Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Hydrogeochemical Analysis And Modelling Of Ground Water In Mbeere South Sub-County, Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Clean water is an essential commodity for a healthy nation. A fifth of all water used in the world is obtained from groundwater. In arid and semi-arid areas, groundwater is the main source of water for domestic and irrigation purposes. The semi-arid climate, few perennial water bodies and growing population in Mbeere South, Embu County has resulted into increased use of groundwater for both domestic and irrigation necessities. This has put pressure on these water sources leading...

Overweight And Obesity Prevalence And Associated Socioeconomic Factors, Physical Activity And Dietary Intake Among Women In Kibera Division, Nairobi

ABSTRACT Overweight and obesity is an escalating problem worldwide, yet extensive data especially in Africa is still lacking. The main objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity and associated socio-economic factors, physical activity, and dietary intake among women in Nairobi, Kenya. A crosssectional design was used. Data on socio-economic factors of the women, their physical activity and dietary intake patterns, as well as anthropometric measuremen...

Effects Of Biochar And Compost On Soil Physicochemical Properties And Maize Yield In Acidic Ferralsol In Kamiti Sub-Catchment, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The rapidly increasing global population, climate change and dwindling resources have made it very difficult to meet global food demand. To address the issue of food insecurity, sustainable intensification of agriculture (SIA) has been proposed. However, the consequences of poorly managed agricultural intensification can negatively affect the ecosystem. Biochar and compost application has been widely recommended as a highly promising soil fertility replenishment option to promote sus...

The Hydraulic Characteristics Of Mbano And Environs, Imo River Basin, Nigeria Using Geoelectric Data

ABSTRACT Hydro-geophysical study of Mbano and environs, Southeastern Nigeria was carried out with the objective of estimating aquifer hydraulic parameters from resistivity data. Thirty-six (36) vertical electrical resistivity (VES) sounding data using the Schlumberger array were acquired with a maximum current electrode spread of 1000m using the ABEM Terrameter SAS 4000. Out of the thirty-six (36) VES soundings, fourteen (14) parametric soundings were carried out at the locations of existing...

Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Hard Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) Sampled from Wild Herbivores from Lake Nakuru and Tsavo National Parks in Kenya

ABSTRACT Hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) are ubiquitous blood feeding ectoparasites that infest humans and animals and are vectors of pathogenic micro-organism of rickettsial, bacterial, viral and protozoal origin that cause severe infectious diseases in humans and livestock. Wild herbivores support a large population of these vectors and accurate and quick identification of ticks is therefore important. Morphological identification based on phenotypic criteria has been the main approach but the...

Stresses Resulting From Fluid Flow In Pipes

ABSTRACT The determination of the components of stress on a pipe made of either linearly elastic or non-linearly elastic material and subjected to internal fluid pressure is of immense benefit to engineers. Chung et al [2] worked on a class of non-linearly elastic type with some degree of success. This work seeks an improvement on [2]. It will do this by obtaining such components of stress in a form that engineers will find easy to use. Towards obtaining the required components, the radial d...

Protective And Antioxidant Properties Of “Aqueous Anti-Ulcer Drug “Aqaud”, Against Aspirin-Induced Gastric Ulcers In Rats

ABSTRACT The protective and antioxidant properties of Aqueous Anti-ulcer Drug (AQAUD) against Aspirin-induced gastric ulcers in albino rats were investigated. In this study, thirty male albino rats were divided into five groups. Rats in group I served as normal control and received food and water. Animals in group II received food and water in addition to aspirin 400mg/kg.b.wt orally on the 14th day. Rats in groups III, IV and V received “AQAUD” 250mg/kg.b.wt, 500mg/kg.b.wt and Omeprazol...

Diffusivity Of Chloride And Sulphate Ions Into Mortar Cubes Made Using Ordinary Portland And Portland Pozzolana Cements

ABSTRACT Cement is subject to degradation by aggressive media found in the environment. Durability tests are therefore necessary for any cementitious material in a given aggressive environment. This study investigated chloride and sulphate diffusivity in mortar made from selected Kenyan cements. The test cements included three brands of Ordinary Portland Cements (OPC) and three brands of Portland Pozzolana Cements (PPC). The test cements were used to make mortar prisms at different water / ce...

