Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

In Vitro Antioxidant Effects Of Dichloromethane –Methanol Leaf Blend Extracts Of Clutia Abyssinica And Maytenus Obscura.

ABSTRACT Oxidative stress is a state of imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. It is the main cause of several disease conditions such as diabetes, different types of cancers, cardiovascular diseases, inflammation and aging. Oxidative stress is managed by use of antioxidants which can be obtained in the diet or given as supplements. Antioxidants are substances with the ability to prevent oxidation of other molecules in the body by free radicals. Antioxidants react with ...

Numerical Modeling Of Heavy Metals In Riverine Systems In Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Heavy metals are gradually being added into water resources due to the rise in Municipal, industrial and agricultural activities. The fate of heavy metals being in water systems is mainly controlled by transport processes. Transportation of heavy metals by rivers can be both as metal in solution and adsorbed to suspended solids. A one dimension environmental model has been developed in this work to simulate the transport of heavy metals discharged into a riverine system. The model h...

Major Causes Of Outmigration In Mukurweini, Nyeri County, Kenya 2000-2015

ABSTRACT This study focused on finding the major factors explaining the decline in population in Mukurweini Region, Nyeri County, Kenya 2000-2015. The researcher used 1989, 1999 and 2009 censuses data to determine the trend. The study was hinged on education level, economic status, age and gender with emphasis on how they affect Outmigration in Mukurweini. The study was based on the neoclassical theory pioneered by Harris and Todaro (1970) which indicates that international migration is infl...

Effects Of Cabbage Plant Residues And Chemical Soil Fumigation On Bacterial Wilt Caused By Soil-Borne Ralstonia Solanacearum

ABSTRACT Ralstonia solanacearum (RS) is the causal agent of bacterial wilt (BW) which affects over 200 species of tropical and subtropical plants. The study of these bacteria is of economic importance since it poses a big threat to the solanaceous crops. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of inorganic compounds treatment(s) namely: ChalimTM (Calcium hypochrolite), Metham sodium (MS) (positive control) and negative control (Co) versus organic compound such as Brassica s...

The Design Of A Sensor -Based Computerized Traffic Lights Control System

ABSTRACT Automatic control systems penneate life in all advanced societies today. Such systems act as catalysts in promoting progress and development. They are integral components of any industrial society and are necessary for the production of standardized and quality goods. Suitable signal plans at each road intersections can be used to solve the problem of traffic :flow. These plans could be fixed-time, time varying, or traffic actuated. Traffic control systems have evolved during the 20...

Assessment Of Salinity And Sodicity Of Water Used For Irrigation In Three Sub-Catchments In The Upper Athi River Basin, Kenya

ABSTRACT The erratic pattern of rainfall over the years coupled with increasing population has left no option but to cultivate more farmlands through irrigation to meet food demand. Irrigated Agriculture as essential as it is if not done with care through good practices and use of quality water can lead to soil salinization and ecological unsustainability. In Kenya a lot of irrigated lands have been abandoned after few years of cultivation due to salinization. This study was carried out to a...

Regeneration And RNAi-Mediated Downregulation Of Cyano-Glycoside Biosynthesis In Cassava (Manihot Esculenta, Crantz)

ABSTRACT Cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) is an important perennial tropical crop for millions of people around the world particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is preferred due to its agronomical attributes such as ability to grow in poor soils and drought resistance. Cassava storage roots are also a good source of starch. In addition, cassava leaves and tender shoots are eaten as vegetables in many parts of Africa, Kenya included and are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and pro...

Comparison Of The Performance Of Estimators In Estimation Of Finite Population Total

ABSTRACT In this project we compare the performance of two different estimators of the population total. One estimator is model-based and the other one is model assisted. We look at model-based properties of the two estimators. We observe that under the general model, the biases of the two estimators are different

Simulating The Effects Of Dam Breakage On The Downstream Topography: Morphological Evolution Of Mounds And A Furrow

Abstract In this work we apply a finite volume discretization technique based on a relaxation scheme to simulate the morphological evolution of the topography as a result of a dam break, that causes flooding downstream of the breach location. The considered mathematical model comprise of shallow water equations coupled with the bed updating equation which is modified to account for sediment entrainment process. Thus the model comprises a set of highly nonlinear hyperbolic partial differentia...

Heavy Metal And Organochlorine Pollutants In Tissues Of Marine Fauna Along The Coast Of Mombasa Island - Kenya

ABSTRACT Marine pollution is increasingly becoming a problem along the Kenyan coast. ' I Heavy metals and organochlorine pollutants have the potential to damage the delicate marine ecosystem with the result that the country's important foreign exchange earner - tourism - could seriously be affected. This study aimed at assessing the levels of cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, manganese, iron and titanium using Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescene (EDXRF) and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) in...

Impact Of Spirulina Corn Soya Blend On Protein Energy Malnourished And Iron Deficient Children Aged 6-23 Months In Ndhiwa Sub-county-kenya

Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) and iron deficiency Anemia (IDA) affect children below five years globally. Studies in Kenya show levels of stunting (26%), wasting (4%), underweight (11%) and low iron intakes (7%) among children aged 6-23 months. These children are at critical period of rapid growth marked by malnutrition which can be irreversible if not effectively addressed. The standard CSB to manage PEM is inadequate in energy and micronutrients. Spirulina powder is richer in prot...

Assessment And Mapping Of Groundwater Quality In The Thiririka Sub Catchment Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Groundwater is an important natural resource used for drinking by many people globally, especially in rural and peri-urban areas, but this resource cannot be sustainably used unless its quality is ascertained. Urbanization and the increasing population growth in the Thiririka Sub Catchment has put increasing pressure on natural resources and social services such as housing, water supply and sanitation, education and health facilities in the Sub Catchment. This increased in demand, c...

Prevalence Of Dengue Viral Infections Among Febrile Patients In Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Dengue virus infection is one of the major global public health problems. It is caused by one of the four dengue virus (DENV) serotypes that are transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Following infection, an individual remains vulnerable to re-infection with a different serotype of the DENV. The infection usually occurs with clinical manifestations ranging from an asymptomatic or mild febrile illness as classical dengue fever to the potentially life-threatening illness, dengue hemorrhagic...

Suborbital Graphs Of The Groups C, D And U And Graphs Whose Automorphism Groups Contain The Permutation Groups C And D

ABSTRACT Many authors have studied the suborbital graphs of various group actions and their corresponding properties. This thesis investigates the actions of the cyclic group and the dihedral group on the diagonals of a regular -gon and the properties of their corresponding suborbital graphs. In addition, it focuses on the action of the multiplicative group of units on , the set of non zero elements in . The properties of the corresponding suborbital graphs to this action are also investigat...

Zoonotic Gastrointestinal Helminths And Hemoparasites Of Baboons In Tana River, Tsavo And Laikipia, Kenya

ABSTRACT Zoonotic pathogens are among the most important causes of ill health in humans all over the world. In Kenya, the encroachment of wildlife habitats has led to increased interaction between humans and non-human primates especially baboons hence potential for zoonoses transmission. However, a risk analysis for these zoonoses had not been undertaken in Kenya. The current study aimed to investigate hemoparasites and gastrointestinal parasites of olive baboons (Papio anubis) at the human�...

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