previous studies in sub-Sahara Africa. In Kenya, the documented data from the studies conducted indicate ...

Determination Of Levels Of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids In Symphytum Asperumlepech Growing In Selected Parts Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Comfrey (Symphytum asperum Lepech) is widely used in Kenya and other countries as a vegetable, herbal medicine and animal feed. It is known to have high nutritional and medicinal value. However, in some countries like the USA and Australia, its usage has been restricted to external application, and in others like Germany, its usage has been banned altogether. This is because the plant contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) that are associated with hepatotoxicity, mutagenicity and ter...

Evaluation Of Anti-Trypanosomal Activity Of Extracts Of Selected Meliaceae Plant Species By In Vitro And In Vivo Assays

ABSTRACT African human trypanosomiasis (HAT) and African animal trypanosomiasis (AAT) are vectorborne parasitic diseases, which are among the most neglected diseases in the world. They cause major health and economic problems in rural sub-Saharan Africa. Chemotherapy, the main means of controlling the disease is limited due to parasite resistance and toxicity of the current anti-trypanosomal drugs. The development of a vaccine has been thwarted by antigenic variation of the parasite. Thus, t...

Levels of physicochemical parameters and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water, soils and sediments from a section of river nzoia, kakamega county-kenya.

ABSTRACT Water pollution is an overbearing environmental challenge due to increasing anthropogenic activities from industrial, agricultural and domestic fronts. While data on the water quality such as heavy metals and physico-chemical parameters is enormous, that onpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) presents a research gap. The 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the environment have increasingly become a health risk as a result of anthropogenic activities. The study was unde...

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