Optimization Of Acid Pretreatment Procedures For Oil Palm Trunk Fibers Used In Production Of Sugar

The Oil Palm Trunk (OPT) fiber was pretreated, using Tetraoxosulphate (vi) acid H2SO4, Hydrochloric acid HCl, and Trioxonitrate (v) acid HNO3, at temperature of 80 o C, and residence time varying from 15 to 45 minutes, and acid concentration between 1-2.5%. It was found that the optimum acid concentration and residence time for highest sugar yield, was 1% w/w and 30minutes for the three acids investigated. Hydrolysis with HCl gave the highest sugar yield. The effect of additives such as 0.5M ...

Online Hotel Booking System

ABSTRACT The study Online Hotel Reservation System is the design of an electronically driven system that will enable travelers to book hotel from anywhere in the world at their convenience. This is prompted by the fact that the cost of booking a hotel accommodation is becoming increasingly high with low information of where one can get a good hotel. The main objective in this study is to design a website that is user friendly, has a secured payment system and can provide information to custo...

Nutritional Quality And Physico-Chemical Properties Of The Seed And Oil Of Chinese Fan Palm

ABSTRACT The oil of the raw seeds of Livistona chinensis (Chinese fan palm) was extracted and its physico-chemical properties evaluated. The proximate composition and the anti-nutrients present in the pulp, raw seed, blanched (4, 6, and 8 minutes), cooked (20, 40 and 60 minutes) and the roasted (1100C for 5, 10 and 15 minutes) seeds were determined. An acute toxicity study was also carried out on the seed during which albino rats were differently fed the raw and also the cooked and roasted s...

Evaluation Of Regeneration Response In Tissue Culture Of Selected Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Varieties Adapted To Eastern And Southern Africa

ABSTRACT Cotyledon explants from mature groundnut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.) adapted to eastern and southern Africa, were optimized to obtain adventitious shoot buds with high frequencies. This was done using commercial bleach (jik, active ingredient sodium hypochlorite (3.5% v/v NaOCl) at different concentrations and exposure time as compared to 0.1% mercuric chloride. Results showed that 0.525% NaOCl and 1.050% NaOCl concentrations within an exposure time of 10-20 minutes were the optimum ...

Institutional, Cultural And Socio-Economic Barriers To Women’s Contraceptive Use In Butula Sub-County, Busia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The government of Kenya has put in place various strategies and policies to increase the uptake of family planning services and also increase the mean age at first marriage as a step towards reducing the fertility rate. This is the cornerstone of reducing poverty and improving the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Despite these policy measures, the Total Fertility Rates (TFR) of some regions still remains high above the country’s rate of 3.9, according to the Kenya Demogra...

Characterization Of The Genetic Diversity And Pathogenecity Of Colletotrichum Kahawae, Using Random Amplified Polymorphic Dna (Rapd) Analysis.

ABSTRACT Coffee is a small shrub which is a source of a stimulating beverage. It ranks as one of the world's major commodity crops and is the major export product of many countries including Kenya. Economic production of Arabica coffee in Kenya is greatly hindered by the Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) caused by Colletotrichum kahawae. Since the release of the resistant Ruiru 11 in 1985, efforts have been devoted to the improvement of the genetic base of resistance, but this has faced the problem ...

Characterization of flavonoids from candidate striga weed controlling food legumes; cicer arietinum l. And vigna radiata l.

ABSTRACT In Africa, intercropping of some legumes with cereal crops has been found to cause remarkable reduction of Striga infestation and improved production of cereal crop. Desmodium uncinatum controls Striga infestation in intercrop with cereals through an allelopathic mechanism, which involves post-germination growth inhibitors exuded from the roots. Allelopathy is a natural and environmentally friendly technique, which has a potential to be a new approach for weed control. A standardize...

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