Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Nutrient Composition And Consumer Acceptability Of Maize/Mushroom Composite Porridge For Complementary Feeding In Siaya County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Childhood undernutrition remains a key issue of concern to many countries, in the post 2015 global agenda for development with many developing countries particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) being affected. Undernutrition is a leading contributor to child morbidity and mortality being culpable for half of global child mortalities. Nutrition sensitive approaches are being advocated for sustainable outcomes, in the fight against malnutrition in vulnerable populations. Food based str...

Bio-Control Of Cercospora Leaf Spot Disease Of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogeae) Using Extracts Of Moringa Oleifera Lam. And Jatropha Curcas L.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT) research farm. The Experiment was laid out in a RCBD form. Extracts from roots and seeds of Moringa oleifera and Jatropha curcas were tested at 10% concentration and sprayed after 2,3 and 4 weeks in three different growing periods of groundnut; 2, 3 and 4 weeks. Some plant extrated were mixed with 3ml of an emulsifier made from castor oil known as RIMULGAN and then separately added to each of the...

Food Handlers Perception On Food Safety, Occurrence And Characterization Of Enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated From Foods Of Animal Origin In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT Diarrheal diseases are the commonest manifestation of food poisoning, which are fatal. Knowledge, attitude and practice of food handlers influence the occurrence of food poisoning. Staphylococcus aureus is considered the third most important cause of food-borne diseases in the world after Salmonella species and C. perfringens. Antimicrobial resistance and enterotoxigenic properties of S. aureus in food of animal origin in many parts of Kenya are scanty. The aim of the study was to in...

Analysis Of Magnetohydrodynamic Stagnation Point Flow Due To A Fluid Towards A Convectively Heated Permeable Stretching Sheet

ABSTRACT Stagnation-point flow of an electrically conducting fluid over a continuously stretching surface in presence of magnetic fields is significant in many industrial processes such as the metallurgy, polymer processing, glass blowing, filaments drawn through quiescent electrically conducting fluid subject to magnetic fields, cooling of metallic plate, hot rolling, wire drawing, aerodynamic extrusion of plastic sheets, crystal growing. In these applications of stagnation point flow, the d...

Assessment Of Nutritional Quality Of Market Samples Of Fruit Drinks In Owerri

ABSTRACT Nutritional quality of market samples of some fruit drinks were assessed through laboratory analysis. The assessment covered the determination of quality parameters of six brands of fruits drinks which include California brands of orange and pineapple drinks, orange and pineapple fruta drinks and 5 – alive orange and pineapple drinks. The assessment indices included the determination of proximate compositions, mineral composition and vitamin composition of the drinks. From the res...

Assessment And Evaluation Of Factors Affecting Teledensity Growth In Nigeria [2001 To 2011]

ABSTRACT Liberalization of Telecommunication Industry was established in 2001 by the Olusegun Obasanjo administration and since then, it is a common knowledge that Nigeria’s Tele-density have improved. However, it is the researcher’s intention to put this level of improvement in quantifiable terms vis-a-viz certain factors and distribution pattern. This study span for ten years [2001-2011] and four leading telecommunication firms were selected to represent the entire Telecommunication In...

Seed Quality Of Soybean (Glycine Max [L.] Merrill) Genotypes Under Varying Storage And Priming Methods, Mother Plant Nutrient Profiles And Agro-Ecologies In Kenya

ABSTRACT Soybean is one of the most important sources of protein and vegetable oil in the world. The demand for soybeans in Kenya is high yet production is negligible due to various challenges, one of which is lack of a well-organized soybean seed system. Soybean seed has been known to deteriorate rapidly in the tropics but the rates vary with the environment, initial quality of the seed and genotype. The broad objective of the research was to enhance soybean seed longevity and vigor through ...

Application Of Deterministic And Stochastic Analysis Of Fault Seal Integrity In Baka Field, Niger Delta.

ABSTRACT Fault seal analysis in fault dependent reservoirs were carried out at different reservoir levels in the Baka Field, Niger Delta. These involved stratigraphic correlation, 3-D seismic interpretation of faults and horizons, time-depth conversion of all interpreted faults and structural maps using both check-shot and synthetic seismogram. Also, static models of all interpreted reservoir levels, and 3-D deterministic and stochastic fault seal integrity models were carried out. The deter...

Antinutritional And Physicochemical Properties Of Flours Blended From Selected Tropical Tubers And Processed Bambara Groundnut (Vigna Subterranean).

ABSTRACT Some selected tropical root and stem tubers (cassava, cocoyam, sweet potato and yam) were dried and processed into flours. The cassava tuber was processed into flour using the high quality grading method. Bambara groundnut was processed to obtain the conventional bambara groundnut flour, bambara groundnut cotyledon flour and the steamed bambara groundnut cotyledon flour. Composite flours were formulated using each of the root tubers and each of the bambara groundnut treatments in th...

Antimicrobial Activities And Preservative Potentials Of Some Plant Extracts In Minced Meat.

ABSTRACT The antimicrobial activities and preservative potentials of crude plant extracts of stem bark of Alstonia boonei, leaves of Euphorbia hirta and seeds of Moringa oleifera were studied. Soxhlet extraction method and cold ethanol extraction method were used for the extraction of the dried and ground plant samples. The well in agar diffusion method was used for the antibacterial screening at different concentrations of 25mg/ml, 50mg/ml, 100mg/ml and 200mg/ml on Eschericia coli, Bacillus...

Assessing Gender Roles In Dagaa Fishery Value Chain Among Fishing Communities On Lake Victoria Beaches In Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Fisheries in the East Africa region have suffered due to less emphasis given to some fishery specifically Dagaa (Rastrineobolaargentea), whose quantity is the highest of all the species in the Lake Victoria. Despite the importance of this resource in Kenya, there has been a concern of gender parity and inequality in terms of roles played by both gender in harvesting, processing, trading and marketing in the Dagaa fishery. This study analyzed gender roles in Dagaa Fishery Value Chain ...

Childcare Practices, Morbidity Status And Nutrition Status Of Preschool Children (24-59 Months) Living In Orphanages In Kwale County, Kenya

ABSTRACT High adult mortality due to various causes like HIV and AIDS has led to an upward trend of the number of orphans and vulnerable children. Extended family networks have taken the responsibility of caring for these children but lack of adequate resources for their care has forced the caretakers of these children to take them to orphanages. As a consequence to the ever-increasing number of orphans, there has been mushrooming of orphanages in the country. Appropriate childcare practices ...


Weed infestation is one of the major biotic constraints in wheat production. Wheat is infested withdiverse type of weed flora, as it is grown under diverse agro climatic conditions, different cropping sequence, andtillage and irrigation regimes. For controlling weeds in wheat, growers mostly rely on herbicides due to cost and timeeffectiveness. For control of diverse weed flora in wheat combination of herbicides or as sequential, if not compatibleare required. However, sole dependence on herb...

Geophysical Exploration For Iron Ore Prospect Using Gravity Method In Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Ground gravity survey covering an area of 60km2 in Kimachia and Mbeu, area of Tigania- West Sub-County of Meru County, Kenya was conducted to establish iron ore extent in the area. A Sodin 410 gravimeter was used to measure the gravity field‟s variations in the 278 established stations. At each station the location coordinates and elevation were obtained using Global Positioning System, Garmin 45 model. The time of measurement at each station was also recorded. Gravity reducti...

Evaluation Of Antimicrobial Activity Of Some Plants Used By Traditional Healers For Treatment Of Microbial Infections In Kakamega District: Kenya

Abstract Resistance to drugs especially antibiotics has become a major challenge facing the medical fraternity today. Most antibiotics that were once effective against pathogenic micro-organisms have now been rendered ineffective owing to resistance developed by these pathogens. This scenario has been complicated by the emergence of HIV/AIDS, which renders the victims immuno-compromised, and open to opportunistic infections. At the same time, most of the African population lives below the pov...

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